Absolutely seething with anger


Well-Known Member
28 February 2008
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and how did she get into uni!?
and she owns a her own horse?!

I'd be ringing her up and asking her if that slap knocked any sense into that stupid skull of hers, I'd be wanting a fecking apologyand an explanation and see what she's got to say for her self after she's had time to think about it all.

God only knows how much damage that could of caused your poor horse, vet bills etc

Thank god you got up in time.


High upon a hillside
28 February 2008
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I think it sounds like your so called friends have no idea where the line is between a joke and something altogether different.

TBh though, if they had played all those other 'pranks' on me I think I would have been out there sharpish - what complete tits. I hate lack of respect for other peoples possessions and space, and if they had filled my room with pine cones I would have most likely moved out.

And as for painting my horse, I most likely would have slapped her, ridden over her into the sunset and not let her near me or my horse again.

Is it the end of year though isn't it? So not much longer to put up with these people, hope you move in with some nice ones next year


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21 August 2008
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I can not believe the replies I have been reading. What you friend was going to do was very wrong. She should be reported to the YO and possibly banned. However all she had actually done was catch your horse without your permission. Your actions were over the top. You assulted her and could have been arrested. Violence is NEVER an answer.

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Oh, and yes, all that girl had actually done was catch the horse without the OP's permission. BUT even in the court of law, INTENT is quite an important factor. INTENT is what makes the difference between murder and manslaughter after all. Even if you only had the INTENT to kill someone and got caught shortly before the act with everyone knowing what your intentions were, you would quite definitely not just walk about freely afterwards.

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Not that I agree with it, but actually in law you have to have both intent and action for there to be a crime. I could sit and think about killing someone all day long, it is only the act which causes it to be a murder.

TBH, the girl was out of line, but I think freaking out i just someone brough my horse in from the field is a bit much. Once my friends brought my horse in and switched it stables with a mini, after my initial bafflement I found it quite funny. She was quite merrily munching on hay, and I doubt I could have done a better job leading her in from the field. Leading isn't a honed skill like riding.


Well-Known Member
25 April 2007
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I You assulted her and could have been arrested. Violence is NEVER an answer.

Maybe I am gettimg old but I am truly horrifed by this and many other threads where physical violance in response to a problem is suggested and supported.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm going to go against the flow as well and agree that violence is not a solution. It causes resentment and breeds more anger and is not a way to resolve a situation - as well as the risk of being charged with assault of course.

I can understand that the OP was pushed too far and lost her temper, and many of us may have done the same in the circumstances, but what has it really achieved? Surely there is someone in charge of the yard who this should've been reported to so it could be dealt with properly. I think the OP has now weakened her postion should she complain as the girl can now claim she has been assualted and it looks like both are in the wrong.

While I can understand why this happened, I can't and won't condone violence as a solution to a problem. There are better ways of dealing with things.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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RP - Is the horse kept on College property???????? If it is, then I would suggest that what this girl was intending is a disciplinary matter.

I've been thinking about this overnight - and I think you should make a very, very big fuss about it. Parents and VC involved.


Well-Known Member
4 July 2005
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What worries me is that this girl (the one who was going to paint Rosie's horse) is at Agricultural collage (the top one in the country!), so presumably in the future will have animals in her sole care. If she is so callous about the welfare of an animal that she is willing to jeapordise it for a mindless prank, in what way does this indicate her suitability for her chosen career?


Well-Known Member
16 March 2006
South West
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Well I'm going against the flow too, I don't think slapping her was a good thing to do, although I can understand why you did it. I would also see red if someone messed with my horse, but assaulting a person could have left you with a police record.

My only worry now is that they know that you are very sensitive about your horse and may use this to continually wind you up.

I wouldn't get the college involved unless you want to be a student leper.

Equus Leather

Well-Known Member
1 May 2006
Up North
The girl was obviously showing off to her male friends.

Not sure how involving the college would work as she didn't carry through with what she was going to do.

However, you do need to talk to the YM as there shouldn't have been unauthorised people in horses fields.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2007
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I'm sorry but i know in the heat of the moment like OP I would have smacked her one. If i caught anyone touching hovis in the way you describe I know i would have seen red. There is a world of difference between going up to the yard deliberately intending to start a fight and having an involuntary reaction to what the OP saw.
This girl needs reporting to the college/ her tutor / the YO etc immediately.

As someone said 15mins on photo shop and she could have achived the same "joke" without hurting an innocent animal.

Whats the next "joke"? Tying someones hamster to a firework and seeing if it enjoys a rocket ride?

For once words almost fail me.


Well-Known Member
17 April 2009
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I actually think you were quite restrained.

I know I'm protective of Joise, and noone is even allowed to touch her at the moment. But I honestly think I'd be up on a murder charge had I have been in your situation. i can feel my blood boiling for you.

with firends like that who needs enemies eh?


Well-Known Member
25 April 2007
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I'm sorry but i know in the heat of the moment like OP I would have smacked her one. If i caught anyone touching hovis in the way you describe I know i would have seen red. There is a world of difference between going up to the yard deliberately intending to start a fight and having an involuntary reaction to what the OP saw.
This girl needs reporting to the college/ her tutor / the YO etc immediately.

As someone said 15mins on photo shop and she could have achived the same "joke" without hurting an innocent animal.

Whats the next "joke"? Tying someones hamster to a firework and seeing if it enjoys a rocket ride?

For once words almost fail me.

[/ QUOTE ]

It is still an assualt. The OP is young and in the circumstances it may be understandable what she did - but that does not make it ok to try to resolve issues by hitting people.

The college / YO definately need to be involved - this is more difficult now as there are wrongs on both sides - and the girl needs to be punished and to understand why what she did is wrong so she never does something like this again (I know its obvious, but she is obviously stupid/irresponsible/both). I doubt being slapped has taught her anything!

I'm shocked how many adults think this is an acceptable way to behave - understandable maybe, acceptable, certainly not.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2007
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I didn't say it wasn't assault. It WAS assault.
But i would have done the same. I AM saying it is understandable but am NOT saying it is acceptable - merely i know hand on heart faced with what Rosie found I would have done the same.
i am not a violent person but in the heat of the moment faced with something like that i would have reacted first and thought about it later.
I highly doubt Rosie is the type of person who after this incident is going to go cruising around looking for a fight, I believe she is obviously intelliegent enough to know it was assault and that in the eyes of the LAW it was wrong.

Despite this i would be a liar and a fraud to not tell her i would have done the same thing.


Well-Known Member
10 June 2006
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God who cares, trust there to be a massive debate about a slap. She's done it now, what's done is done...move on lol.

I must admit if someone with a bunch of giggling boys kindly decided to paint Tia I'd of done the same I'm afraid out of temper, there's some lines you just don't cross.


Active Member
27 February 2009
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I was getting angry just reading through the OP as I reckon many others were too, and can honestly say I would have done the same. The girl even admitted she was going to paint the horse and the paint was sitting outside stable so we all know what would have happened had RP not got there in time. A slap in time, I say!!


Well-Known Member
6 November 2003
The Sodden Cotswolds
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Eeek! No, I wouldn't have slapped, but I understand why you did. Does she know about Oshk being so sensitive to everything? If she does then it is completely and utterly cruel, if she didn't, then a little water based paint would not hurt (in her opinion).

Fact is she should not be handling your horse without your express permission.
29 July 2005
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OMG that's awful! You had every right to be angry. I would have been the same.
Some people just don't understand the difference between a harmless joke and taking it too far!


Well-Known Member
27 April 2004
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I'm not sure whether I would have actually slapped her. I'd possibly have gone for the drama of carrying the paint round from the stables, sneaking up on her and pouring the lot over her incredibly stupid head.

The skin is the largest organ in the body and anything in that paint would be absorbed. I agree with those who suggest getting the highest people in the college involved. It's not just a question of the paint, but what is required to remove it.

This is far, far beyond a practical joke, as is changing someone's alarm clock the night before an exam. That's not funny, it's twisted. I'm kind of glad you gave her a slap, although I don't condone violence. Hopefully the shock of that will have brought home to her exactly what she was doing.