"zen" afternoon with my horse

olivia x

Well-Known Member
29 December 2013
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I just had the loveliest most relaxing afternoon with my horse. I spent a good half hour grooming her, talking to her, etc before even thinking of tacking up, and she got so relaxed that she was falling asleep, eyes closed, head and neck down. It was great-- because that was just what I wanted for her. Our ride was equally meant to be relaxing, wanting lots of long and low stretching, lots of walking, lots and lots and lots, and again, she was fantastic. She did have a snorty moment at a pile of moulty horse hair in the school!! :eek::D but was otherwise relaxed, stretching into contact, lovely. Spent another half-hour/forty-five minutes after the ride with more grooming, talking, relaxing, and again, she yawned, closed her eyes and just relaxed. And I felt super relaxed and super connected to her from all the time with her before and after the ride. A great afternoon! :)