Anyone has a horse who has NEVER bucked,bolted or reared?


Well-Known Member
7 December 2011
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In the four years I had ffion she never played up! Not once, perfect hunter, hacker, jumper the lot!! Such a confidence giver, and although she was a cob she kept up with my IDxTB!! Such a brilliant horse, that is one of my biggest regrets selling her on, i'd lost interest with school work etc!! So sold her on to a local. However, the women who has her now has had her knee smashed when she fell off, and ffi's just generally naughty now! Which is such a shame cos she was an absolute beauty!!

Miss her so much, but the two I have now keep me occupied! Always think about her recently, this is probably one of the reasons i'll never sell the two I have now, too many regrets!


Well-Known Member
17 May 2007
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Mine doesn't do anything regularly and manages to behave himself in the summer time. Seems to be doing plenty of random scary things atm, so wouldn't put anything past him!


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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Yes, I've had several. I prefer laid-back horses.
1st horse was a cob gelding, who could go out with a speedy TB, get left behind and not turn a hair. He also used to accompany a Welsh Section A youngster who could buck for Britain and pushed past him frequently. He was frightened of nothing we ever met.
We had an Appaloosa mare who did all sorts which made the rider want to get off but who wouldn't have dreamed of losing the rider. She did WALK off with us though!
Then I've had several heavy horses, they can't be bothered using enough energy to be lifting legs higher than necessary. Admittedly Pearl (Clydie) ran away with me in a panic but that was at a trot. I eventually stopped her by pointing her at a wall.
The current draft horse is a Westphalian (looks like a bigger version of Fany) who does quite enjoy lifting her legs in the field but wouldn't dream of doing anything so ill-mannered with a rider.

Mind you, I also had a WelshDxTB who bucked so high during a side-saddle lesson that spectators could see the top of a street-lamp, when even the road was actually above us, under her back legs. And IDx bucked me off on to the road, which did me no good at all.
But that was only 2 out of 11 horses over 40 years - they really DON'T all buck, rear or bolt.
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Equilibrium Ireland

Well-Known Member
12 July 2010
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Yes of course I do. The ones I've bred, raised, and started myself. Anything else would be inexcusable.

Just so we know, a true bolt is a horse that is void of any self preservation at that moment and time and will run into the side of a house if it's in his way. Thus you have very little chance of a good outcome. It is not being over matched or a horse taking off with you because he can. Still mine don't do any of it.


Equilibrium Ireland

Well-Known Member
12 July 2010
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Dear god, sorry about this. I also consider bucking the bronc type buck and or spin and drop that shoulder. Not the I feel good have a little hop. My horses aren't robots and so being pleased and feeling good is not bad behavoir but I don't consider any of that bucking with intent, malice and or just being a brat. I guess many would.
