Animal portraits: opinions please!


Well-Known Member
9 August 2011
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Okay, please bear with me, I need to give you some background! Some of you will know from previous posts that I had to give up all things horsey when I was young, for health reasons. Well, when I was young I also did a lot of pencil drawings of horses and other animals. It was something I could do when very ill. I drew pictures of horses I knew and gave (sometimes sold) them to the horses owners.

When I was forced to give up with horses, I gave up the drawing too. I've dabbled sometimes since, but very rarely. Now that horses are back in my life, I feel inclined to try the drawing again. I did one of my colleague's cob, Jack. It's the first horse portrait I've done for 3 decades!

I'm not sure if this will work, I'm a bit rubbish at posting images. If it does, can I have some feedback please? Mostly, do you think such a portrait could be saleable?

I have NO art training, I know I'm no great artist and I'm not at all confident at what I do so please be honest but gentle! I only work in pencil, I've never learnt how to do anything else, and at my age, I'm not likely to!

Okay, I'll try and post the picture. I'll feel very foolish if I fail!


be positive

Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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That is lovely it seems to capture personality in his expression, I would think there is a market for similar especially around Christmas, would make great presents.
Can you work from photos or do you prefer to meet your subject?


Well-Known Member
6 March 2009
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They are amazing!! :) I'm sure you could sell them, no idea how much though, probably not as much as a painting etc. But they are brilliant, great legs on the foal and I love the mouse ones soooo cute :D


Well-Known Member
19 July 2009
Border Reiver
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Oh they're lovely :) I particularly like the foaly and the 1st mouse one.

I definitely think they would be saleable, wish I had some (any) artistic talent :(


Well-Known Member
13 October 2008
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I think they are all great, absolutely better than you think and verging upon amazing if they aren't already!!
I think you could easily sell any of those drawings, they're beautiful. Don't doubt yourself for a second longer :)


Well-Known Member
7 March 2011
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These are absolutely amazing! You have real talent! I do art GCSE and am thinking of taking it to A levels as well and from what i see in my group and other groups, some people train for years in art college to get something like these. Well done!


Well-Known Member
9 August 2011
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Aw, thank you everyone. I'm quite overwhelmed by the response!

I work from photgraphs. I'll pick one to work from, but it helps if I know the horse or at least have other photos to look at too so that I get a feel for what the animal's really like.

Jack's owner helped me get back into riding so I did the drawing (from a photo I took) as a surprise and a thank you. She did seem delighted with it (in fact she cried a little).

At the moment I have a hand injury but when the splint comes off I'm going to try to get some drawings done. My OH offered ages ago to do a website for me so that I can put them online and try to get some commissions. I've been a bit shy of taking him up on it though.

I'll keep you all informed! Your encouragement might just get me moving!

Thanks again. xxx


Well-Known Member
9 August 2011
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The mice were done a long time ago. I have very few samples of my work, as mostly I gave them away or sold them or they've got lost over the years. So I need to get on with doing some new ones and get some much-needed practice in!

I'm feeling determined now. The splint comes off my hand this week, hopefully (very minor but inconvenient riding injury!) so I'll try to get started. Once I've had some practice and got some work on a website, I'll post the link!

Thanks all. xx