Are there any equestrian disciplines you dislike/disagree with?

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Well-Known Member
12 February 2006
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Every horse sport has problem people who make it ghastly.

From Amy Tryone riding her crippled horse to Barney Ward killing his horses for the insurance...bad apples everywhere.

Young TBs getting crippled for life and western riders overworking their babies with their heads "peanut-rolling", dressage "trainers" cranking their horse's heads way too tightly...lots of jerks.

Too many polo riders could care less about their poor horses, they're just machines with a heart to them. Too many are the spoiled brats of parents who started businesses (plumbers, builders etc.) and their boys inherited the business. Too much money, too little talent and they can't play football any more, so they ride polo. Not good.


Well-Known Member
30 April 2007
Beds / Bucks borders
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Lets not forget the "ordinary" horse people who leave fattie ponies to get lami in over-lush paddocks, who put off calling the vet until the horse is at death's door because its expensive, who slap any old saddle onto a horse's back without getting it fitted properly and can do impressive amounts of damage, and simply people who can't ride for toffee and slop about on their horses' backs (in those poorly-fitting saddles) and never make any effort to improve their riding and thus make life easier for their horses.

This isn't meant to be a dig at anyone at all, more an agreement with Trakehener in that its the people, rather than the sport itself, who are at fault.

Having spent an interesting lesson riding in a Western saddle the other day, I think its pretty cool. I don't know anything about Western riding as such, but English riding in a Western saddle is a great way to work on balance !


Well-Known Member
11 December 2004
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Tia, good question.

There are aspects of training western horses that I am learning more and more about that I really dislike, but again, that is the trainers methods rather than the actual discipline itself.

No disciplines that I disagree with in general as long as welfare is paramount, horses will not perform at all/to their abilities, if they don't want to. I have seen plenty of race horses refuse to start, jumpers refuse to even enter the ring, show horses that will NOT perform, childrens ponies that do their best to eat their little people. I knew one carriage horse that would not allow itself to be harnessed, yet literally got down on his knees to have a saddle put on. I had an arab mare that was bred to show, and had shown as a youngster, and she hated it, yet as a mature horse take her inside a show ring and she turned into a stubborn, shuffling donkey, then boinged out again afterwards all flags waving and a "Ha, you won't do that again, will you?!" expression in her eye.


Well-Known Member
5 November 2004
Beds, Bucks Borders
Oh gosh yet another person who's brain disengages and the mouth goes into overdrive. Well I haven't inherited millions, I love my horses and I like to think that I can actually ride, oh sorry I play polo which makes me think a person who doesn't actually own a living breathing creature it's a machine!

It just shows how many blinkered people actually have horses and really don't care about learning what is really behind other disciplines. Oh and just to let you know I work full time during the day and do the horses before I go to work and when I get home from work. I don't have a whole string of grooms to do it for me!

In fact why not don't own a horse at all then there would be no cruelty involved with actually asking it to do anything and then watch it become an extinct animal!


Well-Known Member
5 September 2007
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Cazza, I certainly didn't stay in the polo yard I worked at long (5 months including getting the horses inand fit from their winter turnout) as I objected to the way the horses were treated. I am not a polo player, therefore at the time I was not aware of how the HPA will intervene if necessary. The yard in question no longer operates or once I had learnt about the HPA I would have reported them.

I am sure that most people in the equine industry would not stay in a yard where they felt the owners treated the horses badly and expected you to do the same. I have seen enough from the polo matches I attended to know that polo is a rough game and that when ridden well the horses do enjoy it. I don't object to ride offs etc as I am well aware that horses will play quite rough in the field. As I previously mentioned, what I object to are the people who aren't genuine horse people that play polo (and no Cazza, I am not including you in this group as I can tell from your posts that you care about your horses), the people that come out of the city to sit on a horse just to play polo and don't have a seat that is independant of their hands, the people that hang on to the horses mouth when they lean out of the saddle to hit the ball, the people that treat horses like a machine because they don't see horses the way that we do. I'm sure you know the type of people I mean, as I stated earlier I know there are people who can ride that play polo and do care about their horses but sadly as polo is often considered to be an elite sport by people with far too much money (you know the city types...), you do tend to see more people in the polo ground that don't respect their horses than most other disciplines. I am not getting at you personally Cazza!! My posts are purely a reflection of what I saw in the 5 months that I worked at this particular professional polo yard and the matches I attended.


Well-Known Member
30 April 2007
Beds / Bucks borders
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Too many are the spoiled brats of parents who started businesses (plumbers, builders etc.) and their boys inherited the business. Too much money, too little talent and they can't play football any more, so they ride polo. Not good.

[/ QUOTE ]

It sounds as if you have someone specific in mind here. Care to explain (or name and shame ?)

Jo C

Well-Known Member
19 July 2001
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Well I'd love to go to some polo matches but don't know where to go to find out the dates, venues etc. Cazza - any chance you could point me in the right direction please?


Well-Known Member
11 August 2005
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I'm interested to note that someone has put scurry driving as cruel. As a member of the Scurry Driving Association and having been a groom for the chairman of the SDA for many years I can assure you that any driver affiliated to the SDA would be instantly pulled up if any action was seen to be cruel. The drivers spend a lot of time, money and effort on their ponies and we are a close knit band of people who are not afraid to tell each other what we think. The ponies absolutely love the sport and anyone who drives or grooms know that they are barely able to contain themselves with excitment before they enter the ring.
They certainly don't need a lot of encouragement!

I cannot, however, speak for any other scurry group (eg the Osborne group) as they are not regulated by the SDA.


Well-Known Member
5 November 2004
Beds, Bucks Borders
Panda2007, I obviously read your post incorrectly, as by they way you had written it made it sound like you had been in the business for quite some time. We go to mainly high goal matches in the summer and we do arena in the winter for ourselves and our youngsters to get some outings. I suppose we are lucky as everyone we know are accomplished horsemen/women in their own right and can all ride. When we teach people to ride they have to learn to ride from them seat independant of their hands as if they were on one of our ponies they would be on the deck even quicker if they didn't. I have one particular livery who he himself classes himself as the "city slicker" type, and he has lessons with us on a weekly basis to make sure he is asking his horses correctly and not pulling them about. I am not backwards in coming forwards as you can probably tell, and if I saw someone behaving ill towards one of thier horses I can assure you I would be quite vocal in letting them know about it.

Just to let those of you who have no polo background this is how polo rules work.

No horse is allowed to kick out at another - if it does so it is banned from playing
You cannot ride another horse off from behind the shoulder
Your angle of ride off must be less than 45 degrees
You cannot cross behind another horse any closer than one horses length behind
You must not hit your horse with your mallett
You must not hit another horse with your mallett
All horses must be booted/bandaged on all legs and front overreach worn at all times
Only one stud size can be worn.

These horses cost in excess of £5,000 each and the top horses go for upwards of £30,000 per pony. There are quite a number of failed racehorses that are reschooled to play polo, likewise there are quite a number of polo ponies which go on to excel in other spheres, a friend of mine's old polo pony was bought by an eventer and 2 years ago went up to CCI*** eventing level.

Remember the grounds these ponies play on are lazer levelled, rolled to within an inch of their grassy lives and are kept perfect. Also most of these horses get 4-6 months off a year.


I note that TWO people have voted for Carriage Driving. I am intrigued as to why anyone thinks this is cruel. Would the voters care to enlighten me please.


Well-Known Member
11 August 2005
off to Hell in a hangingbasket
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Maybe somebody should set up the SPCBCDW - Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Big Carriage Driving Wheels!

Maybe it is something to do with the big whip, lol.
I know a lot of top drivers (scurry, carriage, private drive etc) and a lot of the teach their animals to go from the voice in the first instance. Again, as with any discipline, cruelty is usually down to the individual handling the horse, rather than the discipline.


Well-Known Member
5 November 2004
Beds, Bucks Borders
muffinino - you see that is where the cruelty comment must have stemmed from!

Trundle - you obviously have far too much time on your hands to find that picture! mmmm need a ciggy now. . . see look what you have driven me to Smoking! and yes I will be like a bear with a sore head later as only have 2 left! ARRAAAGGGHHHH


Well-Known Member
5 September 2007
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Cazza, I take your point that I probably know far less about polo than you do as I was only involved in polo for a short time, however I have owned horses for 22 years, have BHS qualifications, a HND I completed at Hartpury, worked as an equine veterinary nurse and compete at affiliated dressage so I would like to think that I do know when horses are being treated less than sympatheticly. Maybe I was unlucky with who I worked for and most of the (medium goal) polo matches I attended with what I saw, but I did see some pretty horrific things whilst I was involved in polo. As I said before, I do know not everyone is the same and there are polo people who adore their horses but sadly not all are the same. If all polo people cared about your horses in the way you obviously do, we wouldn't have had this debate. I am very open minded and would love to have my views completely proved wrong by someone such as yourself.


Well-Known Member
14 July 2007
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MizElz I did agree to disagree but I find it difficult that you are so set in your ways but dont take an offer of seeing things from a first hand experience. I will always have an open mind if I disagree with something and give someone the benefit of the doubt to convince me otherwise. Obviously I was wrong and have to admit that there are far more people out there with tunnel vision. I am saying this as by the way the thread has gone it seems to be that the majority of polo people can't or don't, either care for their horses properly and or can't ride. Well I can assure you that infact it is the minority and it might be nice to see it from a different view. I have never booted one in the gut, but you have, and I don't tar every other rider out there with the same brush. As you said it was a one off and at the time you didn't know any different, but had I been a witness to your actions at the time I may then presume that is a way all horse people treated their animals and would not like it. So do you see where I am coming from.

[/ QUOTE ]

Listen, I'm not sure why this is aimed directly at me. I am not the only person who has said they dont particularly like polo, but if you look at the poll at the moment, Polo is actually in favour compared to flat racing! No one is aiming anything at you, and as far as I'm aware, no one has said that polo people hate horses, are cruel to them, beat them etc. I certainly havent. As i said before, I dislike polo for the same reasons i dislike boxing in the human world.
If you took offence that I didnt jump at your offer to come and see your yard, please accept my apologies. How was I to know you were actually being serious, rather than simply using this phrase as a way of explaining your own viewpoint? As I have said - and I am not being patronising in any way - your place sounds wonderful, your ponies sound well cared for, and who am I to judge anyway! There is a polo yard near me that is absolutely immaculate; I have never been round it, but you can see everything from the road, and it looks amazing. the ponies are blooming too; fitter and healthier than many I have seen in SJ/eventing etc yards. So, you see, I personally am not slagging off the polo world! It simply isnt something I would ever want to be a part of, and that is no detriment to anyone involved in it.
It's a shame you have taken this so to heart; up until now, it was a very rational conversation, and I think, very interesting. Put it this way, I have never actually spoken to anyone intimately involved with the polo world, and it has been great talking to you! I dont think I am tunnel visioned; I'm sorry if I appear that way.
As for your reference to 'booting a horse in the gut', I am upset you felt the need to bring this up. How is a one off incident as a four year old related in any way to this conversation? You have tried to explain this, but I don't think it is justified, personally. A couple of weeks ago, I was slated for bringing up issues that had sparked controversy in the past; people advised me to let it go, as everyone else had moved on. It was against my better judgement to bite the bullet and move on - but thankfully, my time on the forum has been a lot more pleasant since that conversation. Unfortunately, people like yourselves feel the need to drag it back again, and I really dont understand why. Many have said that I am immature, but from my observations here, some other people perhaps need to grow up!


Well-Known Member
11 August 2005
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I do know one scurry driver who uses pink as her colour on her vehicles / harness / ponies / clothing- wherever and whenever she can! I shall have to send her that link - problem is she'll probably get kicked out for causing unnecessary suffering!

I have noticed that nobody seems to have explained why they think driving is cruel - anybody want to explain?

the watcher

Well-Known Member
4 November 2004
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That pink picture is soooo wrong, but back to the OP.

No one discipline is wrong, there may be indivuals that bring some into disrepute, there may be aspects of another that many of us would not choose to do...

The biggest problem is in the way the OP is titled, and this isn't the first time. Asking people what they dislike is always going to make those whose sport is identified feel defensive.

The OP has mastered the art of the sometimes offensive, often thoughtless, and occasionally idiotic post title, sometimes the content that follows is no better, sometimes it is. This is why many of her posts spiral into discussions that will only cause somebody pain at the end of the day, often her, sometimes other people.

Now don't accuse me of harking back to old posts that should best be forgotten, because there is a pattern of behaviour here, so they are quite relevant.

If only this had been titled 'which of these is your favourite equestrian pursuit' and why - there would have been none of the negativity. But of course then no opportunity for the OP to sit back and watch the inevitable fireworks - and then plead innocence


Well-Known Member
5 November 2004
Beds, Bucks Borders
MizElz, when you posted the poll yes there will be people that do have differences in opinions in every sport, you made it contraversial when you posted that it would probably go that way. I was using your analogy and you as an example since you are the OP of this thread as to what I could perceive horse riding to be in general. Which as you will probably agree 90% of the time is not the case. I was then effectively asking why if this did not go on all the time with yourself then why would polo be any different to the analogy? And yes when I make an offer I stand by it and do not just speak flippantly just to sound good. Anyway just to throw another cat among the pigeons you should go and watch polocrosse 10 times harder and more physical for the horses than polo, and oh you can only use one horse all weekend.

Panda2007 I would love to prove you wrong and like I said to MizElz if you want to come up for a weekend and come and see a different side to the polo then you are more than welcome any time. I have had horses for over 30 years and was brought up in a horsey family, I like yourself worked for a large and small animal veterinary practice for 4 years which I believe has given me a good grounding in animal care and wellbeing. Plus it also means that I can inject all our own horses, as I have a smallholders certificate. I used to compete BSJA and some of the things that used to go on behind closed doors on some yards were appalling and I must admit polo doesn't even go anywhere near the horrors some of those poor SJ horses had to endure. Like you say every sport has an evil side to it and unfortunately it is the animal every time that is the sufferer.


Well-Known Member
14 July 2007
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That pink picture is soooo wrong, but back to the OP.

No one discipline is wrong, there may be indivuals that bring some into disrepute, there may be aspects of another that many of us would not choose to do...

The biggest problem is in the way the OP is titled, and this isn't the first time. Asking people what they dislike is always going to make those whose sport is identified feel defensive.

The OP has mastered the art of the sometimes offensive, often thoughtless, and occasionally idiotic post title, sometimes the content that follows is no better, sometimes it is. This is why many of her posts spiral into discussions that will only cause somebody pain at the end of the day, often her, sometimes other people.

Now don't accuse me of harking back to old posts that should best be forgotten, because there is a pattern of behaviour here, so they are quite relevant.

If only this had been titled 'which of these is your favourite equestrian pursuit' and why - there would have been none of the negativity. But of course then no opportunity for the OP to sit back and watch the inevitable fireworks - and then plead innocence

[/ QUOTE ]


I could have asked 'which of these is your favourite equestrian pursuit', but that has been done before, and besides, its not what I'm getting at. I will admit that I have made errors in wording posts in the past, but this is not one of them. I meant what I said, because, even as a lover of pretty much everything horse, I know there are certain issues in certain discipline that I feel are questionable. I wondered if others felt the same, and they clearly do! Or else the poll would read:
100% I have no problem with any equestrian discipline...



Well-Known Member
22 September 2004
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I'm puzzled that people think showing is cruel (as a spectator and even as a rider it can be a bit boring), but Cruel?? Are you voting for it because of the overweight issue maybe? To win at the top level a horse has to be in top condition, beautifully schooled, able to work in company even at canter and gallop, take a strange rider and all in an exciting atmosphere..... Surely this is a great grounding for any other job you might want it to do in the future....or am I missing something?

the watcher

Well-Known Member
4 November 2004
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You gave the option to post many responses to your poll, so only the response to no problems with any is a true reflection, other responders could have ticked multiple boxes and probably did- which skews the results somewhat.
There may be things you think are questionable - you haven't been very specific in identifying them and have already backtracked and discovered that your opinion of polo, for example, might be founded on the activities of one yard, or a stereotype, or even a Jilly Cooper book rather than any true experience. How can you or anybody have a view on something they know very little about, unless they are readers of The Sun.

i stand by my opinion