Well-Known Member
Judy in the forest is my older retired lady! Barry is currently stabled due to..many issues ? but we working on it! That is all the kids for now!?Ah ok - i now understand the confusion, and understand Dexter’s queries better.
I thought judy in the forest was your young one and you mentioned that the other horse you had couldnt be a companion due to issues which i took to relate to aging, (probably wrong!) so hence why Barry i thought to be your older one! (unless youve got an older 1 stabled aswell as barry?!)
Considering barry’s muscle issues (now i see why a calcium supplement was tried for tight muscles?…or did the muscle issues start after the supplement?)
Calcium excess generally causes muscle weakness, lack of performance. Calcium lack causes more behavioural excitability and heart flutters. Excess causes lethargy, lack of food interest.
It’s very common for high levels and deficiency symptoms of nutrients to have some overlapping symptoms, with other symptoms only attributable to excess or lack. As he’s been on this supplement, i find it hard to deduce it’s deficiency, so its definitely worth checking calcium/phosphate levels and if the vet easily offers it to check PTH (parathyroid hormone) levels.
Yes supplement was suggested as he’s very tight in the back my physio thinks his racing saddle potentially was too small for him? But he’s moving around the pain instead of releasing it but he’s so tight I was getting vet out to rule out any other issues going on
I will ask about hormone level check when getting bloods done!