Recent content by Miss Marple

  1. M

    Inhand showing in jods?

    Ditto Amelia27
  2. M

    What to wear (rider) - County Showing!

    Correct dress is a tweed jacket, shirt, tie, beige jodphurs, brown or fawn leather gloves, long black boots NO spurs as rider is only 15. The hat should be a velvet cap with a flesh coloured/leather chin strap and a show cane. The bridle you currently have on isn't suitable for a show class...
  3. M

    Fieldsafe Hedcollars

    Buy some fluffy fabric and sew it around the head collar, it should stop the cahffing!
  4. M

    Show us your full ID pics please!

    Oh no, poor you, stay positive with him and i really hope he comes right for you. Never give up hope, i didnt. My boy had a slip at a show, a visit to newmarket, £5k later and 18 months box rest we went a did a HOYS qualifier and qualified. I was told prognosis was guarded and may never...
  5. M

    Show us your full ID pics please!

    Love, love, love the grey - is he destined for the show ring?
  6. M

    *Help* Tilting head question?

    Agree with others a slightly stronger hand is prone to causing head tilt. I have a mare that i am trying to rectify at the moment. Could also be a slight evasion of the bit.
  7. M

    How frank can you be with a showing judge?!

    He looks lovely - just put it all down to experience and avoid, avoid, avoid. Good luck with future events.
  8. M

    How frank can you be with a showing judge?!

    Smile sweetly and think boll**ks, remember the name and dont go under again. Definatley not worth saying anything - at the end of the day you are paying money to ask the judge their opinon on your horse - and it is only their opinion on that day. YOu may stand top under another judge -...
  9. M


    I would ask for more. You have to ask yourself if the sharer causes an accident to your horse i.e. fracture, deep tissue damage etc is your vet bill worth the risk of a potentially permanently lame horse, would it affect the resale value if you were planning to sell? etc I would...
  10. M

    County showing without a groom??!?

    Dont worry theres always some nice person in the line up that will help / give you a leg up.
  11. M

    Is there an operation for capped hocks?

    No operation available so if prognosis is good to guarded you could ask if your vet would "tap it" (insert a needle into your horse's bursa and withdraw fluid), and then inject a small amount of anti-inflammatory medication. You may also want to look at prevanative measures i.e. installing kick...
  12. M

    show update :)

    Ahhh bless, having 2 horses in livery and i feel like a student too LOL :D
  13. M

    show update :)

    I know Emma at Ivanhoe quite well :D
  14. M

    show update :)

    Yes thats what i was thinking, well done you for fab results from only riding him casual :D I was trying to work out which yard you were riding at as i'm from Nottingham but nothing seemed familiar - LOL obvious now why not!
  15. M

    show update :)

    Do you not ride when you are at uni then?