All fingers and toes crossed please.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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OK, a vet, 5 vet/nurse students and a nurse all participate in the attempt to make Ludo show up lame. No can do, flexions are spectacularly good. Everyone very happy to wave me bye bye as an over concerned owner. So I said, effectively, humour me, take my money, give me x rays of his hocks and stifles and scans for PSD.

£936 later........

No sign of PSD.
Perfect stifles.

Bone spurs on both hocks. Probably born with them, explaining the leg out behind stuff all his life. He's strong enough to manage the left one but the right one is catching occasionally, possibly more at the place we are now because its so much flatter than where he was and not getting the work of a big hill. The effusion on the right is gone and was a minor quadriceps tweak.

There is no preventative treatment that will stop them turning arthritic, apparently, but I'm about to put a thread in Vet to ask for opinions on that. Keep him fit, work him lots and there are good options for if/when they make him lame, which may be never.

I can't think of a better result, really. I knew there was something, and what they found is about the least problematic it could be.

Thanks for all the vibes!


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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To add, all credit to Ashbrook, who are owned by a corporate. There is every reason why they would insist on automatic sedation for x rays or hind leg scans, but they brought him out bright eyed and bushy tailed and said he didn't need it. So much for me thinking corporate vets used every excuse to run up the bill.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Great news, he is one of my favourite horses on here, I love the way he moves and he looks like a kind boy, really pleased for you

He is the sweetest, kindest creature. Everyone loves him, all the stable staff, the other liveries, and he loves the attention! He's an amazing hack, lovely to school, and I have no idea where I could ever find another like him. I'll pay what it takes to keep him going!


Well-Known Member
6 August 2006
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That is great news, I am so pleased - another one with a soft spot(!) for him as my first pony was spotted and one of the reasons I bought Fizz was because of her spotty bottom!


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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Just seen this. It made me think of Beau, forever resting his leg to the point he’d tip you to the side. His was a field injury which in a big cob eventually had him on 2 danilon a day and with severe arthritic changes. I’m glad Ludo’s doesn’t sound serious. He’s a big handsome lad.?


Well-Known Member
30 March 2014
exiled Glaswegian
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Well certainly a better prognosis than it might have been.
You’ll do right by him.

He’a one of my favourites, I’ve ridden many spotty ponies and horses over the years, and all of them have been nice people to be around.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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So sorry I somehow missed this thread. Bog sticks two fingers up to dodgy hocks in the best form of his life years post diagnosis and I do think keeping him super fit works better than any injection.

I’m sure you already do but I spend 10/15 mins in walk both ends of schooling. Boring but useful.

Best possible outcome I think for Ludo. They all have “something” or things.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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So sorry I somehow missed this thread. Bog sticks two fingers up to dodgy hocks in the best form of his life years post diagnosis and I do think keeping him super fit works better than any injection.

Bog's going to be my inspiration. And the vet wants him worked more, get on with jumping, do raised pole work and kept very fit, so same advice.

I’m sure you already do but I spend 10/15 mins in walk both ends of schooling. Boring but useful.

I do if he's been in overnight, but now I'll do it if he's been out as well. Thanks for the reminder.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Bog's going to be my inspiration. And the vet wants him worked more, get on with jumping, do raised pole work and kept very fit, so same advice.

I do if he's been in overnight, but now I'll do it if he's been out as well. Thanks for the reminder.

Hope he’s grand. I just had another vet check Bog as useful for another set of eyes and they were there doing the papers.

They too would 5 stage vet pass him!

fingers crossed for you both but no doubt you will have many years of enjoyment together.


Well-Known Member
24 April 2005
To add, all credit to Ashbrook, who are owned by a corporate. There is every reason why they would insist on automatic sedation for x rays or hind leg scans, but they brought him out bright eyed and bushy tailed and said he didn't need it. So much for me thinking corporate vets used every excuse to run up the bill.

These guys are my vets too and have also been really impressed with them over the last few years - they X-rayed without sedation for me last week and they're consistently been super helpful with insurance forms and not being aggressive about payment - the team in the office are great.