Bird scarer petition


Horse servant
2 December 2010
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But Wagtail, there IS proper legislation - it covers noise pollution (which covers your situation). I don't think anyone's terrified of further legislation . . . but personally I feel that more legislation is like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut . . . why, instead of using the mechanisms of law and public order already in place, should we put in place yet more red tape for farmers to have to navigate?

I don't question or doubt your (justified) frustration . . . but I do question your method of remedy - I think it's excessive.


I want proper regulation. For example, no use before 7 am or after 10 pm. Why is that excessive?


Horse servant
2 December 2010
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Because the thread is really just about signing a petition! Not about quizzing OP in detail.
Sorry , but this is HHO at its worst.

Thank you. It is not as though I am forcing people to sign.

Sorting out my particular problem does not help any others in a similar situation. If we had clear legislation, everyone would know where they stood. Then bad feelings should not arise. People should not be put in a situation where they feel the need to complain. I am not the type of person who does, and I put up with the disruptive noise of these things rather than become one. I don't agree that the way to go is making a complaint against a neighbour and if clear legislation was in place there would not be a need.


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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For those poor confused souls who think I am contradicting myself, not at all, it is simple:

Ask them to turn off a bird scarer that is going off at night - saves them money so no problem.

But when they are going off during daylight hours, all be it very early in the mornings - different situation entirely. I'm surprised you farming folk do not realise that!

But that is when they need them to be working, and not the middle of the night so not disturbing your sleep?


Horse servant
2 December 2010
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But that is when they need them to be working, and not the middle of the night so not disturbing your sleep?

We are going round in circles as I am having to repeat the same things over and over. Things I have a problem with during the day are:

Gas guns going off extremely early (sometimes as early as 4 in the morning in mid summer).

Excessive number of gas guns so that at times they are sounding several times a minute.

Guns placed so close that the house vibrates when they go off.

All this I put up with and only complain about the guns going off when it is dark. But having legislation to prevent this would make things clearer to both sides. At the minute, there is a code of practice which is not always adhered to.

But hey, you all keep bumping this thread. It's fine by me.

Spring Feather

Well-Known Member
30 December 2010
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We are going round in circles as I am having to repeat the same things over and over. Things I have a problem with during the day are:

Gas guns going off extremely early (sometimes as early as 4 in the morning in mid summer).

Excessive number of gas guns so that at times they are sounding several times a minute.

Guns placed so close that the house vibrates when they go off.

All this I put up with and only complain about the guns going off when it is dark. But having legislation to prevent this would make things clearer to both sides. At the minute, there is a code of practice which is not always adhered to.

But hey, you all keep bumping this thread. It's fine by me.

Okay if your house is vibrating every time a gas gun goes off then I think the Environment Agency should be your second port of call. After asking the farmers to please move them further away from your house. Personally if my house was vibrating all hours of the day and night due to a gas gun going off I think I'd sell up!


Horse servant
2 December 2010
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Okay if your house is vibrating every time a gas gun goes off then I think the Environment Agency should be your second port of call. After asking the farmers to please move them further away from your house. Personally if my house was vibrating all hours of the day and night due to a gas gun going off I think I'd sell up!

And hand out ear plugs to all the prospective buyers.


Well-Known Member
4 April 2012
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Wagtail, I'm beginning to think you have some very odd farmers in your area.
The fact that they waste money having bangers going off several times a minute and often during the night is unusual enough.

The fact they are still using bangers in the height of summer is unheard of round here, if for OSR which you said it was. The crop is past pigeon damage by then, I guess pea, bean and brassica growers might still have problems by then, but you've not mentioned those crops.

The weirdest thing though, is gas guns that make your house shake, what the hell are your neighbours using ? Grenades !!!

If your house is shaking and your doctor is prescribing you tranquillisers yet you still don't want to discuss the problem with the farmers, phone the local authority straight away.
If your situation is as bad as you say, the noise pollution department will come down on them like a ton of bricks.
You really don't need any other legislation, but even if its what you want it will take for ever to put in place.

If my house was shaking and I needed to be drugged up to cope I'd want it sorted NOW, not worrying about petitions. It really is that simple.
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Well-Known Member
26 May 2008
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Wagtail, I'm beginning to think you have some very odd farmers in your area.
The fact that they waste money having bangers going off several times a minute and often during the night is unusual enough.

The fact they are still using bangers in the height of summer is unheard of round here, if for OSR which you said it was. The crop is past pigeon damage by then, I guess pea, bean and brassica growers might still have problems by then, but you've not mentioned those crops.

The weirdest thing though, is gas guns that make your house shake, what the hell are your neighbours using ? Grenades !!!

If your house is shaking and your doctor is prescribing you tranquillisers yet you still don't want to discuss the problem with the farmers, phone the local authority straight away.
If your situation is as bad as you say, the noise pollution department will come down on them like a ton of bricks.
You really don't need any other legislation, but even if its what you want it will take for ever to put in place.

If my house was shaking and I needed to be drugged up to cope I'd want it sorted NOW, not worrying about petitions. It really is that simple.

*chuckle*....I started to reply to the post to which you refer, and deleted my reply....! I walk past gas bangers several times a day....sometimes I am unlucky enough to be within a metre when they go off, and they don't make the ground shake!


Horse servant
2 December 2010
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I have to say that it is only one that has been placed in the last two weeks which vibrates through the house. I really don't mind that you don't want to believe me. Just keep bumping my thread. :)

Spring Feather

Well-Known Member
30 December 2010
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I have to say that it is only one that has been placed in the last two weeks which vibrates through the house. I really don't mind that you don't want to believe me. Just keep bumping my thread. :)
So if it's just one that does this, surely you just need to ask them if they could move it further away as it's making your house shake. I'd be concerned about a house shaking due to a gas gun, but that's a separate issue.


Well-Known Member
1 June 2011
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I find it very difficult to believe that a problem that sends you to the doctor for strong drugs, vibrates you house and is constant from dawn to dusk that you haven't bothered to contact your local environment officer.

You say that you have a good relationship with the people that are causing you all these problems, but are scared to talk to them directly.

None of this adds up. The reason people are questioning you is that this is so unbelievable that it is almost funny. You are also a prolific poster - and this is the first time you have mentioned these problems, whereas everything else that causes you problems are regularly reported upon.

Very, very strange!


Well-Known Member
7 July 2010
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I want proper regulation. For example, no use before 7 am or after 10 pm. Why is that excessive?

It's not unreasonable to want some peace and quiet and to ask that the farmers keep their bird scarers quiet between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. - not at all . . . but why do you need additional legislation to achieve that when there is legislation/regulation (call it whatever you like) already in place?



Well-Known Member
5 April 2007
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*whispers* shake and vibrate mean exactly the same thing.

No they don't, the words are a synonym of each other...

a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language, for example shut is a synonym of close.

I wouldn't use shake and vibrate to describe the same thing. In my mind there is a nuance there that justifies the different word.

I hate bird scarers by the way.
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Well-Known Member
21 December 2012
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Ugh, what an ugly thread this turned out to be. We moved to rural Ireland about 14 years (give or take now) and we are surrounded by farmers. I've learned a lot in that time. I love being surrounded by pasture/cows/sheep - I don't mind the muck spreading (even though I think it's not supposed to be done now?). I love the baa's and little replies (especially now) from the little lambs. I don't mind at all when there are bellows from calves being weaned or tractors belting up and down the roads or the sound of shotguns culling foxes - I don't mind any of this and even when at peak time in the best weather I know it could go on all night because the Irish weather is so inconsistent but grass must come in for the silage pits - at first I though machinery was being stolen! I hate that farmers don't get the right price for a raw product that almost induces them to use artificial growth hormones/pesticides etc to break even if at all, not all of us want cheap food, but not all are in the position to choose. I don't mind roosters crowing, I have my own lol! BUT, I hate that this thread has turned so nasty and that Wagtail is struggling with what seems like excessive noise pollution and it's OK for people to knock what she is going through in such a vindictive manner.


Horse servant
2 December 2010
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Ugh, what an ugly thread this turned out to be. We moved to rural Ireland about 14 years (give or take now) and we are surrounded by farmers. I've learned a lot in that time. I love being surrounded by pasture/cows/sheep - I don't mind the muck spreading (even though I think it's not supposed to be done now?). I love the baa's and little replies (especially now) from the little lambs. I don't mind at all when there are bellows from calves being weaned or tractors belting up and down the roads or the sound of shotguns culling foxes - I don't mind any of this and even when at peak time in the best weather I know it could go on all night because the Irish weather is so inconsistent but grass must come in for the silage pits - at first I though machinery was being stolen! I hate that farmers don't get the right price for a raw product that almost induces them to use artificial growth hormones/pesticides etc to break even if at all, not all of us want cheap food, but not all are in the position to choose. I don't mind roosters crowing, I have my own lol! BUT, I hate that this thread has turned so nasty and that Wagtail is struggling with what seems like excessive noise pollution and it's OK for people to knock what she is going through in such a vindictive manner.

Thank you. I must say one or two posters have surprised me. Reminds me of being back at school which is a real shame.


Well-Known Member
3 July 2007
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I haven't seen anyone being vindictive, doubters maybe but that is the nature of a forum. I think it has been mentioned before that maybe after addressing the issues with the landowner if this fails then report it to environmental health. Also, the gamekeeper has shown OP how to turn off the gas gun, the alternative would be to have a contact number for the farmer and when the gun is going off in the night, phone the farmer, it's actually a fairly simple thing to do.


Well-Known Member
1 June 2011
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I haven't seen anyone being vindictive, doubters maybe but that is the nature of a forum. I think it has been mentioned before that maybe after addressing the issues with the landowner if this fails then report it to environmental health. Also, the gamekeeper has shown OP how to turn off the gas gun, the alternative would be to have a contact number for the farmer and when the gun is going off in the night, phone the farmer, it's actually a fairly simple thing to do.
