Well-Known Member
A few months ago I bought a 15.2 a s a mother/ daughter share for myself and my daughter As the horse was a younger than we planned to get we have put her on full/ schooling livery with friends of ours who are qualified instructors and have experience with young horses; she will spend a least a year there and potentially be on livery there on a permanent basis. The plan being that they will school her/ hack her out three times a week and we will have lessons with them and gradually over time, as she matures, we will do more and they will do a bit less. In her previous home she had hacked out in company , been to a couple of shows and done a few pony club events. When we tried her we rode her in their school, my daughter jumped her and I hacked her out (off road). We both felt she was a horse we could handle; while recognising that she would need further schooling and we would need help to do that. My daughter has a pony on part loan at present and the plan is that she will do Pony Club etc on the loan pony this summer and potentially progress to our new horse next year. My hope is that in a years time I am hacking her out a few times a few week, considering a few pleasure rides and maybe aiming for my first dressage test. She is a bit babyish at times, and still learning a few manners, but is a generally a "nice person" and will stand by you in field for a scratch and cuddle and will let you scratch her if she lying down in the stable. We had reached the point where we were able to ride in the school for half an hour and then go a walk on own around a ten minute woodland track on the stable grounds. The last time we did this she was a rather spooky as they had put some jumps out but after a bit of backing up we went past and I repeated the loop and she was fine. I then felt confident enough to let my daughter go round. The people who run the stables know me and my daughter well; they taught my daughter to ride and the owner and I have been friends for over twenty years; I trust that if they thought the horse wasn't appropriate they would say so. However despite all the positives, and while I really like the horse (personality wise) I find that overall I am not enjoying owning her and feel anxious all the time and then feel very guilty for feeling like this as I finally have a horse! Every time the feedback is that she has been a bit fresh or baby ish my main desire is to sell her or put her out on loan to someone who can actually appreciate her. She has been quite fresh this week so the yard owners (knowing that I am lacking a bit of confidence) at present have suggested I don't ride her unless someone is there so I feel like we are going backwards rather than forwards. My non horsey husband is being very supportive (he is currently fixing the horsebox we have bought) and says give it six to nine months and then see how everything is going. Intellectually I know he is right but emotionally I am concerned that if I carry on feeling like this I am not going to be confident enough to enjoy her and I'm not being fair to the horse, my husband or daughter. Sorry for the essay but its got the point where I am in tears at times, which is not great and not how I envisaged horse owning to be. I thought it my be helpful to get some viewpoints from people who don't know me.