6 year old napper... should I persist ?


Well-Known Member
6 September 2005
Warks/Worcs border
nothing wrong with getting off IF you can control him from the ground Competantly (sp!) i have a horse tht is a bad napper she has improved so much since i have had her and i can hack her out alone with much perserverance but i sometimes get off if need to elad her past soemthing she really won't go past there are circumstances it's safer too, my horse napped fell in a ditch on top of me!!!! now i get off if it is a dangerous situation like that!!! get some help from an instructor


New User
3 October 2006
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Ive got the same problem! Ive got a WBx and he started napping when ridden on his own and he gets very nervous and spins and rears. He has really knocked my confidence and Ive been riding for 22 years! Ive only had him for 6 months but have another horse, and have been riding for 22 years so would say Im fairly experienced but when you cant put your leg on to send him forwards as he feels like he is about to erupt its not at all pleasant. I too am in two minds whether to persist as he is such a fab temperament and a lovely boy. I have my own facilities at home but have moved him to a yard up the road so I can ride out with company and he's so much better. I do think a good smack would sort him out but its having the guts to do that when your feeling like jelly and aware of cars and ditches and all other hazards around. Not sure if I should attempt to take him on his own and see what happens or continue riding with others ? Help!


Well-Known Member
21 January 2006
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from a novice point of view NO you dont want your confidence knocking.

The lady i loan my boy from recently got a cob who behaves the exact same way we were told he was 6 but have recently found out he is younger.
When in the school asked to canter he broncs [fly bucks] naps which results in rearing because he cant get his own way.
He hacks out with jacob and other horses fine has odd nap if he is that way out but generally good.
Try take him out alone he goes mental rears bucks naps but we are still doing it with him going a little further everytime granted he is getting better but you have to show him who the boss is and if i was a novice frankly i would be scared of him.

For me our horse is not a problem but i would say to you maybe see if your partner can sort him out you still hack him in company when you know he will behave at his best.
But please dont knock your confidence if you are a ''novice'' this could be the issue if he knows your still dipping your feet in the pond he will try it on and with your partner too he is pushing the limits to see what he can get away with.

Really consider your options do you have a rider on the yard who would be willing to try take him out alone a fresh new rider who is not affraid to take hold and say no im the boss and maybe put him right for you.

Wish you all the luck in the world its hard when they begin to act like this and you have become attached to the horse but want to feel safe and looked after at the same time.

If you need any help feel free to PM me.

Amy x x x x x


New User
3 October 2006
Vale of Belvoir
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thanks to all very much................ after a single malt I'll sleep on it zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz