AHAR (Animal Rescue Animal Hell) PETITION

Chocolate moonbeam

Well-Known Member
16 August 2016
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People who are not qualified to drive specific transportation SHOULD NOT drive it. It would be a danger to animals and other road users not to mention illegal. They are taking in equines because they clearly reduced numbers by dumping a few horses on a dis-used golf course and others went to their "5 star" homes. And AGAIN, what about the money and the people who left - is that gumph too?

But the people you are referring to are qualified. Check it out on the DAFM website if you like.


14 February 2017
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But the people you are referring to are qualified. Check it out on the DAFM website if you like.

Perhaps they were not qualified at the time of the inspection, that would explain why some had to do a transport course. Or perhaps it was to do with AHAR not using dividers when transporting equines. Who knows.
Now for the 3rd time, what about the money and all the staff who jumped ship?

Chocolate moonbeam

Well-Known Member
16 August 2016
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Perhaps they were not qualified at the time of the inspection, that would explain why some had to do a transport course. Or perhaps it was to do with AHAR not using dividers when transporting equines. Who knows.
Now for the 3rd time, what about the money and all the staff who jumped ship?

Well would you believe it, despite the so called proof you claim there is you are now showing that you don't actually know what it was about :D

Leo Walker

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19 July 2013
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Loads of animal rescue centres get this type of treatment. God only knows why these trolls who call themselves animal lovers want to wreck the place that these often abused and neglected animals have found a sanctuary prior to being found new loving homes, but there you go eh, now't so queer as folk.

Well in the case of my friend and her partner it is first hand experience of the place and the things she saw happening there, especially the things happening out of sight of the public.


14 February 2017
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Well would you believe it, despite the so called proof you claim there is you are now showing that you don't actually know what it was about :D

So you avoided the money and staff question yet again.
So, let me put it this way, if you are OK with the treatment of Hero, dis-believe what people are saying and have no view on the spent money, just what would it take for you to be remotely concerned about the operation of any rescue?

Chocolate moonbeam

Well-Known Member
16 August 2016
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Well in the case of my friend and her partner it is first hand experience of the place and the things she saw happening there, especially the things happening out of sight of the public.

Oh yes, the bloke who quite happily stayed there for what, 18 months and never said a word about any of this so called cruelty.

Wouldn't that make him party to it if it were proven to exist?

Can he really afford to be implicated in any dodgy stuff right now do you think?


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Is that a crime now?

The discussion was about the 'crews' of people you claim are out to get AHAR and that no other charity has that level of complaint made against them yet you insist that there is no basis for it.

You said that thread had similar criticism, and it doesn't.

Your question is not relevant to the discussion, but I will answer it anyway. Why is AHAR is taking on horses which it cannot rehome and then causing more money to be spent shipping them to other countries? There are more horses in this country which need help than can be saved. If money is spent importing others, then even more in this country will die. That is not animal welfare. It's causing additional animal deaths.
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Chocolate moonbeam

Well-Known Member
16 August 2016
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The discussion was about the 'crews' of people you claim are out to get AHAR and that no other charity has that level of complaint made against them yet you insist that there is no basis for it.

You said that thread had similar criticism, and it doesn't.

Your question is not relevant to the discussion.

Charities have been forced to close their doors because of trolls. Maybe not criticised on this forum but trolls are trolls wherever they base themselves.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Charities have been forced to close their doors because of trolls. Maybe not criticised on this forum but trolls are trolls wherever they base themselves.

Name them.

I do not believe that any reputable charity has been forced to close because of unfounded allegations of mismanagement and cruelty. But please do enlighten me.
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Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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At least pick a charity with no links to AHAR. Hillside has been widely criticised including on here, still very much going!

There are some 'charities/rescues' for whom it wouldn't be a bad thing that they closed their doors. There was a welsh one a good time ago too I think.

It is worth noting that there are plenty that get praised for their good work too.

I think the definition of troll is proving complicated to CM, entering a debate on a forum with an opinion does not make you a troll, even more so when quite a lot of us know other's real life identities. But that would require some insight and intelligence of thought which seems to be sadly lacking, I do feel sorry for people that struggle with that sort of thing. Much easier just to call TROLL! even if it is anything but.
I can direct you to some actual forum trolls if you like and are struggling CM? None have posted about AHAR.
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Well-Known Member
3 December 2015
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Criticised for raising money to bring horses over to the UK from Ireland from AHAR.

The problem here is AHAR doing no homechecks to make sure these places - Swiftwood, and the 2 mediums in Scotland, had enough funds to offer these horses a secure future. Which they obviously didn't as both places put up 'go fund me' or 'FB' pages to raise funds specifically for the AHAR horses.


Well-Known Member
2 February 2016
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Actually, what you are claiming about trimming seems to differ from anything I have read which states the hind hoofs do need trimming at regular intervals especially when the horse is kept on ground that won't wear them down naturally.

And not only that if we take your 4 month trimming regime as an example yet you claim the front foot is 9-12 months growth, then this would mean this horse would have seen a farrier at least twice.
Why don't you enlighten yourself and talk to a farrier? Show them the pictures and ask for his/her opinion? Like I did? You seem to have pink glasses (or black ones) on your head and no one is able to get through to your foggy mind.I'm really sorry for your inability to understand the science and the plain facts that you are facing when looking at the video. I'm not going to argue with you on this - I said what i needed to say and if you feel that we are all stupid and you know best(even though you know eff all about horses judging by the comments you're making) than by all means, do that.It's your shortcoming after all - not mine.


Well-Known Member
5 December 2010
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yep they definitely got help at a high level to avoid most of the trouble. its frustrating cause you can;t say much without risking court cases and stuff.

but say hypothetically the minister for agriculture at the time was hypothetically a close family friend, i'd imagine in this hypothetical situation that a word in the right ear would make people turn a blind eye. but that just a hypothetical guess... i genuinely don't think people at higher levels knew the extend of the cruelty and scamming thats been done for so long. I think she's a very talented manipulator.


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20 July 2012
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She did not!

Jeez. I knew nothing about this place other than seeing a few FB posts and thinking they were at best a bonkers unprofessional bunch and having read this far it's pretty clear from the clap trap you are spouting "chocolate moonbeam" 🙄 that I was quite right in my assessment of the situation.


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2 February 2011
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This is the manager of AHAR trying to recruit people to hack into the Exposed page and suggesting they train a 15yr old known to them to do it. This is a woman clearly out of control with no moral compass, she is advised to how to do this by one of her staunch supporters.

With this woman in control there is no hope for the animals who are just seen as a cash cow and there is no limits to what she will do in order to protect that.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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I hadn't signed because I thought it was Ireland's business. I have now.


Well-Known Member
4 May 2012
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If AHAR have nothing to hide they should welcome an unbiased investigation. The petition isnt to close the place, just to look into how its run, how the animals are treated, etc. and to make sure that the donations are raised are by legitimate ways, and the monies received are used wisely.
AHAR aim a lot of their fundraising posts towards America, Germany and the UK. A lot of the monies donated come from these countries. So although it is in Ireland, it is the business of anyone who donated, wherever they are.
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Active Member
15 July 2014
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That is appalling behaviour from someone who runs a rescue. It makes a complete joke of the pity party they started about the young girl being so called bullied by people raising awareness of the dodgy business that goes on in this place without talks of hacking including the involvement of the self and and same teenage girl. Words fail me.
If her parents have listened to that I would hope they have distanced themselves.


Well-Known Member
9 March 2017
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Has chocolate moonbeam finally left this thread now?
From the way she has stayed vehemently defending them, and avoiding answering questions you might be forgiven for thinking she is from AHAR?