Abusive Yard Owner


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7 September 2016
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Swearing aggressively at someone sounds like harassment to me.


I’ve never been to small claims court but was a jury member recently where we had to make up our minds based on only what different people said happened. There were no other evidence so we had to decide the verdict by using our own experience of life and what we thought had most likely happened.

if you are a believable witness and you are telling the truth you may win. Probably best to check with citizens advice or the BHS helpline.


Adjusting my sails
13 May 2007
Northern Ireland
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Actually, swearing at someone under certain circumstances is a Public Order offence. Depends on the intent, but it's not ok to go round ranting at people without consideration for how it will affect them or the consequences of it.

Back in 1990 I think it was, a high earning manager got sacked because of the way he spoke to me at work when I relayed a message from my boss (and the manager's boss), so it's serious stuff.

To go from being a livery who has no intention of leaving in the immediate future, to one who wants to leave immediately, following a phone call or conversation with the YO, means that something was said to the livery that was deemed threatening, abusive or insulting. Given that moving yards is a right pita, I'm guessing it was pretty bad.


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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The thing is swearing is rude but it’s not illegal to be rude and abrasive and a little strange .
If this goes to the small claims court I would say Op will lose its a classic she said she said thing no one else witnessed this it was a phone call .
OP does not fancy paying but a SCC judgement against her does not look good and I think I would be really thinking is it worth it .

this. If the YO is providing everything agreed in the contract ie field, stable, hay etc then I don't see how you can not pay. You may not have liked her F remark but it is your choice to just walk out rather than giving notice and leaving in a month.

I'm Dun

Well-Known Member
20 May 2021
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If it does go to court and somehow you lose then providing you pay within 28 days it wont appear on your credit file etc so you have nothing to lose by leaving, not paying and seeing what happens next.

Why is it yard owners get to behave like this and still liveries are expected to pay them? Its enough hassle and expense moving yards without having to bung someone over a grand when they are the cause of you leaving


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28 May 2013
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I would probably write something to the effect of:

Following our conversation on X day at Y time, where I had to ask you not to speak to me badly and you responded by swearing at me, I believe our client / service provider relationship to be irreparably damaged.

I think you were clear in your response to me that you feel the same way.

I propose that we terminate the agreement by mutual agreement.

Please respond to this email to confirm your agreement, and I will move my horse as soon as is reasonably possible, and settle all bills up to the date of moving.


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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For the last 6 months the yo at our yard has become horrendous. She tells you what you should and shouldn’t be doing and has a go at liveries for doing something that she doesn’t like (pulling tails or riding in a bit that she doesn’t like for example). A couple of days ago she phoned me, insulted me and had a go at me about putting hay on the floor for my horses!!! Due to being at the end of my tether I no longer could bit my tongue and told her I did not like the way she was speaking to me. She ended up swearing at me, saying “ F you” and hung up.
I’m obviously leaving after this latest incident however I begrudge pay for 2 horses part livery (£670) notice for a month when I’m leaving due to her abusive manner and horrendous attitude.
I have yard lined up and seriously thinking of moving today. Is it going to cause more issues than it’s worth by not paying my notice?
Depends if your contract says you have to give a months notice of payment of your intent to leave. Liveries can leave before but the month notice period must be paid.

In Fact I like Lady's example above

Roasted Chestnuts

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7 July 2008
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Nope she’s have got the week and any hay money if I was feeling generous and that’s that. Sorry YOs on here not meaning any personal insult but to be verbally abusing people and expecting them to cough up you must be mad, some YOs think they are god at times. Not all I’ve had some lovely YOs ?

Hope your next place is better. However I would out this place on the livery yard reviews pages on FB warn people what they are in for.

Lois Lame

Well-Known Member
11 May 2018
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I guess this cannot easily be done but, OP, can you email (so it's in writing) a letter to your YO that it seems for the best if you leave, and is she willing to split the difference in what is owed?

Be polite etc etc. I mean, you and she are not a good fit. She knows that too. Maybe she's willing to do a deal with you.

Then everything can calm down and you've both had a bit of a win (and a bit of a loss). (But that's life.)

Lois Lame

Well-Known Member
11 May 2018
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Actually, swearing at someone under certain circumstances is a Public Order offence. Depends on the intent, but it's not ok to go round ranting at people without consideration for how it will affect them or the consequences of it.

Back in 1990 I think it was, a high earning manager got sacked because of the way he spoke to me at work when I relayed a message from my boss (and the manager's boss), so it's serious stuff.

This is why I think that the YO might be happy to go halves.