Recent content by Greygirl

  1. G

    Cushings horse unpredicatable to ride. Any suggestions?

    My pony was diagnosed with cushings 6 years ago. At the time of diagnosis she was very spooky, jogged and bucked everywhere and was particularly sensitive to noise. Her prascend has been increased twice and both times the only sign that an increase in dose was required was her spooky behaviour...
  2. G

    Planning consent for manage - permitted development?

    Yes you would need full planning. Whether the land is agricultural will not matter because an arena would not be used for agricultural purposes and therefore would not fall within agricultural permitted development. An arena would be classed as an engineering operation which would fall within...
  3. G

    Would you pick your OH over your horse?

    No I wouldnt. I could not be with someone that didn't realise how much my pony means to me. In return I don't mind how long he spends on the golf course or in front of Sky Sports!
  4. G

    Bute allergy?

    My mare has also tried danilon, arquel and metacam but has reacted to all of these drugs, not helpful with her arthritis! As far as day to day management goes I let her tell me what she can or can't do along with a supplement to soothe her joints. She had a ligament injury a few years back so I...
  5. G

    Bute allergy?

    My mare is allergic to bute, she has the same reaction as your horse!
  6. G


    I had a mare with peritonitis 15 years ago. In her case when they did belly taps the fluid was full of pus. Unfortunately she was pts, afterwards we found that she had a tumour that had eaten through the small intestine. Not a good outcome for us but I have heard of others making a full...
  7. G

    Mares back legs keep on collapsing

    Hi, with my pony you can see the tendons slipping a lot of the time without it affecting her movement too much. Her legs feel like they sometimes collapse if she has had time off, once she's doing regular light work it seems to improve. This started 15 years ago and it's never got worse or...
  8. G

    Mares back legs keep on collapsing

    Don't know if this is any help but it sounds similar to what was happening with my mare. It turned out to be the tendon that runs over the point of the hock slipping off. It was always worse downhill.
  9. G

    Using metacam for horses

    I tried it on my mare a few years back. Yes it is more expensive than danilon but we could only use it for a couple of weeks as she had a reaction to it!
  10. G

    Free feed samples?

    Dengie do, not sure about anyone else x
  11. G

    New Forests - tell me show me

    Best ponies ever. Have had my forest bred since she was 8 months, she's now 24. She has always been super willing to try her hoof at anything. She is quite hot, with a wicked buck but when it really counts I know I can depend on her. My next pony will without any doubt be a NF!
  12. G

    Has anyone NOT found suppleaze gold to work

    It didn't work for us, but then she has shown no improvement on any of the supplements we have tried.
  13. G

    Question about buying Property with land

    Should have mentioned the pre-app thing. We charge £250 but it does mean that as well as a planner giving advice we also involve other departments eg. highways, landscape, conservation officer (depending on the site). We try and give a council wide view and in that way provide a bit more...
  14. G

    Question about buying Property with land

    Yes, you can apply for planning permission if you don't own a property/land. Part of the application form has ownership certificates for you to sign - all you do is sign "certificate b" and serve a notice to the owner. Try speaking to a planner, they can give you a fair idea whether you will...
  15. G

    Allergy testing?

    My pony went through allergy testing some years ago. I think it was around the £500 mark. I would suggest you go through with it as it can point you in the right direction in terms of how you manage the pony in the future. Good luck