ISHY, my old gelding had serious front feet problems and crap hocks since I bought him at age 6 and we kept him on the road for another 6 years. I had a lot of fun with him at a level he was comfortable with.
Sol looks great and I hope you can keep her comfortable and carry on enjoying yourselves for many years to come.
ISHY, my old gelding had serious front feet problems and crap hocks since I bought him at age 6 and we kept him on the road for another 6 years. I had a lot of fun with him at a level he was comfortable with.
Sol looks great and I hope you can keep her comfortable and carry on enjoying yourselves for many years to come.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'll just be pleased if she will be happy doing low level stuff and will be sound enough to just have some fun on ! All her problems can be helped to a degree so its just a case of keeping an eye on her and changing our plan of attack if needs be ! I am very lucky to have such a chilled out horse though , first canter in 5 months and I survived
Ishy, you & Sol look bloody marvellous ! After all the heartache you've been through you have every right to be so very, very proud of yourself & Sol, keeping everything crossed for you both X
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Thankyou AMC
I am very very proud of her .. she just tries her heart out whatever you ask her to do .
[/ QUOTE ]
Hi, and a great 'glad from me' for your achievements, gave me a great smile! Nos da, mi cariad, BS x
I hope you won't take offence at this, I am thrilled that you now have your horse back, I remember your distress at the thought she might be pts. However, she doesn't look right to me in your video, and to me it looks as if she needs more work in relaxation maybe, before being held in and cantered.
:S I can't see what's great about a very tense looking horse being held in by draw reins. :/
The trotting one you have in your sig is much nicer
[/ QUOTE ]
No I doubt you would ... but then you are not me
You can't please everyone and I've given up justifying myself to people .
eta - Yes I agree the trotting picture is nicer , and I have several more like that from yesterday .. sadly she's not as chilled in canter just yet !
I hope you won't take offence at this, I am thrilled that you now have your horse back, I remember your distress at the thought she might be pts. However, she doesn't look right to me in your video, and to me it looks as if she needs more work in relaxation maybe, before being held in and cantered.
[/ QUOTE ]
No she's not right , I know that .. I'm not blind
She's never going to be a 100% but she's a damn site better than she was 6 months ago.. As I say everytime I dare post something , everything I do is under my vets instruction so I shall carry on until he tells me to stop !
I'm just going to type this before I go out for a hack so WW3 doesn't erupt like my last topic !
Yes half of you think I'm ruining my horse and I'm the one that knackered her before but do you honestly think saying something or having a sly little dig is going to change all of that now?
No-one off this forum has EVER met my horse and only a couple of people have met me ... you have NO idea what this horse is like only what you read off here. I honestly wish I could get a manuscript of everything my vet says to be to prove I'm not doing everything wrong all over again .
I really should just try and let things slide and let it go over my head .. as people always say , its just a forum... but at the moment I can't. You could see that I was over the moon that today (well yesterday) she has behaved and things we going alright but still I have had unnecessary comments (on here and over PM!) .. If i'd asked for your input then they would be gratefully received but I didn't .. I just wanted to share this with people that have followed Sol and thing over the last few months .
I know this sounds like a childish rant and I know I'm going to get shouted at it for.. but I actually give up now and this is in general not just this thread but all my threads that seem to turn into something other than they were meant to please go find someone else to remind how crap they are !
well ishy i think its great that youve got her back
keep up the good work, shes a lovely mare
and the canter will get more relaxed in time; but if you sit deeper (if possible, i know its hard when they are like a bottle of pop) and relax yourself shell get there
Really pleased for you, don't get on the forum as regularly as I'd like but I do like to follow yours and Sol's story. Well done, you must be so chuffed!
Really pleased for you, don't get on the forum as regularly as I'd like but I do like to follow yours and Sol's story. Well done, you must be so chuffed!
[/ QUOTE ]
If you are still at the yard I *think* you are at (don't worry I'm not a stalker
Oh get over yourself, I don't believe I have actually posted on many of your posts, or have ever said you're ruining her, they're public pictures, I'm not going to sit by and go 'ahhh' over a tense horse in draw reins, and you can say your vet tells you to do all this but I fail to see how it's relevant to a picture of a very tense horse, where I never questioned whether you should be cantering etc. And who has made sly remarks??? (And the video tbh shows that all the draw reins are doing is pulling her in).
If you don't want people true opinions, don't post simple.
Have I said my in my post it was directed to you ? No .. so stop ASSUMING that it was . It actually a genarel post about how I feel.
I didn't say YOU had accused me of ruining her .. I answered your thread with a reply and did not direct anything else at you!
People I won't give the grace of naming have made sly bitchy remarks over the last few weeks and have even thought PM'ing there thoughts would help me realise what a [****] job I am doing.
I don't want people to go 'AHH what a pretty horse' but I do truely believe in 'if you haven't got anything nice to say .. don't say it'
As I've said on numerous occasions .. I invite anyone to do a better job with her .. I am trying my best and tbh it more than most would do
My 'rant' was not aimed at you and I didn't direct it at you .. it was just a post I felt like writing.
I know I can't please everyone and ALOT of people think i'm doing the wrong thing .. but they choose to keep quiet and ignore my posts
Really pleased for you, don't get on the forum as regularly as I'd like but I do like to follow yours and Sol's story. Well done, you must be so chuffed!
[/ QUOTE ]
If you are still at the yard I *think* you are at (don't worry I'm not a stalker
) you may meet her sometime
[/ QUOTE ]
If the yard that you think I'm at is the one that I think you think I'm at then I'm no longer there
! (Begins with an S) Was too big for my liking! Am at a different yard now (obviously
Really pleased for you, don't get on the forum as regularly as I'd like but I do like to follow yours and Sol's story. Well done, you must be so chuffed!
[/ QUOTE ]
If you are still at the yard I *think* you are at (don't worry I'm not a stalker
) you may meet her sometime
[/ QUOTE ]
If the yard that you think I'm at is the one that I think you think I'm at then I'm no longer there
! (Begins with an S) Was too big for my liking! Am at a different yard now (obviously
Would love to meet her though
[/ QUOTE ]
Ahh yes was where I was thinking
And Sol always likes meeting new people so if you are ever near my yard pop in for a cuppa and a chance to meet her
a number of us on here know what it's like to have to keep working a horse even though said horse is not 'right' - i remember the tears i was in and crying to Friend, asking just how bl00dy lame did my horse have to be before the vets were happy
. we may well end up there again.
hugs to you ishy.
p.s., for those of you that don't know ishy, i've had the privilege of meeting her - she's a level headed and extremely competant horsewoman: the amount of time and effort that she has put into this horse is extraordinary. i consider it an honour to call her my friend. she posts on here like we all do, to show how Sol is progressing, which so many people are interested in - i think it sometimes takes some guts to do that, on a public forum where people not in the know will make comments that are less than helpul. as those who have been through anything similar, the emotions and guilt trip are pretty damn tough to deal with on their own.
I can't believe ISHY still gets all this rubbish, EVERYONE knows her story and knows that she has had enough rubbish in the past. Give her a break, if you can't write anything nice don't write anything at all.
As for the 15 or so people that have PM'ed her insults and told her what a bad job she is doing, get a back bone. At least have the guts to write what you PM in public for all to see.
You know what? I think it was brave of me to fly in the face of almost everyone and gently ask if the horse was ready for this. I didn't make any sly digs (I asked for more information before commenting). It was meant to be a helpful thought, nothing more. Oh and EVERYONE doesn't know her story, but I have taken an interest and read all her posts, I had missed the updates on the treatment that had brought about this amazing recovery though.
I haven't sent any pm's by the way.
If ISHY is happy with what she is doing with her horse I am sure that is all that matters. I'm sure a happy rider = a happy horse.
I havent read your posts before so have gone back and read all your posts regarding Sol and all your problems.
Here is my story it might help you, I bought my dream horse at 18 a big bay ID X 4 yo, the first 6 months were wonderful, he then went lame behind, after my vet tried to find out what was wrong he went to Horsepital. The outcome was he had bone spavins in both hocks, once that problem was solved, he then went lame in front, the total outcome as a 6 yo was navicular in both front feet, not producing any synovial fluid of any quality so fetlocks and pasterns had OCD in them and bone spavins in both hocks.
Treatment consisted of a cocktail of drugs, and a total change in how I viewed the horse and his needs, and my own attitude (when at 20 who doesnt think they know it all about horses, I was mortified when I found out actually I knew very very little). I used to hack him in walk for hours, especially uphills to build all his muscles up to support his joints. He never ever trotted on roads, as the concussion would start to irritate his joints, (no one ever wanted to hack with me), but the biggest break through was my own riding. I learnt to get him working correctly through from behind, over his back and lighen his front end so his job became easier, the pressure on his joints was less and he could do his job. He went back to showjumping and within 2 season upgraded to B, and just before he retired from competing actually made A. Sadly he died of a heartattack at 20, something totally unexpected as I thought it would always be his legs that went first. I miss him so much, just typing about him makes me cry, he was my horse of a lifetime.
There is hope, however and I hope you take this the right way. I think you need to take a step back and stop rushing, time is on both your sides. I really think that lessons would help you both considerably, she is very hollow in work, which is making the strain on her joints a lot worse, you are also very lopsided in riding sitting to the right, which again is going to make her use her body incorrectly and strain other muscles which will lead to more problems. It also looks as though you would benefit from a bigger saddle, you seem to be struggling in the one you have. The lighter and better balanced in the saddle you become, the softer and working correctly she becomes will help more than anything. Another thing is get as fit as you both possibly can be, muscles move joints and support them, the more muscle, working correctly the better the longterm outlook.
As said, I have been where you are now, there is hope although the bad days do seem to outweigh the good, you just have to keep the good days at the front of your mind, and strive for the longterm, with correct work and management she could last you well into her late teens.
At the time when all my friends were out competing I was sidelined for over 2 years, but in the end, due to the managment I had learned and my increased riding ability, once we did get out there, we not only beat them we also competed longer than them, as I had learnt how to keep my horse correctly fit and sound.
Sorry it is so long, and if you want any of the exercises or management I used to do (and still do with all my horses now), I am only to happy to help.
Yes maybe you do have more balls than eveyone else and you are just typing what everyone is thinking .. I just feel there is a time and a place for 'gentle advice' and now isn't it. I gave up asking advice because I used to get the same 'we don't know the horse and you should trust the vet' .. now I am trusting my vet it can't possibly be the right thing either
I've now realised I can't win either way and its not worth the hassle and the stress of it all ! No-one on this forum (apart from about 3!) knows me , you have no idea how hard I am trying to do everything by the book .
Yesterday I just wanted to share probably one of the happiest moment from the last 4 months. I never thought I'd sit on her let alone be able to crack on with bringing her back into work and I just wanted to share it with people that care.
Next time I'll be sure to post a disclaimer saying I really really don't want and advice because I'm sure if I took it someone else would pipe up I'm doing it wrong !
Sorry this isn't all directed at you I am just typing whats going through my head right now .. I know (well I hope) you didn't mean anything by any of it and you are just trying to help but I really do believe unless you know all of the ins and outs of the situation with Sol no-one is in a position to tell me I'm doing it wrong bar my vet , farrier and YM.
You are repeating everything I already know you have not written down anything new and ground breaking. I have gone over everything in my head millions of times . I've read everything I possibly can , spoken to as many possible 'experts' and am trying it all.
Yes my riding ofcourse is an issue .. that why I stopped riding her but I have no-one else to turn to , I need to do this and I am aware of every single fault in my riding (I can list them if you want as I pick them apart ALL the time)
Again I am justify myself to someone I have never spoken to and has never spoken to me. I just need to realise everyones a critic and I need to accept that there are a million things wrong and I am an easy target !
I'm far too emotional when it comes to Sol and things surrounding her and this is why any constructive critisim people think will benefit me will not at this moment in time .
I take crit. from only a few people without asking and thats because they know me and the ins and outs of EVERYTHING surrounding Sol .
And sorry if this is a ramble and sorry if I am sounding like a twat. I just don't know how to explain everything anymore
Personally, I think ISHY, you've done an amazing job with Sol, not many people would have stuck it out like you have with all the ups and downs that you've had. I think Sol is really lucky to have you, an owner who never gave up on her horse, and who is so devoted to her too. I'm so proud of you both and so pleased to see you both back in business!! Well done!
I can't wait to see more from you both as you get better and better