My horse explained that he's too broad for a partitioned trailer by kicking the side away from the floor. Arrived at a show to drop the ramp and see him standing in a pool of blood (only a small cut in fact, he dried up and competed later that day). Had to phone a friend to bring us home.
Have you tried contacting local hunts? They'll know all your local dealers and it's a good time to talk to hunt dealers. Their horses have all finished for the season and will have had a "spring break"- so don't jump straight on 'cos it might not have been ridden for a month or more! I have a...
My OH had a similar problem. Saddler adjusted saddle and girth is now eccentrically fixed (I forget which way unless I look as I use my own saddle) with it forwards one side and back the other. Works a treat for both horse and rider - they look straight. Ask your saddler?
Even if you intend sending her back or what have you.... meanwhile....
Visit as often as you can. Make everything as routine as possible for her and make sure she gets some quiet time. I wouldn't compete for weeks, if that's your thing. Let her settle. Moving house is as stressful for some...
All wrong. I'd be crying and I'm a hard-as-nails 45yr old bloke. I caretake my OH's old cob from time to time. His back end is weary now so we are super kind to him. No trotting on roads, hardly ever jump, that sort of thing. But now I think on it, hardly anyone but Yard Owner actually knows...
Ah - my darling wife bust her pelvis whilst out horse shopping a few years ago. It made a big difference to what she bought! She ended up with the safest horse I have ever ridden. Big black cob, 22yrs now. Unfalloffable but a fit and enthusiastic boy who has collected a couple of red ribbons at...