Recent content by sharonmaskell

  1. S

    Magnetic Boots

    Thank you. I suppose it is a suck it and see option. Think I will give it a go.
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    Magnetic Boots

    Sorry if this subject has been covered before but we have a retired ex racer who has navicular in both fronts and a cyst in the coffin joint. He is on 2 Danillon per day and a joint supplement from the vet. Just wondering whether magnetic boots may be helpful.
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    I have a lovely sharer who has my boy Friday, Saturday and Sunday. As he is on full livery there are no chores apart from grooming etc. so she pays me £25 a week which goes towards things like his shoes. It works well for us as I can then spend time with my husband at weekends and she does not...
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    Confidence crisis

    I really sympathise with you. I had the same feelings earlier this year. My lovely boy had me on the floor several times and for some unknown reason I turned it into a huge problem. I got so depressed I did not want to go down the yard to see either my boy or my other retired horse It all...
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    Involvement in horse when loaned out

    So sorry Sukistokes2 for you and your horse. I am extremely lucky as my boy is only about 20 minutes drive from me. My loaner sends me pictures all the time and as I said lets me know whenever she has anything planned. I can go and see him whenever I like.
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    Involvement in horse when loaned out

    Thanks everyone. On reading some past posts on loaners I realise I have struck gold. I will definitely message her and see what she says. Although I don't ride him now I sill love him with all my heart and I know my loaner does too.
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    Involvement in horse when loaned out

    I have posted previously about my lovely connie who I came to the sad conclusion was too spooky for me. I have found him a lovely loan home which is a lot quieter than where he was and he is having lots of fun - in fact next week he is going cross country schooling which he would never have...
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    Thanks everyone. Will probably have to keep an open mind and judge each horse on its own merits.
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    I have put my lovely connie out on loan as he was way too spooky for me to handle at my age (58). I am now considering in what direction to go in and wondered whether anyone could give some info on the Haflinger. Just wondered what their temprement was like and whether generally they would be...
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    What should I do

    Thanks everyone for your replies. We have tried the magnesium route to no avail. He is 10 and I have had him 2 years. My instructress says he is not right for me so I know the sensible thing is to sell. In the stable and on the ground he is golden. If it wasn't for the spooking he would...
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    What should I do

    I have posted before on the forum re my very spooky horse. I have tried calmers, had vet out to check eyesight etc. but this year I feel he has beaten me. I am 58 years old and this year he has had me off quite a few times and my confidence is really low. I decided to put him on sales livery...
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    Gut balancer

    I use it on my Thoroughbred. It really does work. I get mine from ****** as it is cheaper than through the vets.
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    Equine Behaviourist

    Hi Stormox. He is really sharp when he spooks and my balance is not great. \he will just shoot sideways and then drop his shoulder. He can do this at anything and nothing. As I said before he is getting worse. My instructor who is hacking him out for me says that he is on edge all the time...
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    Equine Behaviourist

    He is out during the day and in at night. I must admit I do wonder if the yard is too busy for him. A move to a quieter yard could help.
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    Equine Behaviourist

    Thanks everyone for your replies. He is fed a handful of chaff just because all the other horses get fed in the barn (I am on full livery). I realise I did not make myself clear. It is not me who is riding him now, it is my qualified instructor. The point is he spooks at everything. My...