Recent content by Jewkes

  1. J

    Sharers - tell me what you do? Owners tell me what you want?

    Yay! How exciting :D I'd not tacked up a horse for 10 years and remembered it straight away.. you'll be fine!
  2. J

    Sharers - tell me what you do? Owners tell me what you want?

    Just a quick update... I've been sharing the horse I saw on preloved now for 5 weeks or so and am loving it! His owner is really laid back and I can do what I want with him when I like pretty much. He's a lovely sane 15.2 coloured cob with a huge personality and i'm chuffed to bits:) Cost...
  3. J

    Horse eating Guinea Pig

    My guineas are utterly stomach driven. I suggest that if horses were green, hay coloured or anything even slightly resembling orange they would be scoffed! Bye bye Duns, and chestnuts. Om nom nom.
  4. J

    Which Long Riding Boots/Country Boots?

    What's the fit like on the suffolks? I've got quite chunky calfs and boots either seem to be a bit too small or a bit too big! Both annoying.
  5. J

    How many of us buy horses by accident?!

    I would love to see some pictures :) I aquired a pony as a kid.. My mate basically said I've got 2 ponies and this ones for you! Certainly not planned! Basically I know she wanted someone to hack with. Was a fun time.
  6. J

    Sharers - tell me what you do? Owners tell me what you want?

    "Where are you OP? Kent by any chance...." Isn't the "are you in Kent" question normally aimed at dodgy people trying to screw someone over? I pride myself on being a but weird but i'm not dodgy, untrustworthy or criminal in anyway.:rolleyes:
  7. J

    Sharers - tell me what you do? Owners tell me what you want?

    I'm in the West Midlands, between Halesowen and Dudley. I've seen one of preloved but didn't want to message incase my idea of sharing and everyone else's idea of sharing didn't match! I did call about one in the autumn but it wouldn't hack of its own and I don't really want anything I have to...
  8. J

    Sharers - tell me what you do? Owners tell me what you want?

    Shame you live so far away. Thanks though :)
  9. J

    Sharers - tell me what you do? Owners tell me what you want?

    Blimy! That's a bargain eh. I'm hoping to pay somewhere around £20 a week but a lot of adverts seems to charge a fair bit more than that so will have to see.
  10. J

    Sharers - tell me what you do? Owners tell me what you want?

    You've all been really helpful, thanks :)
  11. J

    Sharers - tell me what you do? Owners tell me what you want?

    I've been pondering getting a share since the summer. I returned to riding last year and just want something to hack on a couple of times a week, the odd lesson and maybe try hunting. Not bothered about shows or anything else competitive. I have horse care experience having had my own as a...
  12. J

    A happy update - remember skinny Saxon?

    i've just read back though all your posts about saxon and what a lucky boy he is! well done you :)
  13. J

    Identifying plant, poisonous?

    I am actually currently busy mutating in to an elephant so it is possible. (new office aka 'sat on my arsè' job) <expands>
  14. J

    Identifying plant, poisonous? hemlock has blotchy stems
  15. J

    Good riding school-West Mids

    I feel much the same about warrens Hall which is just up the road from me but has a strange reputation. I'm a Black Country incomer though so don't know anyone horsy here. All my research is Internet based. Lots of places don't even have websites!