Best thing since Ronnie Wallace?


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4 December 2008
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I am as I say a mere poltroon of no consequence so it doesn't matter. No fair enough, it would be very boring to know who you are.
What's more important is your ankle:

"I have hurt my ankle slipping in a divit so feeling sorry for myself, bloody hurts!" Tail bandage and keep walking about on it and paracetamol. My friend Ginge sent me an email on how many post I'd done yeaterday! lets hope it gets better soon. LOL

But thanks for advise. x


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
Nobody remembers him with the Hawkstone Otterhounds then? I don't, wasn't around here then but husband does and was lucky enough to be given the mask by RW which is still hanging on our wall along with some pads. Have many tales to tell of him - but not on here as they're not our tales to tell, that's the trouble when you know so many hunt staff!

Rosie, tut tut, no need to qualify the Exmoor are foxhounds, they are the only pack of any type to have Exmoor in their title.

How about port and ginger wine as a stirrup cup, will that do? I'll let you know when we have our meet and you can come and try it, we usually have a few empty saddles later..........
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rosie fronfelen

Well-Known Member
5 February 2009
welsh hills!
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Nobody remembers him with the Hawkstone Otterhounds then? I don't, wasn't around here then but husband does and was lucky enough to be given the mask by RW which is still hanging on our wall along with some pads. Have many tales to tell of him - but not on here as they're not our tales to tell, that's the trouble when you know so many hunt staff!

Rosie, tut tut, no need to qualify the Exmoor are foxhounds, they are the only pack of any type to have Exmoor in their title.

How about port and ginger wine as a stirrup cup, will that do? I'll let you know when we have our meet and you can come and try it, we usually have a few empty saddles later..........

i was answering a question asked by judge.

rosie fronfelen

Well-Known Member
5 February 2009
welsh hills!
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i know by the way that the stags are Devon and Somerset!! i am sorry for my bad wording, this isnt gonna be a pick up on Rosie comments i hope---Ronnie wrote excellent books on his life including hilarious quotes.


Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
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i was answering a question asked by judge.

Did I ask a question?

I know I asked to be reminded if Captain Wallace's last mastership was of the Exmoor, by that I mean foxhounds, well that goes without saying. Bearing in mind there are only two packs of stag hounds the D & S and Quantock. Do the Tiverton still exist or did they get amalgamated?

Port and ginger wine that's interesting, thing is which port, you have to be careful with port?

I think I am right in thinking the Captain popularised Red PVC rain proof hunt coats, to the shock of some?

I am sure some knowledgeable person will correct the facts.
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Well-Known Member
18 February 2010
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Did I ask a question?

I know I asked to be reminded if Captain Wallace's last mastership was of the Exmoor, by that I mean foxhounds, well that goes without saying. Bearing in mind there are only two packs of stag hounds the D & S and Quantock. Do the Tiverton still exist or did they get amalgamated?

Port and ginger wine that's interesting, thing is which port, you have to be careful with port?

I think I am right in thinking the Captain popularised Red PVC rain proof hunt coats, to the shock of some?

I am sure some knowledgeable person will correct the facts.

A very well known fact Judge, he started the red pvc years ago. As for port, it doesnt really matter when mixed with ginger wine!!!


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
sorry Maesfen(sounds welsh) i didnt realise you were MFH in your past postings! i do get things buggered up sometimes--

Lol, don't worry about it. It's a covert that borders our land and the family have been responsible for it since Adams was a lad and it's not far from the Welsh border too; it's also my prefix.

I'll get you a wooden spoon S! :rolleyes:;):D


Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
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Hey Judge, you talk the talk, can you walk the walk. Tell me have you ever sat on a horse in your life! Ronnie Wallace PAH!!! In your dreams.

Madam, whilst removing my hat, you will note that you are extended every courtesy from my direction. Therefore I would invite you to take your 'horse' home and not come out again, if you are going to make absurd comments coupled to the most appalling bad manners. Goodday to you.

Now let us remember where this thread started, the wholly ineffectual Eagle_day. The 'freelance' chartered accountant. The bloodsucking professionals who then leach off such as myslef who actually gnerate the wealth to pay professionals such as Eagle_day.

Not a single post since, with any constructive comment, alternatives or opinions by Eagle_day. Typical no iniative!

Frankly it is the Eagle_days who are still unable to come to terms with the fact that we have a COALITION government along with a few disallusioned Labour MPs now climbing into bed with Cameron and Clegg. It is the Eagle-days who have put hunting in the position it is in now. No imagination, no savior faire, just the same old way of going on with unsmiling folk generating antipathy whereever they are perceived. Bleating about how their officers do sterling work all unpaid - if you join a club sunshine, you do your best to promote a betterment of the hunting and the greater glory of the sport.

Lets be hearing from you Eagle_day or hasn't the fact there is a change of government and all that that entails, reached the 'exciting' fens of Lincolnshire.

All you have done is run a heel line from the thread which was attracting considerable comment and constructive suggestions.

I suggest you too, take you horse home but we will have a subscription off you first!
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Well-Known Member
25 June 2001
Shropshire/Worcs. borders
All you have done is run a heel line from the thread which was attracting considerable comment and constructive suggestions.

Well - after a heel line, I'll start a riot by saying that - IMHO - the late,great Ronnie Wallace was NOT a 'good ambassador' for hunting! :eek: (Awaits drawing and quartering!) He was - by all accounts - a great huntsman, and an excellent Master - and to my own knowledge, a very personable and courteous character!

BUT - he ruled the MFHA with a rod of iron for many years - and by extension - the BFSS too! His 'keep our heads down and our powder dry' policy played a LARGE part in the eventual ban! All through the '60s, '70s and '80s, the LACS - a tiny and insignificant little group - was beavering away, particularly in schools - indoctrinating the teachers, parents and politicians of the next generation! And WHERE were the MFHA and the BFSS while public opinion was being turned against hunting?? Keeping their heads down and their powder dry, of course, as instructed by Ronnie.

And it was left to a few of our great political supporters - in particular Lord Kimball - to kill off anti-hunting bills! By the time of the early 1990s, a few sensible people FINALLY saw the writing on the wall - and it was in the '90s that we saw the emergence of some TRUE ambassadors. People like James Barclay (the younger!) And George Bowyer! And for a short time, Derek Laud. And of course Robin Hanbury-Tennison. And amongst the professional huntsmen, Julian Barnfield and Patrick Martin in particular! And, unlikely as it seems, Frederick Forsyth!

But of course it was too late - the LACS by then HAD changed public opinion. Not on their own, of course - times were a-changing too! There was less contact with the countryside for most. There was certainly less 'respect' for the 'upper classes' - so the Toffs on horsebck theme found fertile ground. And they weren't very clever - wherever we debated with them - we won hands down. But for 30 odd years we DIDN'T debate with them - we let them get on with spreading their lies and their hatred.

So I'd say YES to Ronnie as a great huntsman and MFH - but NOT what I'd call 'an Ambassador'!


Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
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JanetGeorge, outstanding absolutely brilliant.

In days of yore I watched you on television doing the most difficult job.

For the avoidance of doubt: when I said, "All you have done is run a heel line from the thread which was attracting considerable comment and constructive suggestions".
I was of course referring to the thread I started, "Too many who hunt are unfriendly and get hunting a poor social reputation".

So Eagle_day come on, lets have some alternatives and new initiatives?

I suppose what these threads do do and of course there was no Internet in the 70's, 80's and 90's. It flushes out the weaknesses and the antediluvian thinking still in the minds of too many who hunt!
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rosie fronfelen

Well-Known Member
5 February 2009
welsh hills!
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i take great objection to your comments Janet George about Ronnie Wallace, if i remember rightly your contribution to the CA was not too greatly appreciated, anyway, back to Ronnie, i knew him pretty well and his latter 2 wives, helped to bring on his hunt horses and your comments on him not being a great ambassador are an insult to him.thank god for his rod of iron, who do we have now with that attitude- noone unless there is financial gains to be had at the end!! Name dropping will not help your cause by the way!!

rosie fronfelen

Well-Known Member
5 February 2009
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Madam, whilst removing my hat, you will note that you are extended every courtesy from my direction. Therefore I would invite you to take your 'horse' home and not come out again, if you are going to make absurd comments coupled to the most appalling bad manners. Goodday to you.

Now let us remember where this thread started, the wholly ineffectual Eagle_day. The 'freelance' chartered accountant. The bloodsucking professionals who then leach off such as myslef who actually gnerate the wealth to pay professionals such as Eagle_day.

Not a single post since, with any constructive comment, alternatives or opinions by Eagle_day. Typical no iniative!

Frankly it is the Eagle_days who are still unable to come to terms with the fact that we have a COALITION government along with a few disallusioned Labour MPs now climbing into bed with Cameron and Clegg. It is the Eagle-days who have put hunting in the position it is in now. No imagination, no savior faire, just the same old way of going on with unsmiling folk generating antipathy whereever they are perceived. Bleating about how their officers do sterling work all unpaid - if you join a club sunshine, you do your best to promote a betterment of the hunting and the greater glory of the sport.

Lets be hearing from you Eagle_day or hasn't the fact there is a change of government and all that that entails, reached the 'exciting' fens of Lincolnshire.

All you have done is run a heel line from the thread which was attracting considerable comment and constructive suggestions.

I suggest you too, take you horse home but we will have a subscription off you first!
come on now Judge,be fair, you are an enigma to alot of people so what can you expect? your english is hard to follow in these modern times so what are people supposed to think,
Pastie2 sent you a message about me when i was on the ban, you asked her about her lifestyle etc, and then not another peep out of you- so, who are YOU? regarding ED, well, i can understand him-ihavent followed all these posts as to be honest what can the likes of us do regardingthe political side of things. can we not wait and see what the coalition come up with, we are better off now than with Brown and his cronies and any repeal is going to take months.


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
i take great objection to your comments Janet George about Ronnie Wallace, if i remember rightly your contribution to the CA was not too greatly appreciated, anyway, back to Ronnie, i knew him pretty well and his latter 2 wives, helped to bring on his hunt horses and your comments on him not being a great ambassador are an insult to him.thank god for his rod of iron, who do we have now with that attitude- noone unless there is financial gains to be had at the end!! Name dropping will not help your cause by the way!!

Rosie, you're talking a load of tosh and anyone with an atom of sense would realise it too.
Nobody could have worked harder and stronger than Janet at that time and many, even now, regret her being pushed form the CA but they couldn't do with her straight forward talking even though it had been proved how popular she was with the members. Janet was a huge influence on the Rally and the Marches (of which I too walked a hundred miles) which were huge successes and managed to bring all field sports together, something which the 'old men' had never done as they were so territorial, almost anal about anyone else having a say in what they saw as their property. Hunting would be in a far worse position if Janet had not been so good at her job back then; we all owe her a huge debt and we do well to remember that.
She's also right, Ronnie was a legendary huntsman, a brilliant doggie man, his hounds would do anything for him and he was (rightly) a force of nature to be reckoned with especially if he thought you had done anything wrong but he also could never accept he was wrong; I have too many anecdotes of him which prove otherwise; and that 'certainty' set the cause back several times over the years - but he was never wrong, his certainty was unshakeable; it's just such a shame that in many ways he handed ammunition to the other side while still being positive he was right and nobody with the guts to say otherwise.

rosie fronfelen

Well-Known Member
5 February 2009
welsh hills!
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thank you, i was just giving my own opinion and as many others on here state that we are still able to have free speech. many from here walked many miles on the marches i might add, and the older generation supported in a vast way. nothing will change my views on Ronnie, i had too many conversations with him to do that, on the other hand i have no wish to fall out or make enemies over this, my physche(sp?) wont cope these days so lets beg toagree to disagree- mind you, i dont appreciate my opinions being called tosh-


Well-Known Member
25 June 2001
Shropshire/Worcs. borders
thank you, i was just giving my own opinion and as many others on here state that we are still able to have free speech. many from here walked many miles on the marches i might add, and the older generation supported in a vast way. nothing will change my views on Ronnie, i had too many conversations with him to do that, on the other hand i have no wish to fall out or make enemies over this, my physche(sp?) wont cope these days so lets beg toagree to disagree- mind you, i dont appreciate my opinions being called tosh-

Of course you're entitled to your opinion - as I am to mine - whether you agree with it of not. However, I take exception to being accused of 'name dropping' (if I'd wanted to name-drop, I'd have come up with FAR 'bigger' names than those mentioned as good ambassadors for hunting.)

As for my 'efforts' not being appreciated at the CA, to paraphrase Maesfen, more tosh! I still have a small CASE full of letters, cards and e-mails I received from a wide range of CA members - both after the Rally and the March, AND after I was sacked by a Johnny-come-lately CE (who went nearly as fast!) The only reason said CE got away with it was that some Bord members thought they needed a fallguy to facilitate the removal of someone higher up the foodchain - and in this sort of politics, there's no such thing as loyalty or integrity! :rolleyes:

rosie fronfelen

Well-Known Member
5 February 2009
welsh hills!
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Of course you're entitled to your opinion - as I am to mine - whether you agree with it of not. However, I take exception to being accused of 'name dropping' (if I'd wanted to name-drop, I'd have come up with FAR 'bigger' names than those mentioned as good ambassadors for hunting.)

As for my 'efforts' not being appreciated at the CA, to paraphrase Maesfen, more tosh! I still have a small CASE full of letters, cards and e-mails I received from a wide range of CA members - both after the Rally and the March, AND after I was sacked by a Johnny-come-lately CE (who went nearly as fast!) The only reason said CE got away with it was that some Bord members thought they needed a fallguy to facilitate the removal of someone higher up the foodchain - and in this sort of politics, there's no such thing as loyalty or integrity! :rolleyes:

there are 2 sides to every story Ms George, you are quite above yourself with your comment regarding FAR bigger names to quote- and that is typical of a snob, which is the thing that the hunting fraternity want to see less of. as you say,opinions are entitled to, also you arewrong about loyalty and integrity, 2 things that Ronnie stood for!!


Well-Known Member
4 December 2008
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STOP! STOP! STOP! Now if their is a fan club to be started it will be JANET GEORGE and I for one can say Janet is NO SNOB, and the CA are all ************* I don't know anything about all this but name calling and bitching and she said you said is not called for on this forum please.