Recent content by susanjc

  1. S

    Dropping a shoulder

    Hi, I have a very experienced event horse who now does Pre-Novice with me. Last year he started spooking at fences and eventually showed lameness due to suspensory. He is 100% fit now and been out to 2 event where he has run out of two show jumps and I am struggling to get him out of the habit...
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    Boomerang Copra Meal

    Hi, You buy it from Boomerang Stables, Crooked Soley. They do deliver but you would have to order a minimum quantity. I have used it to it has great calm and condition qualities. The number for Russ Hardy is 07711499596 cheers!!!
  3. S

    Is this the right time to let go?

    [ QUOTE ] the second half of your post sounds as if your decision is made up of selfish reasons, you want a horse you can ride,, you cant afford 3, so basically if Po goes you could get another to ride? I didn't think they were people around like this anymore.....OF COURSE you should't feel...
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    do you think...

    depends on the Instructor but they all have a type and whethere it's right or wrong some of them only prefer to teach their type! I have experience of this having owned ID/TB to pure TB.............
  5. S

    Another great lesson - jumping 1.30m *vid*

    who was teaching you - he sounded quite 'authoritive' lol
  6. S

    Would you wear a white stock with tweed jacket?

    I used to wear a silk cream one with tweed jacket and never had a prob - all these old school rules don't mean so much now............unless you are affiliated to a stuffy club!
  7. S

    "schooled by a man" ad

    WTF???? bizarre!!!! I have two ex Dan Jocelyn horses and they are perfectly well schooled and mannered - what a silly thing to say
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    Kittens for sale on ebay

    reported also - disgusting!!!!
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    Upton House Photographer??

    thankyou very much x
  10. S

    Upton House Photographer??

    Does anyone know?
  11. S

    Pee Wee bit?

    Hi, Anyone got one? Heard of it's results and would mind sharing with me.......
  12. S

    Swollen withers

    [ QUOTE ] LOL - mine just came back to work from suspensory probs and has now got bilateral heel pain and is back on box rest till she can be surgically shod - it never bl**dy ends!! [/ QUOTE ] Yes, it never ends, I could write a book on my hroses injuries over the past two years, lol
  13. S

    Swollen withers

    [ QUOTE ] Assuming your saddle fits, could your numnah have pressed on the withers? or maybe the rug? sounds like fistulous (sp) withers- any heat? You need the vet to check as if it is FW then you need antibiotics ASAP [/ QUOTE ] No, no heat just swelling, called the vet on phone and he said...
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    Swollen withers

    yes it did cross my mind he had reared over, he does play a lot! I have to have him seperated because of it!! Just my luck as he's just got over a suspensory strain...
  15. S

    Swollen withers

    Hi, My horse has swollen withers and they have been swollen for about a month now. I had presumed that he had been vigorously groomed by the other horse and bitten really hard so have left it to clear up by itself. The only problem is it hasn't. I will now take him for x rays but was...