Recent content by TheBear1983

  1. T

    Full Livery within 1 hour of BS16

    Hi Grey Mane, I think I’d read this one after I posted - thanks for linking so I can find it again
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    Full Livery within 1 hour of BS16

    Thanks for this - really useful I wasn’t aware there were websites for this
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    Full Livery within 1 hour of BS16

    Oooh thank you I’ll take a look! Nothing better than a personal recommendation :£
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    Full Livery within 1 hour of BS16

    Hi everyone, I’m researching full livery available within an hour of my house. I am looking for yards with must haves: - an arena - lovely countryside hacking - knowledgeable full livery - good turnout - supportive/friendly atmosphere And desirable: - indoor arena - horse transport I have...
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    What do people ride in in 2019? I still ride in old chaps and a pair of muckers, although I did spend a lot of time and money finding a pair of long boots that will fit my very short, very wide calves - I am now too nervous to try to break them in in my lessons for fear of looking "all the gear...
  6. T

    Sore down below....

    I've ridden a few different horses in my lessons now and I've concluded for me it's down to the saddle size - which obviously we're not really at liberty to change those. I think I'll try to get some of those creams...
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    Facing the hardest day of my life tomorrow.

    I lost my first horse when she was 10 to degenerative joint disease. I was so devastated I went away to uni and it took a few false starts and tears over the years to come back to riding - your youngster is such a good thing for you x
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    How do I make Horsey Friends?

    Thanks everyone :) there have been so many suggestions and I feel really emboldened by all your positivity too! I have joined my local RC today and they're really welcoming :) I can't wait to brave the first few events and start to meet people :) I will keep in mind the other volunteering ideas...
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    How do I make Horsey Friends?

    haha the success would depend on if I am dodgy or not I guess :D I have to admit, I have no idea where local tack shops are... I knew every stable and tack shop back home but I am less schooled in the riding world down south, as I've lived here for years but only gotten into riding here...
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    How do I make Horsey Friends?

    Amymay - I know what you mean; they wouldn't know me from Adam! They might think I am casing the joint! SplashGirl/Fuzzy - that's mostly what I was hoping for when I emailed the local riding club, I can see they've a vet talk coming up I assume wouldn't be attended mounted and I'd be happy to...
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    Should novice riders be banned?

    Is there an argument to be had that if you restrict the opportunities to progress for novice riders, that the pool of capable riders will narrow and you will actually increase the number of incapable riders? Everyone was a learner once... the feeling of being left behind and falling back into...
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    I call my JRT variations of her name (or just entirely random words) although I do carry her like an infant...
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    How do I make Horsey Friends?

    When I was a kid back in Yorkshire, I had so many horsey friends, but after I had to put my mare down I had time away from riding and horses for some years. Now I am an adult and living near Bristol, I've returned to riding and have lessons at Summerhouse in Gloucester - I am absolutely loving...
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    Childhood horsey magazines! can anyone help?

    Saddle club were the books with Lisa, Veronica, and others weren't they?
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    Childhood horsey magazines! can anyone help?

    Hi Everyone :) I was reminiscing with my sister this week about the pony magazines we used to read and there was one that was stories (graphic novel looking) about a group of girl riders, each from a different country, who went on adventures together - can anyone remember what the magazine...