A truly sickening Facebook page...

Alec Swan

Well-Known Member
20 October 2009
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I have tracked down 4 separate companies who advertise, and who's adverts appear alongside the Facebook page in question, asked them if they are aware of how their money is being spent, and everyone of them has taken the stance that they are both shocked and disappointed.

I would hope that others will join me, by adding pressure.



Well-Known Member
29 May 2012
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I have tracked down 4 separate companies who advertise, and who's adverts appear alongside the Facebook page in question, asked them if they are aware of how their money is being spent, and everyone of them has taken the stance that they are both shocked and disappointed.

I would hope that others will join me, by adding pressure.


I was wondering if I should post up about this page and the petition in the News section...might get a bit more attention.
And good work Alec, do you have any links to your posts on each company's wall (and did you get anywhere with that petition)?


Well-Known Member
3 March 2012
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I am not a member of facebook so was unable to sign the petition.

I have not attempted to view the offensive facebook page, even if I am allowed, I would rather not..

If there is any action that I can take from the U.S. without being a facebook member please let me know.


Well-Known Member
22 September 2010
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Just has a look at page - its quite disturbing to read what has been written
- I have reported page to FB


Well-Known Member
19 November 2010
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If Facebook are not taking this page seriously, perhaps the police will. I suspect such postings are classed as Grossly Offensive online communications, and are therefore, against the law.


Well-Known Member
29 May 2012
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I am not a member of facebook so was unable to sign the petition.

I have not attempted to view the offensive facebook page, even if I am allowed, I would rather not..

If there is any action that I can take from the U.S. without being a facebook member please let me know.

Sadly FB don't seem to have any way of contacting them online unless you are a Facebook member (which seems wrong as stuff can be put on FB that affects those not members, but anyway)
You could, if you really wanted to contact them via letter. The address is:
1601 Willow Road
Menlo Park

Whether or not they'll listen, I don't know so it's likely not to be worthwhile. It's up to you, but if you do decide to, then I'd have a look at the page first, just so you know what you're complaining about!
Anyway, thanks for the support :)


26 April 2012
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(And the reason I haven't liked it is because I'm not on Facebook and a friend set it up for me who doesn't want to lead the charge).

Much like a decent hedge we just need the bold first few to go (and like it) then the field will follow!


Well-Known Member
29 May 2012
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And have now, on reflection, unliked it. It's unhelpful.
I worked hard to remove another pro page, 'Antis in Hunting Accidents' which was just as offensive as Hunting Accidents. Thankfully, it had few likes.
This isn't so, but I don't see how it can help remove this sick page.
I'd take it down if I were you, or change it's name to 'Take Down Hunting Accidents'. I'd be quite happy to help admin if you get in contact. :)


26 April 2012
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Allow me to explain my reasoning for how this page will allow us to stop the Hunting Accidents page by posting a discussion I had with one person who, much like you, seemed to doubt my logic! (I will give the page a couple of days grace, yes there may be a few people who think it's negative now but that's probably a group of friends discussing it and holding the same viewpoint):

Robin Cross-Carpenter
There's no point in stooping to their level. They might upset others with their vile page but we shouldn't say we would go out of our way to kill animals just on the grounds that it upsets them.
Like · · 2 hours ago
2 people like this.

Hunting Accidents prompts me to go hunting This is hardly "stooping to their level" as they celebrate the death of human beings and I don't celebrate any death at all. Also, there's no going "out of our way" here, sometimes I get up in the morning and it seems like a nice day so I think I'll have a wander round the farm with the gun. Instead of the weather being the spur to go out I will be checking Facebook to see whether I should go shooting. You no doubt propose reporting the page to Facebook (a pointless exercise), if indeed you're pro hunting or even ambivalent at all.. Plus if we think logically about this and this page gets a fair few likes Hunting Accidents won't post anymore (if they are actually bona fide animal lovers as opposed to perceived class warriors) and therefore no induced 'hunting' will occur.
2 hours ago · Like

Robin Cross-Carpenter True it's not as bad as that page but it puts us in a bad light saying that we would kill an animal just because of what the antis have said. It makes us look like the blood lusting monsters they call us. As you said you go out anyway. I have reported the page many times, wrote directly to fb and have posted on their own fb page. If you think us "liking" this page would fix the demented minds of the posters on Hunting Accidents I think you are quite naive.
2 hours ago · Like

Hunting Accidents prompts me to go hunting I think you fail to quite get the concept here. If we get a fair few people to like this page and are thus entering into a little pact to go out for a little extra country sports when Hunting Accidents post and people like their posts. Even if their admins themselves are not entirely rational beings (as you suggest) they will be forced to desist or they undermine their tag as animal lovers and would lose support anyway. On the subject of being naive, you say you have reported the page many times. I can guarantee you your petitions, reports and all the generic ways to take down this page will fail, they always have, they always will. Liking and sharing this page is the best bet to stop Hunting Accidents. So if you genuinely don't like what they do, you know what to do.
about an hour ago · Like

Robin Cross-Carpenter Those people aren't really animal lovers, they are people haters
about an hour ago · Like

Hunting Accidents prompts me to go hunting Which is exactly what I alluded to in my initial reply to your post. I can only hope you now understand my argument in my second comment that independent of their real motivations they will have to react by stopping from posting to maintain their facade of being animal lovers and to maintain their support.
about an hour ago · Like

Robin Cross-Carpenter Hopefully you've shared a link to this page with them so they know about it.
42 minutes ago · Like


Well-Known Member
29 May 2012
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The point of the petition is NOT, in itself, to get the page shut down-I don't expect it to. The point of the page is show that there is widespread concern about the page.

The only way the page is going to be shut down is if the police step in, ultimately. It has been reported, though whether much comes of it, I don't know.

I'm sorry, but your page really doesn't help any more than winding up the already deranged people who run that page.


26 April 2012
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The point of the petition is NOT, in itself, to get the page shut down-I don't expect it to. The point of the page is show that there is widespread concern about the page.

To what end exactly? All that's doing is saying there's loads of people who don't like their friends incident's being laughed about. Hardly groundbreaking is it. Anyway that's just fueling the fire for the people who run the page who think, look how many hunting people we've wound up.

The only way the page is going to be shut down is if the police step in, ultimately. It has been reported, though whether much comes of it, I don't know.

The police will do nothing, what they're doing is only tenuously illegal and essentially unenforceable anyway, it's not a mainstream political issue they will not use (or "waste" as they'll see it) what pathetic little influence the UK Police have over the american giant of Facebook on such a minority issue. Most unfortunate but true.

Using extra 'hunting' excursions as leverage remains out best option to actually stop the page from being used. All these other activities encourage them to do it and waste everyone's time.



Well-Known Member
29 May 2012
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The page has been removed by Facebook, it appears. That's good news-it only took three years to take it off!!

The bad news is that the former admin of the page is threatening to set up a new one :eek:

Massive thanks to everyone who took the time to report the page, contact companies, or sign the petition


26 April 2012
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One thing we can ALL be grateful for is the removal of the page.

Though I for one doubt very much it was to do with the three year campaign. It is one hell of a coincidence that within hours of the 'Hunting Accidents prompts me to go hunting' page being set up that it closed!

Sometimes, unfortunately, you have to fight fire with fire.


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23 September 2004
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I'm sure if they remove it once then they will remove it again should he start another one, well hoping they would!

There is a replacement already but more carefully worded to fall within the criteria for facebook.

What's with the pro-hunting page that threatens to kill 10 animals for every post the other page has ?
It's either very sick or the work of a 12 year old. Bit embarrassing for hunting really.
Something's very wrong with the world.

(Goes off muttering, 'there must be more decent people than bad in the world, there must be more decent people than bad....aren't there ? Someone ? Anyone ? )


Well-Known Member
28 June 2010
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Just found out its been removed and couldn't be happier. So glad its gone. Well done all who reported and campaigned to get it removed.