2nd opinion - devasted.


Well-Known Member
19 January 2014
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Some of you may recall my four year old American Mammoth Jackstock jenny (14.3hh donkey) going lam about six months go. I had a vet out several times, he x rayed her fetlock then just left her "to rest". I got fed up and got a second opinion last week, This morning I spent several hours with her at the veterinary hospital and watched as x rays and scan were done, of her stifle not her fetlock!! (As I mentioned to the first vet)

To cut a long story short, I have three options. two are not viable, or acceptable.

My beautiful young mare, so loving an endearing, has to be put to sleep.

To say I am devastated is an understatement.

She will be put down in a few weeks, and remains on Danilon and reasonably happy until I can sort a few things (I was told not to decide too quickly, but this is the only option in reality)


Well-Known Member
17 June 2012
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Oh dear. I'm so sorry. Are you able to say what the options are, or would that be too difficult? It seems a sad outcome for such a sweet creature.


Well-Known Member
31 December 2006
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Oh no, I am so sorry to hear this, what a horrible shock. I'm sure you've considered the options and come to the right decision for her.
My advice (as on my recent thread about having my girl put to sleep) is to take the time to plan how you want to deal with this, take some happy photos together, treasure your time. x


Well-Known Member
29 December 2011
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What did the vet say? You said there were 3 options .... ? Don't give on her just yet, there may be some wisdom or shared experiences on here which might help ... <<< hugs >>>


Well-Known Member
19 January 2014
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I am sorry I did not give any more information. Sometimes I cry buckets, then when I am with her, it does not seem that she is suffering and that she has to be put to sleep.
Basically she has the knee injury that puts footballers out of action. Please excuse my lack of correct terminology. She has twisted her joint severely and pushed out the discs that cushion the joint.They can not be put back and are shrinking . She has also torn most of the cartiledge and ligaments that hold the knee (stifle) bones in position. The joint is full of fluid, which cannot be removed, and she has some small growth developing on one the bone. All her other legs are affected, with bowed tendons, pedal rotation, and a boxy hoof developing, because she walks so awkwardly. That is a very brief outline
My options are:
1/ Six months box rest, which may stabilise the joint slightly, but it will not remove the pain, and any slight jarring out in the field could render her joint completely unusable and create immense pain.

2/ A even more specialised ortho surgeon from Bristol could operate. He can do little, more tidying up than anything. Again she would need 6 months box rest, and she will still be in some degree of pain, anything from 2% - 10%. No guarantees of course, and again the risk of a stumble completely destroying the joint beyond use. This would be very expensive - NOT that money is relevant. I would find the money somehow/somewhere.

3/ PTS. This is what the vet would do, but she does not of course say what I should do. It is my decision, and she will not accept too quick a decision.

I know that Meg will not tolerate box rest, and knowing her she will injure herself in the stable.

Putting Meg through these options for her to remain in pain, is not an option to me. She is only four, and being in pain for the rest of her life is not, in my experience, any way to live. Her other legs will also continue to deteriorate.

I hope this all makes sense, I cannot recall the exact terms etc, but I did see the problems on the scan.

I spoke to my local donkey sanctuary inspector - who adores Meg and wants her - and she said there is nothing else that can be done, and she would recommend PTS. I am not persuaded by this. It is my decision. Everybody I have spoken to agrees, however upsetting it is.

We are getting two of my other four donkeys home home as soon as we can, we will give them a week for Pebbles to re associate herself with them.

I am devastated, but Meg comes first, and I am convinced this is the right decision. She is being spoilt rotten while I still have my angel.


Well-Known Member
11 April 2011
I live in Kent
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After reading all of that it is clear you have made a clear and firm choice, based on your knowledge of her and the prognosis. It stinks!!!!! I am so sorry to hear this, I think you are very brave to put her welfare first. Thinking of you and the lovely girl!!! :(


Over the hill and far awa
14 September 2006
West Yorkshire
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So sorry to read this, I absolutely agree that six months box rest for a four year old equine is too much, imo even for a guaranteed good outcome, never mind for a life inpain. I think you are making the best decision for her, even though it is a horrid one for you.


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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I would make the same decision as you, in fact I'm not sure why you were offered the other two options, they are not realistic options, imo, as there is still no probability of improvement after 'treatment'.

What a dreadful position to be in.


Well-Known Member
19 May 2012
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So very sorry. My friend's horse, who I used to ride, had a similar diagnoses a few weeks ago and sadly my friend had to face the same decision. He'd an ongoing problem with his stifle rather than a trauma but he'd also developed similar changes to what you describe and with the same choices offered. So sad for you.