Both choke chains will be off soon, little dog doesn't normally have hers on and was just a precaution and big dog will be getting a proper collar and tag now we know how she is on the lead.
Thankfully she doesn't get frightened massively just cowers down and walks off.
Another problems we...
Well for those of you that remember me asking for advice last week on how to introduce a new rescue GSD bitch to our current aggressive bitch, I would just like to update you and tell you that the step dad did take note of the advice, but after collecting the new dog was too knackered from...
I'm sorry I am not getting at you because I know you are powerless, but I think his attitude is awful. I don't want to scare you but if they have a serious fight the best case scenario is you could have some big vets bills. Is this GSD coming from a rescue kennel, would it be...
Yep thats all it is, whenever me and my mum voice concerns over it he just says it will be 'reyt' she will have to get on with it and the GSD will sort her out and become top dog, which in my opinion we should make Cass top dog if possible.Sunday is D-Day I will let you all know how it goes
Yep I said that too about her being so timid she may be the one who snaps.
As for current dog's aggression, me and my mam only found out yesterday that my little sister had taken our dog and the spaniel (which she hates) on a walk together with the owner and it was the Spaniel who bit ours...
If you can't stop them getting the dog then all you can focus on is their first meeting.
She sounds like she is protecting her territory running up and down the side of the fence. And when out does she normally try and attack on the lead? This is another sign that she is trying to...
Current dog is a medium size heinz 45
She gets on with dogs fine, although she first got aggressive after an encounter with a Rotty Pup who we think scared her a bit, although she gets on with this dog fine.There are two bitches in the area we have to look out for, both who walk up the the...
Sounds like a recipe for disaster if you ask me, no offence but your step dad(or mum as its her dog too) doesn't exactly sound like the kind of owner to deal with potential aggression problems with the current dog, never mind bringing another dog into the household who could have...
Ok my mam rang me up yesterday saying they might be getting a Alsation.
Someone we know runs a kennels and they have the poor dog and if a home isn't found by Sunday she has is being PTS. Step-Dad saw he yesterday and fell in love as she looks like our old dog who we lost and never found...
I used to ride a 'cob' was only about a year later that I got told he was actually a highland but was hogged and trimmed as he made a better cob for showing than he did a highland (also suffered from bad sweet itch)....I would never have known any different if I had not been told and did do...