Anyone ever seen this chap? What a horse!


Well-Known Member
19 April 2009
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OH joined me watching during the lying on back part and asked if it was drugged or lobotomised... and what he said abt the man I can't repeat! But TBH I'd rather see a horse clearly carefully (no idea of the methods but certainly had had time spent on education) trained to do daft things and valued long-termthan, say raced and then not carefully re-trained.

Sarah Sum1

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2 July 2009
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19 April 2009
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Just watched the other vid - yuck. Still not against trick training per se but this chap is way to harsh with the bit and it did all look a bit forced.


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2 July 2008
Rigil Kentaurus
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This horse is obviously loved very much. Time will have been taken on the training and there is clearly love for the horse from the 'clown'....

There are worse fates than this for an animal, whether or not we think it's moral and right...

Sometimes it has to be put into context.

The money that is earnt from the displays no doubt feeds the horse and keep it in good and sound condition.

Paint Me Proud

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13 October 2010
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....just watched the 2nd video, yes, he seems a bit more 'insistant' in this video... :p

i agree somewhat that the guys is obviously caring for his horses impeccably and they most likely have a really privileged life with him. I just disliked how forceful he was becoming in the second vid - seemed to lose his temper which is never a good thing if you work with horses


Following a strict mediterranean diet...
8 July 2010
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Aw c'mon.... I knew I shouldn't have posted it!

I merited for it for the whole show. Everyone has off days. Don't tell me you haven't ever had a frustrating moment with your horses and ponies. The horse was probably tired, or even yes, having a protest but the trainer has a show to do, but probably should have just called it a day.

But never mind, let's just rip it to shreds in the usual style.... :rolleyes:


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17 July 2008
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I agree that in the second video the trainer made some poor choices. I wouldn't have minded seeing him reinforce a bit of training in the ring, as the horse does have a job to do (i've certainly seen more people than I care to count yank their horse in the mouth or smack it for not doing as its told SJ or dressage), but it did look like he lost his temper.

I have no problem with horses used in shows like this as long as they are treated fairly. People always say that trick horses look pissed off, but not every working horse looks happy as larry all the time, some of them concentrate, and when my horse plays in the field he does it with his ears back.

It does make me cross when people think it is more disrespectful to make a horse to lie down than it is to make it jump a fence or to sit on it like a sack of spanners.

Lovely horse though...looks smarter thank his trainer!


Following a strict mediterranean diet...
8 July 2010
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Dunno... Don't really care anymore tbh.

Just want to add, what a brilliant horse to learn all that and put up with it so calmly. Bravo cute horse !


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30 December 2010
Morocco - Casablanca
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TallyHohoho, do you think that if this had been posted on a forum elsewhere (yes, I know not all the posters are from the UK but most are - excluding me:p), that people would have reacted differently? I think that culturally the Brits don't enjoy animals performing or where they perceive their dignity has been compromised. Perhaps in a different forum the comments would have been "fantastic partnership", blah blah blah.....?

Devonshire dumpling

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28 March 2011
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I enjoyed this video and made me laugh, this is one very highly trained animal, I do think he was possibly trained to have his ears back as he was supposed to be grumpy and not want to be ridden....I didn't think the training video was too bad either, its a big lump of a horse manhandling it onto its back isn't going to be easy. As far as jabbing it, wasn't pretty and imo he should have bee a bit sensible..... this is no different than someone yanking there horse back into a straight line when it's refused a jump... or jockeys asking a horse to go faster... Really ppl are a bit fluffy.... and for the record I do not agree with hitting horses unless you are in a danger situation, so I am far from hard.

This horse has a job like your horse might have a job doing fancy muscle wrenching dressage work... horses for courses.............................

Devonshire dumpling

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28 March 2011
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I think its very degrading for the horse i would never treat any of my horses like that

I can't believe you said that!! One could argue it's VERY degrading for a horse to be put in a stable where it can't get away from it's faeces and urine, to wear silly rugs because we choose to give them silly hair do's and the most degrading thing of all, it to train them to have a human being on their back and be forced to carry said human being, I mean REALLY??:eek:


Well-Known Member
7 June 2009
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none of my horses ever go in a dirty stable i thinking the degrading bit is having a horse laying on its back while climbing all over it. I know what i do if someone did that to me.
And in front of loads of people horses have pride. Thats what i think not saying i right.

Paint Me Proud

Well-Known Member
13 October 2010
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I agree that in the second video the trainer made some poor choices. I wouldn't have minded seeing him reinforce a bit of training in the ring, as the horse does have a job to do (i've certainly seen more people than I care to count yank their horse in the mouth or smack it for not doing as its told SJ or dressage), but it did look like he lost his temper.

I have no problem with horses used in shows like this as long as they are treated fairly. People always say that trick horses look pissed off, but not every working horse looks happy as larry all the time, some of them concentrate, and when my horse plays in the field he does it with his ears back.

It does make me cross when people think it is more disrespectful to make a horse to lie down than it is to make it jump a fence or to sit on it like a sack of spanners.

Lovely horse though...looks smarter thank his trainer!

THIS - is pretty much my attitude to it also.

Dont mind the horses being used in such a way (there are far worse things happening to horses) and it is quite entertaining and the horse seems to be happily performing in the the first video.

And YES we ALL lose our temper sometimes but not in a big ring in front of ALOT of people. In that instance he should have just skipped the lying down bit of the sketch and moved on.