Zylkene Equine, problems?


Well-Known Member
14 June 2006
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I tried my boy on this product as he's still recovering from Impar ligament damage, he's on controlled exercise & due to go under saddle shortly still on controlled exercise.
He's very exhuberant & i needed something to just take the edge off him as turning him out & bringing him in was becoming like running the Gauntlet of death. So because he cant have Magnesium calmers i decided to give Zylkene a try.

Well he was like a dope on a rope in the stable, but out of it he was extremely dangerous. His reactions where completely ott & nothing would calm him. Once back in the stable he would go back to being a dope on a rope, but he was still acting strange. Being very funny & wanting to smell people. Once he'd sniff you he would then snort & shy. I did try him for a 2nd day on the Zylkene as i really couldnt believe it was that. But same odd dangerous behaviour again.

Obviously ive taken him off it, has anyone else had problems like this??

Ive now got him on V-Calm & it's working really well, but ive got virtually a full box of Zlykene that cost over £60:mad:


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15 October 2010
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I tried this on my big lad after box rest for 10 days. I found no difference in his behaviour at all. I wouldn't recommend it.


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29 January 2008
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I used it on our 2yo when he was on boxrest - gave him about 2 weeks worth of one sachet daily (he is about 15.3hh). It definitely took the edge off him as he had never been in a stable in his life except for the odd meal indoors and all his friends were still out. He was very stressy for the first day or so but then took to it like a duck to water. I honestly think it made a difference and have some left which I would use again if needed. I used it for a farrier visit (gave 2 days prior to the visit) as he had been difficult for trimming - he was much quieter. I did not notice any out of the ordinary behavour.


Well-Known Member
23 September 2010
East Sussex
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I haven't had any clients report such behaviour TBH. I'd do two things...contact the vets and they can get in touch with the VMD to make an adverse reactions report for the company to know about. I'd also ask your vets if they will refund you the cost of the sachets that are not used....we dispense part boxes so we'd take the unopened drug back - but you'd need to ask your own vets.



Well-Known Member
14 June 2006
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I haven't had any clients report such behaviour TBH. I'd do two things...contact the vets and they can get in touch with the VMD to make an adverse reactions report for the company to know about. I'd also ask your vets if they will refund you the cost of the sachets that are not used....we dispense part boxes so we'd take the unopened drug back - but you'd need to ask your own vets.


Thanks Imogen, unfortunately i didnt buy through my Vets as they where much more expensive than buying online. So i don't have a way to get any money back on the Box, never mind it's one of those things. My horse is such that if there is an adverse reaction to any product he will get it.

I have told my Vet but im not sure if he's going to get in touch with the VMD.

The V-calm is working wonders though so im really pleased ive found something to just take the edge of him. He's almost 18hh & is very bored with the controlled exercise, so he likes to improvise whenever he can lol.


Well-Known Member
23 September 2010
East Sussex
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Thanks Imogen, unfortunately i didnt buy through my Vets as they where much more expensive than buying online. So i don't have a way to get any money back on the Box, never mind it's one of those things.
Shame - I guess that's one of the trade offs ;)

I have told my Vet but im not sure if he's going to get in touch with the VMD.

The V-calm is working wonders though so im really pleased ive found something to just take the edge of him. He's almost 18hh & is very bored with the controlled exercise, so he likes to improvise whenever he can lol.

Any drug reaction known should really be reported TBH. It doesn't take long to fill in a form - if these things aren't recorded then the companies have no knowledge of adverse reactions and can't improved their products - I'd maybe ask the vets again to check (they may have already done it) or contact the company directly.

Glad you have found something that's working though - lol