Everyone on here is always so helpful so I need some more advice.
Due to lockdown I unfortunately lost my job and it’s super hard to find something just now. I’m from north east Scotland and would appreciate any help on best websites to post my CV and find jobs?
I’ve already done...
Hi I am looking to move to USA for a few months at first, to work and travel a little bit and if I like it stay long term. I was wondering if anyone would be able to advise me on how to start the process. Which state to move to? Where to look for equestrian jobs in US? What websites? I am...
I have a very fair Haflinger mare who looks practically palomino. She's suffered from a severe allergic reaction to fly bites. I've got a show booked in a few weeks which I can't cancel. By that stage of the bites healing she'll still have bald spots and a few scabs. Has anyone had any luck...