Anyone has a horse who has NEVER bucked,bolted or reared?


8 June 2010
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Yip, my 5yr old Irish Draught - he bucked once on a canter out on a hack.. I thought he skipped or something, but the person behind me (after laughing their head off) told me, it was his version of a buck!!

He's just too laid back and lazy to ever waste energy on bucking, rearing or bolting..


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15 November 2010
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I do!

Shes 6, she is a darling to school and jump (although green, but tries her hardest) to hack shes a lovely forward Horse. Stops as soon as you ask etc. She hasn't done any of the above.

Always Henesy

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5 December 2011
East Sussex
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My TB x Hannovarian never bucked/reared/bolted - EVER!
He was very forward going but totally safe. He really was such a nice natured horse and didn't get in a tizz over anything.
He was pts in August and I don't think I'll ever have another horse as good as him.


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1 April 2002
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Yes... the lovely grey in my siggy, who was a bit tricky but never ever in a 'trying to get you off' way. she did a very neat levade and a remarkable caracole when excited or under pressure, but never bucked or reared, bless her.


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23 July 2009
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Even if a horse gets unsettled I wouldn't expect such behaviour as standard - well, certainly not when they've got a rider on them.

My dear mare who passed away last summer after 14+ years with me never did any of the above in all the years I rode her. Yes, she'd shy a little at large vehicles, but true bolters are rare (and insanely dangerous!) and Star certainly wouldn't have dreamed of doing that (even when we were confronted by some dangerous dogs that were taken by the police and PTS) Nor would she dream of bucking or rearing. She was no plod either, but a well bred sports horse.

My retired mare (WB) threw some spooks and fly bucks when she was first sat upon after surgery and several months off, but that's it. She'd never have bucked when in standard work and certainly not bolted or reared. I can probably say the same about the TB I rebacked a few years back (not that he wasn't a sod for napping when younger :rolleyes:).

I guess I can only base my opinion on what I have experienced and I can honestly say I have never met a horse on any of the yards I have been on that hadn't done something a t some point. I am not saying they are all extreme but have certainly done a little buck at least.
I would love to have a horse like that alongside my current boy, that would be the perfect set up.


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30 September 2004
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My ISH Dan, who I sadly lost lost year, was thee safest horse Ive ever known. He was extremely forward going and could jog and foam for Scotland when excited but as safe as houses, bless him. Never once did he buck, rear, nap or take off in all the years I had him.


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14 November 2007
Thirsk, North Yorkshire, UK
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never under saddle... and I'm glad of it! He's got a mean spring lamb impression in the field - you know the one... goes boing, all four feet off the floor, then bucks.... and he's also quite capable of walking on his hind legs when larking about with his friend!

my sisters horse bucks if he thinks you're not letting him go forwards enough, but it's only a hump, not really a proper buck!


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16 January 2009
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Never reared or bolted but only rumble backs on transition from trot to canter(more excited). In the 10 years I have had him ONCE head between legs and all I could see was the ground in front of me as he did massive couple bucks(it felt like I left the saddle about a foot). I was trying to convince my son to ride him but he said NO after witnesssing this tantrum! Shame only time he was ever that naughty. My son only ever road him back to his field when I fell off and had to go to hospital.

Otherwise he was super horse and the big bucks were never repeated.(Rose tinted specs)!


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22 September 2004
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My beloved mare never ever bucked, bolted or reared and I've owned her for 12 years.

She is very forward going and very spooky, but she truly wouldn't dream of bucking or rearing. She certainly has got over excited and strong, but always would come back if asked with conviction ;)

To illustrate, when a friend got run away with when we were cantering across a stubble field I was able to pull up and stand stock still until she regained control :) She was no dobbin, she's 3/4 TB, but just a lovely mare without a malicious bone in her body :)


13 August 2006
Well north of Watford
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Our rocking-horse never did any of these things. The rest of ours have had 'occasional moments' under saddle and some very spectacular ones at liberty - but nothing I would describe as scary or troublesome.

You have to see minor hops and skips and shies for what they are and not get hung up about that probability - whatever horse you are on, they aren't stuffed and bolted to the floor.


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1 June 2011
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Yes I did I was around six he had very dense grey stuck on hair and a grey nylon mane and tail he was a Sindy horse then I got a real live one and it's been done hill since then .

hehe i had that Sindy horse too:D sadly the real life grey i have now is not so well behaved:rolleyes: But she has never reared with me on board, try lunging her and she'll reach for the sky in a most impressive manner ;) She's never bucked with me but did with a loanee every time she went into canter and she's only took off once but that was because we were cantering in a field with a friend and the grey thing had to 'win':D
28 February 2011
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Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmm no! All of mine have done something at some stage or another. Though none have ever bolted. Tanked off yes but not bolted bolted. Jeff wouldn't know how to buck but he has been known to half rear and spin when not wanting to go somewhere - like past portaloos at shows! Kyle, Laurel and Gray can buck. Kyle out of lazyness - telling you to sod off lol. Laurel and Gray out of excitement. My dartmoor is cold back and whilst he never bucks he does bronc. He would never rear or bolt though. My fell bucks once ina blue moon out of excitement and will tank off across stubble fields given half a chance but again, not bolting.

Of the shetlands. Flint wouldn't dream of bucking or bolting. He does little mini front feet off the ground when you wind him up for a stand still to gallop across the field lol! Rains bucks when you smack him but would never rear or bolt - he's too lazy. Pippa has just been broken and as yet has not done any of the 3 BUT it's early days and whilst all goes well just now you never know what is just around the corner.


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24 April 2009
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Yep, more than one (at least not whilst I was riding them!). Most of mine have been keen and would take off given the chance, but not bolt. I have had a serious rearer, but never a bolter or regular/serious bucker.


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14 August 2011
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Had my boy for 5 years now and never done anything like this when ridden. There are horses that generally don't do this although as they are flight animals you can't rule it out, but there are def types that would tend not to buck, bolt, rear unless in extreme situations. We've seen a fair few sights out hacking but he never bats an eyelid and is generally used as the lead/nanny horse for others. Very lucky to have him as he's restored my confidence.

Downside is these horses tend to be less sharp/forward going so getting a nice dressage test out of him can be hard work at times !


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27 August 2008
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my mare has never bolted or reared, I can count on one hand how many times she's bucked, on two separate occasions it was because the saddle wasn't comfy and bless her she only did it going into canter and the other time was because she was terrified of the schooling whip, I'd only just got her and had no idea that she hated whips so much then

she can be extremely fizzy but she's never once been unable to cope with it


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29 June 2010
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Yes...touchwood! My boy hasn't bucked, reared or bolted, and know the previous owners of 10 years who said he had never done it with them either...however he will spin & try and canter for home but he stops after a few strides easily. And he spooks for england. He also refuses/catleaps jumps but we're working on that! :) He can also throw some massive ones in the field/ on the lunge :p


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1 December 2011
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I got a youngster at weaning, many years ago, when she was 4 yrs I got on her and off we went, she never bucked, reared or spooked. It used to be a standing joke at my old yard that as she was so good with everything before she was backed she was saving it all up for when I got on her :rolleyes: She also rode completely from voice. As long as you have all the ground work I'm sure you will be fine.


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6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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Yes, most of mine have never done this. I've had about 15 horses and ponies to date and only had 2 ever rear, 2 buck and 1 bolt (and they certainly never did this regularly, think most were one-offs!).

chestnut cob

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24 November 2004
Mine has never reared and never bolted, though surely you can't predict if your horse will bolt (if it hasn't happened before)? There is a difference between a rude horse who just bogs off and won't stop, and a true bolter who panics. My horse gets a bit strong sometimes cantering in a field, and he's strong hunting, but he isn't rude enough to just tank off refusing to stop. I don't think he's the sort of horse to bolt but I wouldn't say that for sure, you never know if something was to happen that terrified him so much that was the only option for him...

As a rule he doesn't buck - the only time he ever does it is if something is wrong... although he doesn't particularly enjoy schooling, he isn't rude and wouldn't try to buck you off. A couple of weeks ago I schooled and he start doing little bunny hops when going into canter. I asked for walk to canter and got a couple of real bucks. Tried again a couple of days later, same again. Called the physio out who found some soreness, did some work on him and I've followed a two week lunging programme. I'm now riding again, the bucking has stopped and his canter transitions (W-C and T-C) are normal again. So while I can say yes my horse has bucked, it has only ever been because he's trying to say something hurts. When it doesn't hurt, he doesn't buck.


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25 May 2009
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Yes - well she bucks/ rears in the field but never under saddle! She can do what she likes in the field though :)

She has thrown the odd mini rear over loading or clipping though and she is very strong at times, so been tanked with a few times but not bolted.

She also does a good line in spooking out hacking now and again so hardly perfect :)


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6 July 2006
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My ex racer never bucked, bolted or reared with me in the 7 years that I had him before retiring him. He used to do a lot of bouncing, jogging, spinning and running backwards, but I really cannot ever remember him putting in a buck or a rear and he certainly never bolted. Who says TBs are nutters? :)


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13 February 2010
UK Midlands
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not while im on her, however in the field its a VERY different story,
she has occasionally balanced on her back legs when excited about jumping, just before going to jump-but wouldnt call that a rear.

She likes to do this 'dive' thing though, when jumping you have to hold on to the outside rein with all your might as she tries to dive sideways to get to the next fence (then refuses it as shes at a stupid angle!)