Annoying girl at my yard!!

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Well-Known Member
1 September 2010
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it is cos they started being nasty if you look back and i have almost finished it. If you did meet me in person you would not match me up to the comments i have posted today. i guess everybody has a nasty side to them.


Well-Known Member
17 November 2009
West Sussex almost Hants
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@ horserider0912-Your the same age as my sister and I remember being 14 but listen this kid is 11 she is trying to impress you, try to demonstrate how to handle your horse and say to her if you dont do it like this you cannot handle him. Ie when she took the lead rope off, say no that is not safe and that it is not fair on him to trot into his stable it will hurt his feet etc. If she does not lead your horse properly she cannot touch your horse and if she keeps doing it that your horse will eventually not like her for making him trot so much, petty but might put her in her place.
As for chasing your horse, explain that is cruel and again your horse does not like it and one day might not like her any more. You could also say to her if she fills your water buckets and haynets for the week she can have a quick ride at the weekend? She will soon get bored :D
Dont be larey or bossy and what ever you do dont boast as this is immature, just explain to her how to care for your horse and what she can do and if worse comes to the worse ignore her if she doesnt treat your horse properly. Dont answer her and dont respond to her. Simply take your horse back and put him in his stable and fuss him until she goes back to her own pony. Dont even look her in the eye. If this was a five year old running about in a supermarket between your legs you wouldnt fight him would you?

Now what you could do is what people have suggested or have you a friend (adult) who loves your horse as much as you who might be able to talk to this kid?

Just some ideas.


Well-Known Member
13 June 2010
College In the week, home on the weekends :)
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I go to school on mondays, wednesdays,thursdays and fridays but every tuesday i go to college. welcome to the real world people! Not a massive difference between a 14 and a 16 year old! lol!

I know you are getting wound up now but you really don't need to be so rude and sarcastic people are only trying to help you and then if you wind them up they start to get all funny with you and that's how all the problems start.

I have just started college and i can tell you now there is a lot of difference between the age of 14 and 16, it may only seem 2 years but that is actually a lot!!

School is where you learn and work!! College is wear you are treated like adults and you work but also have fun.

Please please pleases listen to peoples advice, i can tell you now that all these HHOers know what they are own about!! :) xxx


Well-Known Member
16 March 2010
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and your the adult arguing of what you call a child! why are you wasting your time? lol! You do realise im laughing so hard at what you are posting! lol!!
where do you exactly live anyway?

Is this directed at me?!


this is why TG is such a legend!!

Restores my faith in sixteen year olds!
TG - the voice (polite!) of reason. :)

Aww guys!! *blush*

*Group hug* :D

oh wow! 2 years difference!

*actually* Im 17 on the first of march so there :p

...i guess everybody has a nasty side to them.

Ooh! I do, I do!

*swear,swear,curse,eff,blinding this and that yadda yadda yadda*


Well-Known Member
1 September 2010
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some people are trying to help and some people are attempting to annoy me! lol!

some people have given me really good advice as i really don't want to upset the girl but i don't want my horse hurt either.
In college i am on a course. Its not extra help or anything. I am not going to say the course though


Well-Known Member
21 November 2009
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In response to the original issue, I think you ought to get an adult to deal with it.

As for the rest of the thread - I am totally disgusted.
The OP has an excuse - she's only a 14 year old kid.
As for those with the sarcasm, some quite nasty comments, attempts to belittle etc - I suspect most of you are grown ups - so what are your excuses?

I see time and time again on here, in proper H&H style someone get a bit of a hammering, and have seen a whole lot worse than this post - but this is a kid, some of you should be bloody ashamed.

I mean come on, bringing in threads about making hay and belitteling her - FFS she's a kid, kids ask the daftest things and as adults we ought to show tolerance to it.

As for her immaturity - she's a KID for godsake.

You know reading it beginning to end, there is a feeling of bullying to this thread, and thats by adults towards a kid - and its first time I've seen this thread, read beginning to end.

This is not directed at everyone - lots offer this young girl sensible constructive advice.

I am quite certain those guilty will now jump down my throat and try to justfiy their actions - well you can go right ahead, I am entitled to my opinion.
At least you'll be having a pop at me instead of a kid - I'm 38, broad shoulders and can take it !!!!


Well-Known Member
24 November 2007
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What has surprised me most is just who has joined in with baiting this kid. Many are only a couple years or so older, they must have short memories. We encourage youngsters to ask questions so they learn.. and this is the response they get.

This forum has a whole lot going for it. Sadly it's tolerance of kids is not included. I am, as in BSJAShowjumpers threads, disgusted yet again.


Well-Known Member
2 July 2008
Rigil Kentaurus
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In response to the original issue, I think you ought to get an adult to deal with it.

As for the rest of the thread - I am totally disgusted.
The OP has an excuse - she's only a 14 year old kid.
As for those with the sarcasm, some quite nasty comments, attempts to belittle etc - I suspect most of you are grown ups - so what are your excuses?

I see time and time again on here, in proper H&H style someone get a bit of a hammering, and have seen a whole lot worse than this post - but this is a kid, some of you should be bloody ashamed.

I mean come on, bringing in threads about making hay and belitteling her - FFS she's a kid, kids ask the daftest things and as adults we ought to show tolerance to it.

As for her immaturity - she's a KID for godsake.

You know reading it beginning to end, there is a feeling of bullying to this thread, and thats by adults towards a kid - and its first time I've seen this thread, read beginning to end.

This is not directed at everyone - lots offer this young girl sensible constructive advice.

I am quite certain those guilty will now jump down my throat and try to justfiy their actions - well you can go right ahead, I am entitled to my opinion.
At least you'll be having a pop at me instead of a kid - I'm 38, broad shoulders and can take it !!!!

I said alooooooong time ago, over a bsjashowjumper1234 (or whatever she is called) that I can't believe people are trying to reason with a 14 year old child. Best thing to do is ignore them, they only listen to what they want to listen to, and will change their minds the next morning and listen to the next bit of advice they prefer next....:D

I work with this age group everyday of the week (not weekends of course....hell no!) so I have a good idea how their minds work....

And yes, I got the verbal too....not that I care, as I get the attitudes from school sometimes, goes over the head! So I just read and smile now! Best thing! :D


Well-Known Member
16 March 2010
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This is what I actually said... Its not *that* bad, is it?

Aww sweetie!


Its all gonna be OK, all these oldies (ya know, 16+) go to bed around now any way. Being old and boring is SO tiring!


In all seriousness OP, this is probably something for the grown ups to sort out, not for your apparent poor language and immaturity to complicate!

FWIW, I am 16, and I do not swear. Neither do the vast majority of my friends, some of whom are your age or younger, some who are older. No excuses :p

I admit that this is rude, and OP I am sorry if I have upset you.

But I still stick by my guns. There is no need for harsh language, and you will no doubt be taken more seriously if you keep your temper in check, regardless of age.

PLEASE, lets not let this user's posts go the way of BSJA...123's!

TG x


Well-Known Member
7 October 2010
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In response to the original issue, I think you ought to get an adult to deal with it.

As for the rest of the thread - I am totally disgusted.
The OP has an excuse - she's only a 14 year old kid.
As for those with the sarcasm, some quite nasty comments, attempts to belittle etc - I suspect most of you are grown ups - so what are your excuses?

I see time and time again on here, in proper H&H style someone get a bit of a hammering, and have seen a whole lot worse than this post - but this is a kid, some of you should be bloody ashamed.

I mean come on, bringing in threads about making hay and belitteling her - FFS she's a kid, kids ask the daftest things and as adults we ought to show tolerance to it.

As for her immaturity - she's a KID for godsake.

You know reading it beginning to end, there is a feeling of bullying to this thread, and thats by adults towards a kid - and its first time I've seen this thread, read beginning to end.

This is not directed at everyone - lots offer this young girl sensible constructive advice.

I am quite certain those guilty will now jump down my throat and try to justfiy their actions - well you can go right ahead, I am entitled to my opinion.
At least you'll be having a pop at me instead of a kid - I'm 38, broad shoulders and can take it !!!!

Thank goodness for the voice of reason, I only joined this Forum a couple of days ago and found this thread pretty low.

16 and 17 years olds trying (failing) to sound mature by bullying a 14 year old.

Makes you want to bang all of their heads together, growing up needs to be done across the lot of them IMO.

To the OP, yes we all know some hideously annoying spoilt brats and I think you should just tell her to back off and to deal with her own pony, you with yours.


Well-Known Member
5 April 2007
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In response to the original issue, I think you ought to get an adult to deal with it.

As for the rest of the thread - I am totally disgusted.
The OP has an excuse - she's only a 14 year old kid.
As for those with the sarcasm, some quite nasty comments, attempts to belittle etc - I suspect most of you are grown ups - so what are your excuses?

I see time and time again on here, in proper H&H style someone get a bit of a hammering, and have seen a whole lot worse than this post - but this is a kid, some of you should be bloody ashamed.

I mean come on, bringing in threads about making hay and belitteling her - FFS she's a kid, kids ask the daftest things and as adults we ought to show tolerance to it.

As for her immaturity - she's a KID for godsake.

You know reading it beginning to end, there is a feeling of bullying to this thread, and thats by adults towards a kid - and its first time I've seen this thread, read beginning to end.

This is not directed at everyone - lots offer this young girl sensible constructive advice.

I am quite certain those guilty will now jump down my throat and try to justfiy their actions - well you can go right ahead, I am entitled to my opinion.
At least you'll be having a pop at me instead of a kid - I'm 38, broad shoulders and can take it !!!!

I agree

Sarah Sum1

Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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I'm not sure I agree the girl is in awe. If she is taking the OP's pony off her whilts leading her in, saying she is more experienced etc. I would talk to the dad, or YO. I can understand how you feel and if she is taking over everything, then I think you will need to tell either her or her dad. Don't be rude, just explain that you like to do it in your own time and don't want her to handle your horse.

ETA I am also amazed how some of you speak to a child!! I don't think it's the OP who is immature. If some of you are that desperate to wind someone up start your own threads!
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Well-Known Member
28 November 2007
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I'm so glad somebody has stepped in and said how awful this thread is!

the further I got the more horrified I was, atleast it isn't just me!

Do none of you people have anything better to do than jump on 14yr olds? Would you be as vindictive and bullish with a 14yr old in the street? I don't think so!

Yes ok she has been quite rude but with good reason, we all know how 14yr olds can behave and with the stick thats been thrown at her I don't blame her!


Well-Known Member
11 November 2007
Wigston, Leicestershire
I'm not going to bother trawling through all the pages but I read the OP post and get the gist of what everyone has been saying. I'm a dinner lady at my son's primary school and have to put up with sort of thing EVERYDAY. I'm one of the nice dinner ladies that all the kids come to when there is something a-brewing, have to stop fights, someone gets hurt so I am speaking from the voice of experience as a dinner lady and a 35 year old mother of a 10 year old!!

To horserider0912, if your parents or YO don't want to get involved (SHAME on them if they don't!!), then as a 14 year old, it's time for YOU to be the adult. 10- 12 year olds are going through that funny stage between being a kid and being a stroppy teenager.

You NEED to be firm and mature with her. It's hard as being a teen yourself, you don't want to cause any fights or bad feelings but this will be an excellent learning experience for when you are an adult and have to stand up to other people who will try and take advantage.

Next time she tries to pull this cr*p, stop, look her in the eye and tell her in a firm, calm voice with authority that you DO NOT want her to take care or mess about with your pony. Tell her in the same voice while still looking her in the eye, that it is YOUR pony and that YOU want to take care of it.

When your leading your pony, hold the leadrope at the snap and at the bottom of the leadrope so if she tries to unclip it again, the hand at the clip can quickly grab onto the headcollar. If she does this, stop and tell her in the same voice, to "please DO NOT try to lead MY horse" and that it is dangerous what she is doing.

If you catch her in your paddock chasing your pony, then you tell her to GET OUT of the paddock. Don't scream but a loud authoritive dinner lady voice :D

You may have to do this several times on different occasions before she gets the point but at the end of the day, it will be you that comes out looking like the mature young lady and adults will be more likely to side with you if they see how calmly and mature you are being and how silly and dangerous the 11 year old is.
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Just passing through...
27 June 2008
Not where I should be...
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I'm not going to bother trawling through all the pages but I read the OP post and get the gist of what everyone has been saying. I'm a dinner lady at my son's primary school and have to put up with sort of thing EVERYDAY. I'm one of the nice dinner ladies that all the kids come to when there is something a-brewing, have to stop fights, someone gets hurt so I am speaking from the voice of experience as a dinner lady and a 35 year old mother of a 10 year old!!

To horserider0912, if your parents or YO don't want to get involved (SHAME on them if they don't!!), then as a 14 year old, it's time for YOU to be the adult. 10- 12 year olds are going through that funny stage between being a kid and being a stroppy teenager.

You NEED to be firm and mature with her. It's hard as being a teen yourself, you don't want to cause any fights or bad feelings but this will be an excellent learning experience for when you are an adult and have to stand up to other people who will try and take advantage.

Next time she tries to pull this cr*p, stop, look her in the eye and tell her in a firm, calm voice with authority that you DO NOT want her to take care or mess about with your pony. Tell her in the same voice while still looking her in the eye, that it is YOUR pony and that YOU want to take care of it.

When your leading your pony, hold the leadrope at the snap and at the bottom of the leadrope so if she tries to unclip it again, the hand at the clip can quickly grab onto the headcollar. If she does this, stop and tell her in the same voice, to "please DO NOT try to lead MY horse" and that it is dangerous what she is doing.

If you catch her in your paddock chasing your pony, then you tell her to GET OUT of the paddock. Don't scream but a loud authoritive dinner lady voice :D

You may have to do this several times on different occasions before she gets the point but at the end of the day, it will be you that comes out looking like the mature young lady and adults will be more likely to side with you if they see how calmly and mature you are being and how silly and dangerous the 11 year old is.

Ditto the above :)

I have to say that once again, I am flaming shocked by the responses the OP had. It makes me ashamed. I have read the whole thread and was very surprised at some of the people who were making some of the comments.

Either the OP is a troll, in which case walk away; or it is indeed a fourteen year old child acting exactly like a fourteen year old child - if 'you', as a poster, cannot deal with how the average fourteen year old mind works, then walk away.

I have to say, if my daughter was treated in this manner, to say that I would be up in arms is putting it mildly; just as I am sure every other mother on here would be if it were their daughter. My daughters aren't saints, on the whole though they are polite and courteous and good company and I can take them anywhere, but they can swear like troopers and will defend themselves to the hilt if necessary. Swearing is, from what I have seen, part and parcel of the horse world; I know I hardly ever swear when away from it.

I don't remember HHO being like this when I first joined. It's putting me off coming on here :(. I know I can just not read the threads that are obviously along the same lines, but how can I stand by when I know there is bullying going on?

No doubt people will jump on me, but as another poster said, bring it on - I'm getting on in years, have broad if battered shoulders, and I'll give it back in spades.
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Well-Known Member
12 July 2010
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This is why I dont really like this forum...I am sure at 14 we all asked 'silly' questions, god, I know I did. OP - I suggest you talk firmly but kindly to the 11 year old but say you will have to talk to her mum and dad if she continues to 'help' with your pony, or you could try and compromise, for example say, 'no I want to muck out / lead etc but would you like to help me clean my tack later?' she might actually say yes! then you can get her to do all the fun bits like clean your stirrups if she really really wants to get involved! ;)

Some of the posters just a couple of years older that the OP remind me of sneaky sneaky goody two shoes in schools who deliberatly try and make the other kids look bad so they can look like angels...bit of a subtle bullying attitude if im honest!!

Good luck OP :)


Well-Known Member
30 July 2008
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I read the beginning of this thread last night, and have just read all the posts that have gone on since. I too agree with the more recent posts that basically show "schoolground bullying tactics" against OP. She did react, but then thats what you were aiming for !

With regard to your original request for help. Why not try a nicer approach. Explain that her current method of just taking over is annoying. Tell her that you enjoy taking care of your own pony as you use it as a bonding session. That if she wants to help you she can do water buckets, haynets etc but that you want to be the one handling your pony. Then suggest that maybe at the weekend you could hackout/school together.

Children aged 11-12 do tend to go through a really annoying stage of believing they know everything, it can't be seriously irritating but it is generally just a phase.

Good Luck


Waffled a lot!
7 June 2010
north west
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On a positive note, one thing that this thread did for me, is reveal the ages of several of the nastiest posters on this forum - mostly kids themselves, as I expected. Now I know who to ignore on the forum as they are silly little girls (and not talking about the original poster). This forum can be great help sometimes, but it can also be quite dangerous for young/novice people who don't know when they are being given bad advice, or spoken to be a teenager - some of whom get most indignant/aggressive if their advice isn't followed.

Re Mrs Mozart being annoyed if someone spoke to her daughter like that, I agree, and I would also be annoyed if my twelve year old spoke to people the way that some of these "know it all/rude/patronising teenagers" do! He doesn't. He knows better.
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