2 birds one stone.. Age and where the hell do people get their money from?


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23 October 2009
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I'm nearly 50 :D
Married very very young, had three kids very very young! husband and I both had two jobs to save up and buy a house; I'm very lucky that he is very good at diy; Always bought houses to do up and sell for a good profit; That is where we made our money :)

Never had horses until I was 40 and we were able to buy somewhere with land; Have two native elderly ponies and I have the odd livery/holiday cover; I'm now retired but OH still has a very good paid job, although he works away from home a lot of the time, so not all a bed of roses.

We are by no means well off; Not had a holiday for four years, my lorry is over 20 years old like my pony :), but I wouldn't swap either of them for the world.!


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7 June 2009
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Im the wrong side of forty have four horses but have my own land and stables partner pays for them but he works away alot for them. Havent got horse box havent got a school and havent got the money for either like most people here i watch every penny.


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14 January 2011
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I'm 34.

Only own daughter competition pony, can't afford anymore!! Me & hubbys run a plumbing business (he does the plumbing & I do the paperwork) but tbh business has been super slow for ages :( I also do owt else to make some cash! Avon, make & sell travel bandages/tail guards/saddle covers, repair rugs/tack, make acrylic signs for side of horseboxes (when machine is working!!) . Daughter also rides a few other ponies in exchange for cheaper livery. It's a mega struggle & can honestly say I usually have about £3 left at the end of each week :(


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26 January 2011
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simples :p

seriously? I'm very lucky that my dad is horsey too and can afford to buy my boy things that I can't, such as a nice new lorry to travel in.
my job sucks but it pays the house bills and jerrys insurance.
I'm extremely lucky because my parents bought my a nice car and a nice house, which is allowing me to save some money for ergencies

I'm 23 btw


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25 August 2011
up near Glasgow
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I'm 30. I rent out my spare room, tutor and do exam marking to pay for my boy on DIY livery which means the majority of my actual wage is still mine. Not willing to sacrifice my social life so do not compete or travel at all in fact - transport is an impossible dream! Interesting thread op x


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10 September 2008
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Me mid 40s and always too much month left at the end of the money !!!:D anyway I think most of these people that seem to have wealth its inherited. I have a friend every so often he tells me oh im going to aunty or uncle such and suchs funeral then ive got to clear and sell the house !!!!
this has happed 3 times and he has never had a morgage!!!!,
so if some of our fellow horsey folk are morgage free and a resonable job a 50k lorry is no problem.....
then there are bussiness owners that milk them until they go bancrupt ,then start again
over and over (crooks)
then there is the other group the ones that live the high life on credit you see them about for a few years and then the just dissapear off the circuit :D
then there are the real wealth creators come up with a great bussiness idea and make a fortune .... most of us sadly just chug along going without things to pay for what realy matters = our horses..


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13 February 2010
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i know a lady who works her way through many old rich men !

i have a grotty old trailer and live in a bog standard house, have a lovely pony (who was the worlds worst pony when i bought her! took much blood and sweat to train her)- as far as im concerned I am very lucky to have this.

As for those people born with a silver spoon in their mouth... they are just stupidly lucky! for example the ten year old who has a string of ££££ horses and a huge lorry with her name down the side...
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21 January 2007
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I am 23 and work FT as a riding 'instructor' (unqualified) at a EC, my OH has recently gone self-employed so the house buying has had to go on hold for a few years, we are living back at home which it is helping free up a small amount of money.

My two boys are at the moment, kept on separate yards. My oldie on a small DIY and my TB at my instructors on full. It has been a horrible few month for my bank balance but I am planning on moving them back home (thankfully we have land) which will help.

I hardly ever buy things for myself, if I do then they are from cheaper shops/ebay. Thankfully I have no shame and will happily buy from charity shops.

Maybe we are going about it all wrong and should forget the house, buy a nice lorry instead after all they do have nice living areas :D

Tonty Tont

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16 August 2010
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I'm 15 :)

I only own Tont, and he lives out in a field we share with another woman, so is fairly cheap to keep. My mum pays for him, but I'm started to look for a job around doing my GCSE's :D


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5 April 2010
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gets it from the yard and my husband and cat boarding:)

been with hubby 27 years

have 4 1/2 equines
1 dog
3 cats
some fish living kind

my own yard and livery buisness
my own cat boarding buisness
own beauty buisness tho dont do much these days
2 crs

1 horsebox
1 caravan

hubby has an amazing job pays very well
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Well-Known Member
16 January 2010
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34 , Work a cr*p bottom end job to bring in some extra pennies.
And rob peter to pay paul on a frequent basis.
never go out and generally walk around looking like a tramp, but I have 2 fantastic horses and they want for nothing :). Oh and a trailer would be lovely but as I live in the LEZ, I can't afford a cheapy 4x4 as they are not exempt :(


Well-Known Member
26 January 2010
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I'm 34 have a reasonably well paid job although I only work part time as lucky to have an OH with a well paid job.OH bought me my first horse for my 30th and now I just have my mare. We have an ok house in an ok area (I am desperate to move to a pretty village but just can't afford it. OH has an off roader as his hobby and it's road legal so I use that or my 12 year old freelander to tow my 20 odd year old tatty trailer!

I have no money left at the end of the month after paying my share of the bills, Childcare and whatever else my son needs, and Matilda's livery, shoes, insurance etc but we have plenty of fresh air and are all healthy and happy :)


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28 July 2011
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I'm 25, work full time, and I have 2 horses and a dog. Never had anything paid or bought for me, I have just worked hard to get it myself. Dont have any transport as of yet as cant afford it, but saving up to get a lil wagon sometime in the future. I just get lifts were possible or hack.

Me and the OH also have a mortgage to pay, and we basically dont go out, dont buy new clothes etc and just fund the hobbies we enjoy instead!!! :)


Well-Known Member
24 August 2010
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I'm 24, work full time (5days), own two horses i compete every weekend, keep them on DIY livery and run a transit style lorry. Every month i still have money to see my mates in the week, go out on saturday nights and go shopping (includes rug buying addiction!) x If my horses werent my hobby i'd only waste my money on junk!


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11 March 2008
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I'm 28 and have a 1yo daughter and two horses, kept at home. Financially we're very stable but that's down to my partner working very long hours all over country in architecture and engineering, however he's my toyboy at 25!! It's his own company too! He's got a lot if get up and go! I work part time for him from home and basically do everything at home and out the back! I'm the hands on type, my partners the pen pusher!!


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1 August 2009
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I'm 32. I have worked my way up through many low paid jobs and now earn a very good wage doing something I enjoy...I have taught myself to budget well so that I can save each month to put towards the more expensive things.


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28 May 2009
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Early thirties. Full time, custody and forensics nurse.

Hubby pays for the bills and home (as I am too scatty to be in control of an serious finances) and I pay for food, horses, car, clothes etc).

This year my father bought me a 4x4 and a IW401!

I was really embarrassed until he told me he'd given the same amount of money to each of my siblings over the years but I've never asked for anything - so it was my turn and he wanted me to enjoy it:)

I just paid him back by changing his surgical dressings yesterday while my mother looked on and heaved


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31 March 2011
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Im 24 and work in logistics ( not a great paid job by any means) so here comes second job as waitress i work 8 - 4.30 during the day then start again at 5ish till 11. I have 1 oldy neddy who's 25 now so dosent really do much and is a good doer and just taken the plunge couple of months ago to buy my new youngster que bank loan... I dont shop usually if you saw me alongside the gypsies id fit right in, minus the unclean part of course lol. I did have 4by4 and trailer but way to costly and was living on baked beans so have just downgraded to cheap car and small lorry it isnt pretty or new but it works. I live at home with mum and pay for everything myself both horses car etc no money help here and no dont get rent free i have to pay board.
Im generally very tired and look like poo due to 5.30 starts at late night finishes But i wouldnt change a thing!! im so grateful for the things i have and i appreciate things so much more paying for them myself..

A rich life is a lonely one!!! :)

maree t

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15 September 2010
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Hi, I am 45, live in a shack made of asbestos with no foundations no hot running water etc but........ it came with five acres , so OH works full time I work part time and the kids earn where they can. Five ponies and loads of other animals. Our rice box is 25 years old (ebay £400) and tow with a J reg toyota pickup.
We keep the wolf from the door and produce most of our own food (pigs , sheep etc) and veg plot.
We make the most of the pony club with rallies and comps etc and the kids do get out a lot and compete.
Once they fly the nest then we will downsize the ponies and I can take up driving more seriously which is my dream now.
We work darn hard 7 days a week but we love it. We live in a great area but the new house has been put on hold for the foreseeable future as our circs have changed dramticaly since we sold everything to buy this place.


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7 October 2010
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I am old enough to know better and run a rehabiliation centre for horses. Never have had any money. Never likely too - have seen the sort of men you have to marry to drive around in 50k horse boxes!
i award this answer the prize for best answer!!! i will use this phrase as appropriate for the rest of my life.


Well-Known Member
7 October 2010
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Need to get back to work so haven't read thread.

1. The lorries are rarely £50K (even the smart ones)
2. Would you really want to be coming out of one of those lorries doing 60cm and intro dressage? Cos that's what happens up here.

I think its 'all the gear, no idea'.

Me..... Jealous... Hell yes!


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26 December 2009
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I am 39, (I can only say that for another week!!!) and I work as a receptionist. We go without on a lot of things so we can have donovan. And i wouldnt change a thing. (except of course a 40th birthday looming very very quickly now!!)


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28 April 2011
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Firstly you don't need a 50k lorry! - remember it is just a box with wheels on to transport your horse! My very ancient Diahatsu cost me £3000 ten years ago and is still pulling my trailer now & I have no intention of replacing it while it is still able to do it's job - I just swapped my 10 year old trailer for a new one because my new horse didn't fit in the old one - BUT if it had been the right size for her I would still be trundling round in it now and can well imagine it would last another 10 years!

I am 51, work part time self employed, OH can earn good money but work is intermittant right now so thankfully as we have always been cautious about making sure there are savings to fall back on we are coping quite well. We don't buy new cars / dont take many holidays / don't spend lots of money on new clothes etc and have never bought anything (apart from a house) which we couldn't pay cash for, so no credit card or car loans eating up money in the form of interest. My latest horse has been deliberately chosen for her ability to be "low maintenance" - a good dooer who could live out in the winter if needs be. I keep her on DIY livery right now, and she comes in overnight in the winter, but if times got really hard I know could swap her to grass livery & she'd cope very well.

It's all about planning your priorities and making the most of what you have, I do believe that if you want it badly enough you do find a way to make it happen. (Speaking personally - if I did have 50k to spare I still wouldn't spend it on a fancy "Look-At-Me" lorry cos it wouldn't make me ride any better!)
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Well-Known Member
26 January 2011
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scarymare - when we were looking for a lorry we got quotes ranging from £30k for a 3.5T up to £90-odd for a 7.5T
the majority that we considered were around the £60k mark for a new build


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8 January 2008
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I am 23 with one horse and two dogs we own our house and horse kept on DIY livery. I work as a pharmacy tech in a community pharmacy which pays crap compared to hospital and hubby is in te forces. We have enough to get by each month but nOt a lot extra. The animals never go without though and I remind myself how lucky I am to have a job and my own house. With everything else going on in the world we are all fortunate to have our horses x


Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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I'm very recently 52 (there, I said it!), worked with horses professionally all my life since the age of 14. Now run own business with non-horsey partner, business involves horses sometimes (we do display and film work, amongst other things) so we have 3 horses (2 rescues; all cheap) and a 7.5 ton, 17 year old, 3-horse lorry which most definately did NOT cost 50K. Horses all have to earn their keep, so they pay for themselves.