2 birds one stone.. Age and where the hell do people get their money from?


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12 October 2011
Generally on a hill.. when not blown off the side.
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Thought Id cover a few ponders in one thread..

Whats the age range of people on here? (Im not being rude, just wondering.. if you think I am, then dont bloomin post!! lol)


Where do horsey people get all their money from?

I have gone to some real extremes to be able to afford to care and provide for my ponies, but when I see people driving round in horse lorries worth 50k plus.. I do feel slightly jealous, any tips on getting me that 50k horse box.. other than the lottery..



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15 January 2011
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Am 30 :)

I have 2 jobs but TBH they cost me pennies as on own land, just pay for feed, hay and shoes etc, alot cheaper in the summer! :rolleyes:


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29 October 2010
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Im 23, at uni - full time - work my backside off part time to fund my horse

I pay for my horse, car, clothes etc and get no help from the folks before anyone asks!

For shows i ask/pay for lifts and we have been out like 3 x this year because i work most weekends haha :D


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2 April 2010
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I'm almost 20 have a beautiful 13.2 NF pony.
And where do I get my money from?? Umm I live in my overdraft :p :eek: Pony is worth it though :) And before people presume, I pay for her not my mummy :p
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11 February 2010
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I have a large abyss where my bank balance used to be, occasionally I stare down there into the blackness and wonder why I ever thought I could afford this horsey malark...

I am 41, I took public sector VR when I was 36, I got another public sector job straight away, I got promoted, I bought my daughter a 3yo ex racer and then I bought an old trailer and a 4x4, I had enough left to be comfortable and cover vet/car repairs...or so I thought.

We live frugally, we do what we can for ourselves and my 4x4/trailer is among the oldest in the car park at any horse show
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27 March 2006
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I am 35 . I manage an equestrian centre. I am married and my husband has a decent job so pays for most things. We have four horses and a five horse lorry. But.....we don't have new clothes or flash cars!


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26 July 2010
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I'm 48. I work in electronic sales, but not the sexy stuff! Have been working my way up in the job, in a small company and started 13 yrs ago just doing admin for them. So earning enough now to have a decent 5 yr old car, and keep my 2 'on the cheap' as they live out 24/7/365 at a small yard with limited facilities.
I've had a steady (ish!) releationship for the last 6 years, so with 2 wages coming in (although a couple of rough patches when OH wasn't working last year or two, he's a self-employed carpenter) we pay the mortgage and bills, and now I save my bit of commission, and the dream is to change the car next year for 4x4, so I can borrow a friends trailer, and if things go well, maybe get a trailer of my own!
So no £50k lorry here!!


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27 August 2011
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I'm 19, I am at uni, I have one horse (the love of my life :D), have my own rented house and maybe possibly buying another one.

The money: I work my blooming arse off. I have a part time job (where I tend to work more then 35 hours each week!!), and go to uni. My loan barely covers my rent, so don't start with student loan paying for the horse.



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9 May 2011
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im 21, a student and very lucky in that my horses live at my parent's house and they pay for most things but then i buy my horses cheap (150 quid at the sales for the last one- hes a star) and they keep the money when i sell them at a decent profit to pay them back. I'm fully aware of how lucky I am but I do work hard to pay my parents back


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11 August 2008
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I'm 31 and work for a Oil and Gas operator , generally this sector pays very good salaries, my partner also works in the Oil Industry but he works month on month off on a oil rig in Africa, this pays a six figure salary but comes with sacrifices , he away 6 months of the year, the conditions are poor and the work dangerous , no fancy horse lorry for us, we can't afford one even with two good salaries. I have one horse and we both have a sportsbike each and all our money goes to that. Though saving to get married at moment and buy a new house. On paper we should be well off but somehow we are not :) , not quite sure what we waste all our cash on though.


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5 October 2006
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37, live with OH - both work full time (I run own business so flexible with nags) - no kids - Bought my land as "home improvements" on mortgage then built own stables & arena rather than buying pre-done equestrian property (land is 15mins from house) then generous OH helped with 4x4 and trailer. Always skint but dont care most of the time - like most dont buy clothes/jewellery etc for self - horses are both good doers - dont compete although have found this thing called hunting which could upset the bank balance haha !

... OH bought my first horse for me (field ornament as went lame in first year!) and I was skint so bought second horse for £1200 as unbacked 3 year old !!!!!


Waffled a lot!
7 June 2010
north west
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Every time I go on the farm ride at Somerford, and I park my trailer next to the huge expensive wagons, I ask myself the same question!

I'm 42 and scrimp to have the horses and trailer!

Roasted Chestnuts

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7 July 2008
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Im the wrong side of 25 but the right side of 30 :D

I work my butt off and keep my horses as cheaply and efficiently as I can (they still get everything they need, before me most of the time ;)) I bought my trailer years ago and OH and I jointly pay for a towing vehicle whilst running a cheap run around as my car :)

My horses have stables and fields but I dont have any all weather schooling and all my training is done on hacks or flat fields when the ground is dry or harder :) No leccy and one hose for running water :)


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3 August 2009
Up North
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I'm 33 and married with a mortgage. I work in public sector, as does husband. We live in a 3 bedroom house in a nice area. I have 1 horse but no transport. I pay for my horse myself as well as going halves on mortgage etc and running my car.

I bought a house in 2003 and sold it for twice what I paid for it in 2007. The money I made enabled me to pay half the deposit on our house and buy 1 horse, and has paid for lots of other things too. The money has dwindled now and will be completely gone once my baby is born. I will be working part-time and so husband will need to contribute more, but I will have enough left to keep my horse

If I hadn;t have been lucky with the house I would never have been able to afford a horse on a teacher's wage!


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7 May 2011
North West, Lancashire
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Im 22 :) I have my pony on a family friends yard so pay very little. Both me and my partner work very hard and lots of hours to keep him in haylage etc.

Every month his outgoings are only :
£20 for livery
£24 for haylage

£20 for a trim every 6 weeks.

Im very lucky but have worked hard to buy him and keep him.

Eta - we are currently buying a house and also have a 9 month old daughter, I have recently finished uni and hope to go into insurance :)


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29 August 2009
Milton Keynes
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21 and I don't have a horse, so I either do drawings for £20 to pay for my weekly ride on Nedly, or dip into my savings from my temp job.
Looking for a permanent job so I can fund my own horse and more rides on Ned!

Trish C

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27 February 2011
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I'm 24, and since I was 18 have worked my backside off to pay my way through uni (am into my 6th year of studying and haven't once taken out a student loan) and fund my money-eating horse.

I took last year off studying to work three jobs (worked 7am-10pm five days a week, then 9am-6pm Saturdays with Sundays off) which meant getting up 5am most mornings for horse when I got him. That gave me the money to fund horse and my student fees this year. I'm now back studying 'full time' whilst working as a musician, music teacher, artist and amateur photographer to keep the bank balance in the black.

Am finding it very tough going at the moment haven't recently moved to the opposite end of the country so am having to re-establish client-base, but slowly but surely the financial opportunities are starting to come in. Balancing the time is the most difficult part! I was renting my own place until this summer, when I moved up here... I now split my time between my parents and my OH's house, luckily rent free on both, though I obv pay for my own food/bills/car etc :)


Well-Known Member
9 August 2011
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when I see people driving round in horse lorries worth 50k plus.. I do feel slightly jealous, any tips on getting me that 50k horse box.. other than the lottery..

My only tip is don't waste your time being jealous of other peoples' material wealth. :) Be glad of the blessings you yourself have, you'll be much happier.

I'm 55. Almost all my life I've had a crippling illness, part of which as an adult has included allergy to horses so I hadn't been near them for over 30 years.

Now amazingly I'm much better and have a horse again. :D:D I have a not very well paid job and a lodger, I have Mollie on DIY livery and I have no idea how my health & wealth will get us through this winter, but I'm happy.

Being with horses again is a second chance I never, ever expected. 50K horse box? Pah! Just look at my Mollie......:D:D:D:D

Welshie Squisher

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31 October 2011
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I'm 39 and go without just about everything for myself to be able to afford my two. Its not easy being a single parent and affording horses, but it is possible if you are willing to make the sacrifices.

My horses cost twice as much a month as my house so this is the main sacrifice I make, I'd like to live somewhere nicer but it would mean giving up the horses and my daughter just wont hear of it :D

Holidays are a big no no, clothes, makeup, social life...........I have forgotten what these are :p

Given the choice, I'd rather keep my gorgeous Tiger Lily.
The other knobber is another matter, but he's my daughters, so I have to go without for her, its certainly not for him as right now he aint worth a bag of chips and is in the dog house big time lol :rolleyes:


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29 July 2008
Isle of Wight
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I'm 44, used to have an amazingly well paid job, lovely house in a nice area, fancy holidays, etc, etc...............then my hubby got very ill and I was made redundant!
I'm lucky in that I keep Markie where I work, I can only work part time because of caring commitments to my hubby, so he costs peanuts! Biggest outlay is shoes, but, my friend rides him twice a week and pays half. We have a 3.5t truck that's worth it's weight in gold, if Markie's not going on an outing there's always my friend's mare wanting to go somewhere, helps towards the insurance (very cheap) and tax.
To be honest, having lived a bit of a 'flash' life, then having to suddenly go down to less than a quarter of our previous income, I reckon it's a bit of 'the more you have, the more you want'. It would be lovely to have an Oakley Supreme, but, I live on a small island and it would be a pain in the jacksy to drive along our ickle bitty roads (that's what I keep telling myself, lol!).


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26 May 2010
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I'm 20, I have three horses that I bought, one that was given to me & I look after a little rescue too. I have my own business with the gees, work part time on top of that & have a very supportive OH who I live with.

I'm lucky enough to have a place all to myself, 10 acres about & stables, that if I run & look after I can have. Bless the man who allows me to do this!

My parents are very supportive to & help me out with my car as it is a nightmare!

So, I full well know that without my supportive family (mum, dad, nanna & gramps) & OH, I wouldn't be able to do what I love as a job until I was at least 30 and had been in a job I hated for 10 years.

I'm also lucky to have various savings accounts & investments in gold (seriously, I do):p

I still wouldn't mind winning the euromillions.... Or marrying someone very rich, divorcing, getting the money, then going back to my OH to live in luxury with the man I love. He said this plan was a no-go though, goodness knows why :p

Fools Motto

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30 June 2011
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I am 31, both the horses are now on my fathers farm, so all I do is help out with the cattle in lue of rent, hay and straw. Farrier is the most expensive, but I work p/t on a stud and get enough wages to pay for that and maybe the odd entry fee to a show.
My riding mare was a birthday pressie 11 years ago, and I took out a mini loan to get my yearling. (£300) Still paying it off!
About 7 years ago, my mother brought an ifor 401 (single trailer) and therefore do have transport, but I've yet to get my towing test or a tow bar on my car, so rely on mother to take me places, which if this year is to go by, its a very rare occasion.
My husband works in IT, pays ok, but as everythign else in life goes up, his pay only covers our rent and bills and the odd family day out. I have to provide the shopping/clothes and various extras like car and motorbike repairs!! We are lucky, if in a dire emergency need help, then parents have been known to step in, but we do try to avoid that if we can.
We don't do holidays, yet to have a honeymoon, don't drive new cars, furniture and fittings within the house is all charity/second hand, rarely get new clothes and the kids have to do without 'extras' like dance or football club.
One day, we hope to get on the housing ladder, it seems more of a priority than an Oakly box!! Pigs might fly though.;)


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3 December 2005
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I'm a fair bit over sixty and have 1 horse and 2 shetland ponies. I work as a Security Officer at a university and probably will for years yet, it pays for the horses! :)


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15 January 2006
East Anglia
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I am 30 years old. I work as a teacher in a sixth form college on a decentish wage. I have had one horse on loan for the past 6 months or so. My partner is self employed and always skint so i pay for the mortgage and all bills, most of shopping etc so it is a struggle to afford the horse. Because of this I also work weekends down the yard (4-5 hours each day at the moment), occasionally do some private tuition and have done exam marking in the past.

No fancy lorry for me but I don't mind!