Recent content by pnap

  1. P

    DIY livery in West Lothian/Edinburgh?

    if you don't mind negotiating FRB then my yard is about twenty five mins north of you. Indoor and outdoor arenas, year round turnout etc PM me if you want more details
  2. P

    Am I mad - what to do?

    Sorry this will probably go on a bit. After having to have Jack PTS at the beginning of this year I finally took the plunge and took another horse on trial a couple of months ago. 5 year old belgian warmblood who has no history of lameness - I entirely trust the lady who owns him so am not...
  3. P

    RIP Jack

    Had to have my beautiful boy put to sleep last night after 9 weeks of fighting with a fracture and ongoing infection. RIP Jack - hope you're at peace now.
  4. P

    Knowing when to call it a day - do you just "know"...

    Thing is the vet would've referred him onto dick vet hospital by now if he could travel. The mobile x-ray machine cannot get deep enough to determine how severe the fracture is - all it shows is a straight line break but we've no way of knowing how deep the break goes. Someone has suggested...
  5. P

    Knowing when to call it a day - do you just "know"...

    Thanks Lady T. It's very hard to try to explain everything on a forum like this and I don't think I explain myself very well a lot of the time. I don't think he's ready to give up yet. He did collapse in his stable in the first two weeks and we had to dismantle half the stable wall and get...
  6. P

    Knowing when to call it a day - do you just "know"...

    Sorry if this seems a morbid post for the weekend. Some of you may have seen my post that Jack has a fractured front leg, above the knee. At the moment he is bright and happy enough on his box rest, vet is happy with the way the "bad" leg is healing and progressing. But, he is not happy with...
  7. P

    If anyone has any spare vibes going Jack could really use them ...

    Fractured leg on my boy and he ain't doing so good. So some vibes would be really appreciated right now if anyone has any going spare...
  8. P

    Use of the phrase "bond" in comments on dressage test

    No her writing was very neat and it's definitely "bond". Though he does need to bend better as well. I was just so pleased we stayed within the boards and on all 4 feet! The little things in life eh?
  9. P

    Use of the phrase "bond" in comments on dressage test

    Well I did think of this but the way it's worded made me think she means he needs to be more connected through the leg and hand rather than he hates my guts and wants rid of me. Cause she states "Lovely horse with correct paces. He now needs to create more bond to gain higher marks".
  10. P

    Use of the phrase "bond" in comments on dressage test

    Well Jack and I did our second ever dressage test the other night and the judge was very complimentary about him but said that we need to develop more "bond" to attain higher marks. I am very aware that his front and back ends do their own thing - is this what she means or am I missing the...
  11. P

    New Show Name - should I go for ....

    Soon to be Pritt Stick or All the Gear, No Idea? Or are both offensive?
  12. P

    Jumping Tips

    Because Jack has a somewhat habit of allowing me to jump without him I should always sit back and wait on the jump coming - instead I collapse in the middle before the jump allowing him to run out at the last minute. Anybody any tips for thinking back? I just can't seem to stop doing it!
  13. P

    That's what I call customer service!

    Not a big deal but emailed Horseware today to ask about patches in last years Rhino colours as Jack has somehow managed to tear his rug. They got back to me within the hour and have posted out some material today! The little things in life eh?
  14. P

    Cant decide between a Fal, Rhino or Bucas heavyweight

    Rhino for me all the way - only because FAL have recently been bought over by some other company so it is a nightmare trying to get any spares or patches off of them for repairs.