Being dragged into a really iffy situation


Well-Known Member
4 May 2019
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Okay H&H peeps. I don’t often post for help but this is one of those situations where it may not be bad for help. I also apologize in advance for the novel….

Background situation
2.5 years ago I moved to a new barn. At first things were great, but over the past year they have been gradually going downhill. The barn owner is desperately trying to keep the place on track, but the place is going downhill maintenance wise, she is rarely there because she is trying to make money in her other job as her husband is an alcoholic who is no longer working, so he is working around the barn (so they don’t have to pay the barn staff as much). The roof is leaking so bad some of the stalls get flooded, the insulation in the roof of the indoor arena looks like it’s about to fall down in places. Doors don’t shut properly so depends if you went in or out, you may get locked into the back half of the barn and have to walk all the way around. Electric fencing isn’t typically working now and the horses are within 20 ft of a secondary highway, which is quite busy (And we do sometimes get grizzlies or moose coming along and scaring the horses). Fields sometimes get flooded too. Also the toilets and wash Bay Area doesn’t always work, especially in the winter. Sometimes the drunk husband forgets to feed horses, and the water troughs are not routinely cleaned, and the paddocks are not always cleaned routinely.

Anyway she is rarely around and the barn staff are fed up, the barn manager has no say. I’m also paying over $900 in board per month, which is about equivalent to about 550 to 600 GBP. Also on Sunday we found two horses who has broke out of the fencing and were in the field with a whole section of fencing down… right by the highway…..

This is just the background to last week’s incident….

Last week
On Thursday - One of the horses came in from my paddock with a HUGE laceration right in front of the right eye. The wound was gaping and had gone down to the skull, and had even included a 2mm hole in the skull. It was horrific. I wasn’t there but got sent the pictures. My boy was also on stall rest due to having just had some vet treatment. Anyway a different vet came out who the barn owner doesn’t like (but I use them and like them). They treated and left. There was a question as to how it happened and I’ll get to that in a second.

On Friday - the horse was on banamine for the pain but started displaying colic symptoms. Again I wasn’t there, but there was a kerfuffle with vets and the same vet got called out. The owner didnt want to ship off to the clinic straight away, which was a bad idea, but novice owner and idiot decision etc. 3-4 hours later they finally shipped the horse off to the vet and within an hour it was dead.

So.… here are the two competing theories and I’m essentially getting dragged into what may end up being a lawsuit.

Theory 1 - The horse got kicked by another horse with back shoes. The owner thinks this happened and there are two horses in the field of five who wear back shoes (incidentally my guy does in the summer trail riding season, but not typically - he’s never kicked in 18 years though and generally considered the sanest one in the entire barn).

Theory 2 - The barn owner is going around saying that the horse colicked on Thursday and hit its head on the shelter. Then the banamine means that no one knew he was suffering for 24 hours, and the vet didnt do their due diligence.

As a secondary note, I’m getting dragged in as I’m being asked to give my opinion, take pictures of horses back feet, etc.
I’m also in the process of trying to find a better place and thankfully I know a lot of other barns and people there so I will probably be leaving very soon.

Thoughts? Opinions? General WTF statements??


Well-Known Member
12 August 2017
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That sounds like a nightmare situation for you, and I hope you find somewhere else to keep your horse ASAP. If I've understood you correctly you are not directly involved in either incident, and your horse isn't being accused of kicking the injured one. I would NOT get involved at all as this sounds like a very tricky situation which is not going to end well for all (possibly any) parties. If challenged by whoever has asked you to get involved then I would just say that you weren't present during either incident so you aren't able to add any information, and that you don't want to take sides as you don't know what happened (obviously with sympathy expressed if it is the owner whose horse has died). Good luck.


Well-Known Member
4 May 2019
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Oh trust me guys I am on my way out. I’m trying to move to the same place as my best friend as her place just got sold so I’m waiting till she gets back from vacation at the end of the month to find out her situation. If she says no then I can move to the barn managers place (she’s as sick of the situation as I am), or if my guy won’t be on long term lameness then I can move to another fancy place a little further out where another buddy moved to. I just need to know if I need a retirement place or if I can keep working him. I’m up most nights so I’m definitely keeping a close eye on my guys care.

I just keep saying ‘not my monkey not my circus’. And I thank god I had my guy on stall test that day so I have absolutely no liability in this whatsoever.


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16 February 2009
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At the end of the day my understanding is that you did not actually see what happened, Yes??

If you saw nothing you cannot be asked to establish any so-called "facts" about what did or did not happen, or make any statement, or get involved.

If you do make a statement of any sort, it will only be a surmising of what you think might have happened not what actually did and frankly any lawyer would rip you up for bum-paper if you were to surmise what happened rather than report what you actually SAW.

I would keep your mouth shut, refuse all requests to get involved or take pictures etc., and MOVE as soon as you possibly can.

Get the hell outta there!


Well-Known Member
4 May 2019
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At the end of the day my understanding is that you did not actually see what happened, Yes??

If you saw nothing you cannot be asked to establish any so-called "facts" about what did or did not happen, or make any statement, or get involved.

If you do make a statement of any sort, it will only be a surmising of what you think might have happened not what actually did and frankly any lawyer would rip you up for bum-paper if you were to surmise what happened rather than report what you actually SAW.

I would keep your mouth shut, refuse all requests to get involved or take pictures etc., and MOVE as soon as you possibly can.

Get the hell outta there!

Yes I did not see what happened. I saw the horse 2 hours before they came in when I was about to leave for the day after the vet had gone for my boy.


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29 September 2013
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Just say that you don’t have an opinion, and as your horse wasn’t involved you don’t want to be involved.

And get the hell out of there.

Absolutely this. Not your circus, not your monkeys.

This place is quite literally a death trap for horses. Get the heck out of there before something much worse happens.

A drunk man in charge?? No thanks.


Well-Known Member
12 August 2016
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What a nightmare. I think you're doing the right thing. But personally, I'd get the horse out asap, even if it is temporarily until you get sorted.

If there's that much going on, it won't be long before other clients start turning on each other, I'd say it will get nasty. especially since it seems to be an accident waiting to happen day in day out. It won't stop at one accident and everyone seems to want to blame everyone else.

Say nothing, tell nobody your plans, and leave as soon as you can.

I hope everything goes ok


Well-Known Member
4 October 2018
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Don't give an opinion. You are simply a bystander here. If asked, stick solely to the facts as you have directly witnessed them. As you don't appear to have directly witnessed any of the events, your evidence is of limited use to anyone. Don't try to guess what exactly happened, you don't know as you weren't there. If it gets to court then that is for the court to work out. Leave as soon as you can. No need to take sides.

Glitter's fun

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1 May 2022
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I’m getting dragged in as I’m being asked to give my opinion, take pictures of horses back feet, etc.
Your opinion carries absolutely no weight in this because you are neither an expert (vet/lawyer/photographer) nor a witness. Keep being politely assertive - you are not able to help.

I’m also in the process of trying to find a better place
That is a VERY low bar. Go now.


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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Say nothing
Message best friend while she’s on vacation, am sure she will understand in the circumstances!
If she says no can do move to barn managers asap
And if horse then better and you need more facilities move to the fancier yard


Normal, 10 cats ago
14 January 2008
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Ridiculous situation. Both theories are flawed because nobody saw anything.

Theory 1 - Unless someone saw it happen, they won't know who kicked who. It is absolutely tragic (poor horse) but if you turn your horse out with another you are accepting the risk that either during play or a punch up they may kick each other and it may be fatal. The owner knew 2 horses were shod. She accepted the risk. If there was a known kicker out there, again she accepted the risk.

Theory 2 - the yard owner is trying onto shift the blame on the colic that no one seems to have supervised. The vet recommended going to the clinic which was dithered about with (if the vet says clinic, the horse is in bad way) then left - why wasn't someone sitting up with that horse?

Has anyone walked the field to see if there is anything there? I have done that and have usually found a bit of skin on the fence or signs that horses were skidding about playing/fighting.

As for taking pictures of the back shoes of two horses - their time would have been better spent sitting up with that poor horse with colic.

Keep well out of it, you are surrounded by numpties.
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Well-Known Member
23 September 2021
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I'm with the others. Get out now. Even if it's just temporarily. Don't give notice. Load the horse out of sight, having stashed your/horse's belongings beforehand. If anyone questions you as to why you're doing this, say your getting things washed/stored at home/ have sold them to a friend etc.
I have a healthy aversion to drunks. They can be nasty dangerous creatures on all sorts of levels.
Don't delay. Shoo! Scram! It's another disaster waiting to happen. It could be your horse/you/ both of you next time.
Oh, and don't pay any notice fee. They've broken their Duty of Care Contract x n.


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4 May 2019
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Okay so just to clarify a few things
First and foremost there is no question - I am leaving ASAP. I am just trying to find somewhere else that can take my horse and have my hands in numerous places at the moment and waiting for confirmation. So don’t worry guys there will be an update soon on that.

The issues that have been happening have only been since mid to end of January when the Owner’s husband lost his business and got the DUI. I probably wasn’t clear on that earlier and my bad. Until January he wasn’t on the property as he was managing his business and his wife was essentially managing the place and she had a good reputation, AND then the place ran like clockwork. She is lovely by the way and I genuinely feel sorry for her. Since he lost his business and put them both in a serious financial hole (and took out personal loans) she’s had to work three full time jobs just to try to keep up payments for the place. Also since he got the DUI he’s not able to leave the property now, hence the serious issues (as to reduce their outgoings she’s got him working there).

Not only do I work full time, but I was also in school on evenings so I missed most of this as school was 4 nights a week, and only came out three days while I was completing my course. Since I finished end of April I’ve had more time and noticed the serious slippage. I was complaining and trying to work to get things fixed, while starting to do some investigation into other barns in the area to see if there was anywhere else. Thankfully since I’d already started that process it has made this easier. BTW it was only recently that I found the electric fence was off and the water wasn’t cleaned and I*** over it. The human things like the toilet weren’t a big deal for me but screwing up horse stuff tends to get me p*ssed. She also said recently that she was going to put the price up and I flatly said not a chance I was paying, hence another reason I had also started to look. Basically I feel sorry for her but their financial screw ups are not for me to suffer for / pay for.

Where we are there are not a whole host of barns that are top quality so you have to really do due diligence to make sure and you’re either not paying through the nose for crap or you go from the frying pan into the fire, believe me I‘ve been seeing the crazy ALL over. Which will not help the situation either.

Either way my guy will be moving pretty damn quick just bear with me.


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4 May 2019
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For sure guys. I reached out to a place that I had looked at just before this kicked off as they had a spot left and they had filled it in a week. This area can fill spots in good places pretty fast. Looking at one tomorrow where a friend of a friend boards and it’s just across the road. The jumping barn I haul out to offered me a spot too. I did reach out to a place where I did want to go but it seems that they’re not interested in me even though they have spots. I guess they don’t want a boarder who pays early, helps others, cleans up after themselves and had a perfectly behaved horse ?

@ElectricChampagne appreciate your saying I’m handling well. My day job is project management so I’m well used to lurching from crisis to crisis. In fact the day that there’s a crisis management situation I can’t figure out is a day I’m going to be very, very worried….


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7 October 2010
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I always feel sad when someone's life is thrown away to addiction and for the other people who are affected.
It must be horrible for you op as you obviously like and care for the owner, but livery is big money that you spend so that you can enjoy your free time.
You do right moving , I hope you find somewhere as trouble free as livery can be.


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4 May 2019
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So…. Dun dun duhhhhnnnn….. I think I’ve found one of the last spots at a barn I’ve been doing cowboy challenge at. It’s almost perfect except for two problems. It’s a 30 minute drive each way, which is fine in the summer but in the dead of winter with -30 on quiet roads and dirt roads will not be fun. It means I’ll get out a little less but he will be taken care of. Second issue is no tack locker but that’s what trailers are for. I can also buy a moveable tack locker and put it in my spot that’s assigned. My tack is pretty good so the insurance stipulates it has to be locked up to be covered.

Third issue is I won’t likely to be able to continue lessons at my jumping barn across the road, but this place does jumping too as well as obstacles, dressage, and many other things.

We’re finalizing the contract now, thankfully my current barn got fussy about me hauling out so I already have coggins as well as my usual vaccines. Inadvertently they’ve made it easier for me to go.

I had a conversation with a couple of the ladies who are trying to make the owner see sense right now and they said she’s avoiding the conversation. Another lady who has three horses there just gave her own notice too and these two ladies are also looking. A boarder (and a trainer there) just moved her two out, and another boarder who also works there is about to send her training horse back to the owner.

One of the ladies I was talking to tonight might move to the same place I’m going to and take the very last spot.

I was torn with another place right across the road from my current barn and was almost ready to switch but a buddy has another buddy there and said there’s a crap ton of drama and sometimes hay issues.

Anyway guys sorry for the novel. Bad news is that my guy is still 0.5% off so he’s off to the vet Thursday. We think he strained his collateral ligament. It might mean a slow rehab. If it’s not one thing it’s another…. ?


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4 July 2012
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Wow. What a haul but glad that you have found somewhere else. A 30 min drive isn't too bad - at some points I was driving 45-60 mins and, like you, there were some locations which in the dead of winter was not fun to drive, especially when we would get flash freezing. That said, I always did worry when the weather went down to the -30s and always worried if I was going to get stuck and have a massive rescue fee as my car battery would drain very quickly in those temps. It also doesn't have to be a permanent barn - it could be interim until a space opens up elsewhere. I know of places that were charging around $900/month for board but the facilities were outstanding so I'm really glad that you could get out!