Recent content by hobnob

  1. hobnob

    Vets coming out :(

    Soooo excited for you OP!!! :D
  2. hobnob

    3 advert..Shetland pony!

    Ooops..someone already posted about it ;)
  3. hobnob

    3 advert..Shetland pony!

    Has anyone else seen it?! Had to laugh :D
  4. hobnob

    More uni questions!: Is a course in Equine therapy & Rehab. worth it?

    This is the course I've been looking into as its the first thing I've seen that made me think "this is something I'd REALLY want to do" but I was thinking the same thing :confused: not sure whether to go for something more general and specialise later on. Behaviour is another thing that...
  5. hobnob

    ...Meet Sam!

    P - thank you! Hoping we'll be able to get back on him next month. Planning to lunge him gently to strengthen him up a little bit and walk him out in hand just to get him used to being out of the field so he's not all WOOHOO when we get on :rolleyes: Owner is having saddle checked and we'll...
  6. hobnob

    ...Meet Sam!

    I'm very lucky - owner is fantastic!
  7. hobnob

    ...Meet Sam!

    Okay gingerarab umm.. ;) Sadly he has sarcoids which is a damn shame, he's a beautiful boy, but I really like him regardless and he has a forever home with his owner. Treatment is going well, but he hasn't been ridden in a year because of having one in his girth area. Task is to get back...
  8. hobnob

    ...Meet Sam!

    He's 15.3 would you believe? He only looks about 14hh in this photo! :D
  9. hobnob

    ...Meet Sam!

    (apologies for the enormous picture)
  10. hobnob

    ...Meet Sam!

    I posted a few months ago on opinions on finding a horse to share... and I've finally found him! Meet Sam, a 6 year old lightweight cob x gelding! :D Known him for 2 weeks now and still can't stop grinning!
  11. hobnob

    Horse Collage questions??

    LOL :D
  12. hobnob

    Do you ever regret having horses?

    Get well soon OP! I could lend you a dog to cuddle but she's a bit of a fidget, I would have to wear her out first :p
  13. hobnob

    Can anyone actually afford their own horse?

    Keeper! ;)
  14. hobnob

    Can anyone actually afford their own horse?

    I don't blame you for wanting a life outside horses! Good on you for wanting to spend time with friends and OH, I would too - I think it's essential really, and horsey women's OH's seem to put up with a lot :p so they deserve attention haha! Good to have a balance imo :)
  15. hobnob

    Can anyone actually afford their own horse?

    My parents are non-horsey too. They are supportive but don't think they understand why I'd be willing to spend so much on a horse ;) I used to help my friend out with her horses and my mom, bless her, would wheel the barrow round after me while I poo picked, handbag over her shoulder, wincing as...