August Bank Holiday weekend plans


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2 July 2008
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We had an outing to a local Native show, daughter driving our new-ish lorry which we bought a year ago and haven’t had much chance to go out in. Molly was a thug when we got there, convinced that xc must be involved and she needed to get at it asap! Settled eventually and jumped a nice round to win the ID working hunter.27B15943-FD38-4B01-9D31-45C2BAA7D21A.jpeg


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17 August 2017
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I just rode through bits of the dressage test for tomorrow and now I’m panicking about that too. Our walk was nice, had a few arguments in trot (but the warm up should iron those out) but in canter he just was so hollow and horrible. He’s not quite there yet in terms of being nice and round in canter as it’s still quite unbalanced but I’m just worried haha I’m such a perfectionist

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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Each move is judged separately so if the canter goes wrong there are plenty more marks in all the other bits. And if the test is accurately ridden you should still score reasonably even if its hollow. Good luck!


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26 January 2011
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Well we never made it to BS. New boy was a little fresh going out and caught my dad with a hind leg so show abandoned in favour of taking him to A&E ?‍♀️

Had to cancel my hire tomorrow as now have 6 to ride myself plus feed/bedding delivery and hires tomorrow night. At least I won’t have to go to the gym after all that riding ?


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24 October 2011
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Finally a much needed nice day for the team. We have endured 2 colics, OCD surgery and rehab, a lorry that prefers to live at the mechanics and has cost a small fortune, a poorly old boy and then last week an horrific fall on the road so far this year, a change of luck is much needed.

Dim Tim managed 67.79 and 69.79 at his first BD outing. Prelim 17A and 19 long arena. He was very well mannered and a real pleasure to take out, certainly growing up at long last. He is such a boat he needs the long arena. He has to compete in the silver section and was 2nd in P17 overall 3rd in the class, followed a win and an overall win. It was nice to be out again and the venue was very well organised.

The Fuzzy Furry

Living in 🦄 🦄 land
24 November 2010
Ambling amiably around........
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Suunds like a useful, educational outing for building experience and exposing her to distractions and learning where the work needs to be focused before next time. Well done for completing safely!
And today we went out to a local RC that I've never been to, did Equicross which is a bit like arena eventing but with more sj at the end, with a joker fence 15cms higher than the rest that gives 40 point bonus. Got a fabulous rhythm between the fences, clobbered 3 but still ended up 2nd as flew joker fence at the end.
V happy with much less stressed and quite focussed B Fuzzy :)


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18 December 2010
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The horse side of my bank holiday is complete!

Hacking Friday. Saturday off. Today Bury High Profile!

Mega chuffed with how calm and sensible Rooni was. The banners the drapes the flowers the generator next to the ring how busy it was the fact the warm up was mostly under water...

I went wrong in the first Ele so landed 2nd overall (to Nikki Barker, not bad!) with 69%+ and although the second test was actually a lot better the judge disagreed and I scraped 62.5% lol!!!

I went to check how confident he was. And he was his most confident yet. So really... Got what I went for! Part of me is tempted to submit the video to BD. I didn’t deserve to win at all though! But would have placed minimum of 68%+ considering 2 big mistakes...


That’s dressage! But I’m still over the moon with him :)


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15 March 2016
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AE, you bought toby to get out and do a bit with while amber was out of action. Get out and do a bit. One ugly fence isnt money out of the credit account, its money in it - you ask a question tell him how to answer it he gets it right and all is well. That is not a negative experience. Dont underestimate the confidence you can give him in this. One bogey fence out of 18 really isnt so bad. Get out and have a go.


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14 August 2011
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Sorry to hear that BM - hope he is ok.

AE I’d give it a go, try it once (and ride it properly) but miss it out if needed. Sounds like it would be good experience for him, and you might just enjoy it ?. Will they let you carry on and would that still be an E? Sounds like a very unfair fence for a 50 but unaff can be a bit awry at times.

Today I woke up at 6am, shuffled off to get finnegan and the lorry sorted. He’d been in overnight but seemed fine, just wanted his breakfast. Not too dirty for a change too. Headed off in reasonable time, with ’xc tummy’ and not able to eat, thinking I wasn’t sure if I really enjoyed this competing lark. But I always know once I’m getting ready and going it’s fine.

warmed up nicely, timed it all well, and off we trotted out the start box on ‘1‘ from the starter. First 2 fences were ok but he did drift left back to the lorry after fence 2, the furthest away and going away from the field, so we had a stop at 3. Nothing to do with the fence, just wasn’t ‘with‘ me. Picked up better in the 2nd field, and we cleared everything else.

I feel like I could have reacted better between fences 2 and 3 but it’s all experience and it’s our first comp this year. He did feel less nappy generally and I actually managed to stay forward, managed to ‘look up and leg on‘ at every fence, which for me is a miracle. So it all felt much smoother as a result. Hopefully that’s put a bit more confidence in the bank for us both. I was huffing, he didn’t break a sweat. Hmm one of us may not be working hard enough !

Pics are too grainy so here’s one of us from last weekend instead.C765FEA9-BA63-4246-92E0-AB805D38D539.jpeg


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15 April 2013
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Tail end of the week was much better than the beginning and I have felt well enough to ride....hurrah! Rose the dressage diva is turning into a very sensible hack, we went on TROT again on Thursday and today I boxed over to a friend's yard and we had an hour and half hacking through Dymock Woods, Rose didn't put a foot wrong although there were lots of walkers and dogs out and about. I am so pleased that I've got her off road, so much nicer than hacking on the lanes. Friday I did a fairly low key pole work session and again she was beautifully soft and forward. I am taking her to AM Dressage tomorrow and hopefully this week I'll be able to ride rather than just watch, but having Rose ridden by my trainer, definitely pays dividends and is money well spent!

Accidental Eventer

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5 April 2017
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I had a very busy weekend here, the sun was shining so we made the most of it.

Had a show jumping and dressage comp yesterday at a local pony club. I wanted to go along to get more confidence show jumping and though I might as well do a test while I was there. Henry was nice and relaxed all day, no antics which was very nice.

We show jumped before dressage which worked out ok, it got him forward but he was happy to changed gears into dressage mode when asked. Our dressage test was a bit tense, but our transitions were much better and I feel like I am starting to get a handle on how best to ride him.
Both our jumping rounds were great, so much more confidence from both of us, he jumped well and felt really established. No placings, just had a few little mistakes (and tension in the dressage!) to keep us out of them, but I feel like we had a very valuable day training wise.
Henry OG 2020.jpg


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31 August 2011
Northern Ireland
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A very quiet weekend here for once! Didn’t go anywhere!
OH hacked on Saturday, I accompanied on foot - not sure of exact distance but we were out for about an hour and a half. Keeping up with the horse and his lanky long legs was fun ? all on road for us round here, but mostly of the roads are fairly quiet country lanes. We did come across a scrambler competition (not familiar with the technical lingo lol) which was a slight cause for concern as we had to ride alongside the field it was in, otherwise it would have been a detour of several miles back to the yard. The bike riders were flying past just the other side of the hedge which was a bit ? eek. To his credit, big horse just had a bit of a look but didn’t break his stride at all and continued on past, no drama..! Yet he spooks at manhole covers. Eejit

OH back on board yesterday (his horse I suppose) for a quick jump. Set up a short combination plus a few other single fences. Delighted to see both horse and rider very keen, positive and forward. Definitely growing massively in confidence together, which I’m delighted with.

Lesson for me this afternoon, which has worked out well as instructor is back working (she was off for a couple of weeks) and I’m off work for the bank hols. Might also tackle big horse’s mane... when he arrived, half of it was missing (had been out in full neck rug) and it has finally grown, so half of it is about 4 inches long and the rest is considerably longer ?


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24 October 2012
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Oh I’m feeling quite lazy after reading everyone’s weekends!

Did jump them both at home yesterday just for fun ☺️.


Filmed on the Pivo which didn’t do a bad job really, first time filming jumping, though the front camera always looks blurry...

Skylla is being shod for the very first time today ?.


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11 February 2017
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Good luck to everyone at Eland today :)
We made up for it by doing some xc around the course at home (luckily they had moved the horses to a different field today!) We have a selection of fences from 35cm to 90cm that are proper solid xc fences but we rarely get to use them as they are in the fields that wlare used for turn out so once there's a chance you have to get on it!
Buzz was so much more forward than he was on saturday so that was good, popped around all of them nicely apart from the huge wide 80 corner which I couldn't get a good line to so we gave that one a miss. Jumped the biggest one out there though so I'm pleased with that.


Well-Known Member
17 August 2017
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Just on my way home from Eland and I am so happy.
Dressage was extremely tense and he did a yeehaw before we got into the boards but we got a 38, which I’m happy with as I thought it would be like 45! So lots of dressage outings to come
Show jumping he was perfect. Very forward and confident
Cross country we had one refusal at the horrible log ditch hedge thing and some speeding penalties (but everyone in the 50cm did!!)
On paper not a great day as we got like 91 haha but a lot of those were speeding penalties and for our first time out I am just so proud of him!!


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22 January 2014
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Bear went to an in hand show. Didn’t do particularly well in placings but behaved absolutely impeccably so cant complain. A 4yo who can go from busy hound exercise one day to standing quietly in a ring the next- golden boy!

Pepper also enjoyed the show getting lots of attention. If one more person asks if she’s a cocker though... ?



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22 January 2014
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Very smart Michen. Did you get any decent feedback for future shows?

Yes- he’s “a bit lean”. And that is why I despair at the world of showing ?‍♀️

Tbf, he wasn’t suited to either class so had zero expectations of any results!

Won’t be any future shows as it’s not my thing, but I do think it’s a great experience for a baby even though Bear proved it wasn’t necessary ?


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15 March 2016
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We survived eland. 36.8 dressage, but harsh imo but the best score in the group was 30.8 so harsh all round is fair. He did bronc in to his first canter ?
Had a clumsy SJ fence, he tried for a long one and failed lol. He was dreadfully spooky and distracted about the arena - fences were fine, silly horse.
Thought he was shattered but we got up to the xc warm up and he found his second wind. Had a green refusal at fence 2 of all things, and another 20 odd time penalties to add so we came in 16th but I'm not looking for frillies yet, the important thing is we came back safe and well. He needs to be quicker generally, but there were a lot of moments where we came back to trot just to rebalance etc. Crap on paper I suppose but I'm happy with him.

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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Brilliant day at Eland.

Toby had a dire day on paper but actually I am so happy with him! He was on and off the lorry all day, Dolly was coming and going, he was leaving her at times too. And the lorry park was soooo busy. And he was just so totally relaxed about it all. Easy to do tack changes in the lorry park, not phased by the chaos. Happy to be left alone for ages while I was watching Dolly. Just chilled and easy to deal with.

He warmed up beautifully for dressage but then the judge honked just as we were passing the car. He spooked at that - nothing dramatic just a baby-horse 4 leg 'whassat' splay. But he was mightily suspicious of cars after that :rolleyes::p. Went down the centre line staring straight at it suspicously with his head in the air and kept a beady eye on it every time we were down that end. So not a great score but lovely comments saying he was clearly distracted but a very smart horse who should do well in the future.

Then SJ. He caught poles by being generally a bit clumsy and just not picking up properly but he was forward and willing and maintained a nice canter rhythm all the way round. So again I felt pleased with him.

Finally XC. I planned to miss out the ditch hedge. He was keen out of the start box but he had a stop at number 3 which is just as you come into a very busy part of the course - judges cars were right there, the commentary box, lots of spectators etc so he just got distracted. But jumped fine second time. And then as you came round the corner into the wood to the hanging log there was another car very near the log. He saw the car first before the log and shifted sideways to get a good look at it as if to say 'watch it car, no funny business!' and I actually did not even present him to the log but circled as he was simply not looking at it at all. But once he saw it he jumped no problem and flew the rest getting more and more keen as he went along. Began to lock on from further away as he realised he was having fun. Very happy with him.

Then Dolly was a superstar in the 80cm. Nice dressage, uncharacteristic pole for 4 SJ then clear XC in the time to finish 4th. Now filthy, knackered and very happy with them both.

Pics of course. Love Katie's grin as she comes over the last!!





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14 April 2011
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I left the ground again!! I actually enjoyed myself this time! It definitely helps if you breathe going around. ?

Did two rounds and was so relieved to have survived, the 2nd time I forgot the last three fences! ?‍♀️
The day before I set myself up what I thought was a nice 50cm single upright to pop over while schooling and get a little practice in as not intentionally left the ground since the last attempt.

Only coming back and reading the other thread, I think I actually set up a 60? Probably why this looked achievable today and I was almost wishing for another go, to pop up a bit higher!
