Well-Known Member
It just looks like the difference between when he has eaten hay (2nd & 3rd photos) and when he has eaten grass (1st photo). A grass-fed horse's poos are unlikely to look like 2nd and 3rd.
I think you are worrying unnecessarily tbh.
Sorry for not very pleasant post in the morning but I’m still tackling the poo problem! Currently working through some suggestions be careful to not suddenly change or add things. Nothing’s making a difference, they are still just really variable, it seems no matter what I do!!
Sorry for the pictures but just to demonstrate the variability here’s his poo from overnight.
A couple are like this -
And the rest are like this, or somewhere in between the two.
Immy-has he had his teeth done recently? the only thing that I would say about that poop is that there are some longer bits of forage in there-a horse vet told me when I was talking about feeding straw to look out for stuff like that as it could be a sign that they arent chewing and digesting optimally. tbh they dont look so bad to me, could just be differences in grass/how much he's eaten-I'd be more worried about small hard poo this time of year.
I know they are not terrible, I think it was more the change that worried as up until late last year they hadn’t been like this and were a lot more consistent.
A friend had an old pony like this, she was advised by a vet to give him a banana, in it's skin, once a day and problem solved
I once read on a local forum about giving a banana in its skin (or the scrapings from the inside of banana skin/s) but I can't remember what it was for. I would try it.
I once read on a local forum about giving a banana in its skin (or the scrapings from the inside of banana skin/s) but I can't remember what it was for. I would try it.