Felix is such a monkey. He is so bold - has zero fear. He is doing bucking high speed laps of his stable so we have put him out for an hour to let him have a proper leg stretch. ONe vet said in for 2 weeks, the other said restrict so we have gone with restricting but not total rest. I think his legs look a lot straighter but vet is not reviewing till Wednesday.
He is gorgeous and my heart melts when I see how lovely Amber is with him. I'm so pleased she appears to love motherhood. She is so chilled and gentle.
Enya is proving to be a good tonic for me as I am having a terrible couple of weeks with my equines (lost my mule and now my homebred 5yr old is awaiting emergency surgery, unconnected)
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Enya is proving to be a good tonic for me as I am having a terrible couple of weeks with my equines (lost my mule and now my homebred 5yr old is awaiting emergency surgery, unconnected)
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Surgery went well so hopefully that’s the worst bit over and recovery will be straightforward- he sliced a massive chunk of his hind leg off in the field, lost a huge amount of blood and opened up a big hole into the fetlock joint but seems to have got away with not doing any soft tissue damage and hopefully not too much boney involvement, though surgeon said there is a risk part of the cannon has lost blood supply and will slough off, in which case he'll need another operation. Eurghh, horses. Why on earth would anyone breed more?!
Good luck ? keep us posted ?So sorry TM, hoping recovery is going okay!
I have just got a message from the stud owner about Elsy saying they think she is going to give birth tonight or tomorrow! 2 weeks early, hoping everything will be fine!!