Recent content by PuzzlePatch

  1. P

    R.I.P Lord Killinghurst

    so so sad, RIP
  2. P

    Show me your cats!!

    Here is the youtube clip....
  3. P

    Show me your cats!!

    So cute, but also sad he got in that state before you rescued him ;)
  4. P

    Horse guards - London

    They get sent away for holidays outside from London and turn out, i believe.
  5. P

    Show me your cats!!

    My cat Patch, named her when i was four! She is 16 1/2 at the mo, but very poorly so it is sad being away from her when I'm at uni.
  6. P

    Show me your cats!!

    This is a clone of my old cat Silver, Ziggy looks identical though he has a shorter tail.
  7. P

    Finally conquering THE HEDGE (and how the hell did I stay on?!?!)

    Defying gravity!! Lovely horse too!
  8. P

    Website critique...please?

    Looks fab in a firefox on a mac! Easy navigation and simple but clean design.
  9. P

    What's your favourite breed?

    got to be hanoverians:)
  10. P

    James Wellbeloved money off coupons

    thanks for this :)
  11. P

    How horses are portrayed in the movies . . .

    even on the earthflight thing on BBC they seemed to have dubbed horse neighs over the camargue bits...i could be wrong though.
  12. P

    How did you learn...

    Not helpful at all, but when i was 6ish my riding instruct wrote a million pound cheque(ovb not a real one) and put in on the saddleseat, we had to stick our bums down to stop it from flying away. Lol
  13. P

    New Boy :)

    b e a utiful! Good luck with the upcoming season.
  14. P


    Pilates is great if you find the right teacher. Try and focus on the quality of the movements, not the speed and reps. It helped me strenghten my core which in turn improved my riding no end.
  15. P

    Where did you learn to ride?

    A brill riding school in London, like gold dust if you don't want to pay £100p/h :D It has shut down now though.