Body found dumped on side of the road near Blue Barn,Ashford!!!


Well-Known Member
16 January 2009
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Funerals are very expensive too perhaps that is the next thing(a friend of mine drove over a body dumped on North circular a few years ago, it had been run over many times, but no worry its dead). Cant pay, wont pay. Tax payer mug foots the bill. All seems like a great idea. Someone elses problem now. If you dont want to look after it get rid of it...even children can be got rid of to right department ..which in many cases would be the ideal!

I'm quite amazed at it doesnt matter brigade. It does as they will do it again.


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19 November 2012
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While I do not agree with fly tipping, surely stringing up is a bit harsh! I had to ring the environmental health department last week about rubbish being left at the side of the road behind my office. The bags were split and were being investigated by an ever increasing number of rats :eek: While I feel that it is irresponsible to leave unwanted items of any sort by the side of the road,it's hardly a capital offence!

Seriously, is it the same :eek:


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23 September 2004
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Was the horse dumped or did it escape from a field and get hit by a car ? The owners may not notice until they check their horses later on.

I've seen dead horses, cattle, dogs and cats on the side of the road but didn't automatically assume they were dumped or neglected.

There's a fair few pheasants and foxes dumped if that's the case.


Well-Known Member
8 January 2006
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I'm quite amazed at it doesnt matter brigade. It does as they will do it again.

I'm not sure anyone is saying it doesn't matter, more that in the general scheme of things this may not be as drastic as it first appeared. & that there are actually far worse things happening to horses than their remains being dumped so that theie former owners can avoid having to pay disposal costs.

Of course it isn't right, & yes someone (in this instance it'll be the council tax payers) will end up having to pay for the disposal.


Well-Known Member
19 November 2012
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In the big scheme of things yes i think.
Its not something i would do but not everyone is like me out there in the real world.

Personally comparing a few dumped bags of rubbish at the back of an office isnt really the same as a body of a young horse being found, but each to their own.


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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I'm quite amazed at it doesnt matter brigade. It does as they will do it again.

I don't think any-one has said it doesn't matter, rather that there is no cruelty involved in dumping a dead horse's body at the side of the road and, in some cases, that the thread title is somewhat OTT, especially as it first appeared to be about a human body.

I don't approve of fly-tipping of any kind, so, yes, it does matter to me. But equally I don't approve of over-emotional and, I presume, racist, given that some content has been removed from OP, posts either. I prefer people to be concerned about living beings rather than fallen stock.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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the thing is horses arnt chickens or sheep thy dont " just die ".

Yes they do.

Overnight colic. Lightening strike. Power seepage from badly insulated overhead power lines. Undiagnosed infection leading to pneumonia. Heart disease (my 6 year old dropped dead on the spot with a burst aneurysm). Yew poisoning - friend lost a young horse to the neighbour's yew hedge that she hadn't realised was yew - dead in the field. Broken neck - friend found a two year old in the field stone dead, it had tripped in a field that it had been in for 2 years). Those are just the ones I know about, I'm sure there are plenty more.
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Well-Known Member
20 November 2010
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well i think that GENERALLY they dont just die . there are usuallly signs that an equine is not ok . also they MUST cost loads in vet bills first. and tbh anyone who deliberatley throws their pony on the side of a road probably didnt call a vet or care if it was ill. so not good all round


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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well i think that GENERALLY they dont just die . there are usuallly signs that an equine is not ok . also they MUST cost loads in vet bills first. and tbh anyone who deliberatley throws their pony on the side of a road probably didnt call a vet or care if it was ill. so not good all round

But the point is that it is perfectly possible that this horse escaped and was hit by a car, or that the owner simply found it dead with a broken neck. And until we know the situation, it is far too early to start accusing anyone of cruelty, never mind suggesting that they should be hanged.

I've had a horse a "perfectly healthy" horse drop dead (he hunted the month before with an aneurysm ready to pop at any time that I knew nothing about) and so have two close friends. It's not as rare as you think it is.


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3 April 2003
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I've had a horse a "perfectly healthy" horse drop dead (he hunted the month before with an aneurysm ready to pop at any time that I knew nothing about) and so have two close friends. It's not as rare as you think it is.

Agree with this - know of two young apparently healthy horses of friends drop dead unexpectedly within the last couple of years.


Well-Known Member
20 November 2010
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surely if it had been hit by a car , the car would be pretty much damaged and police called ? yes i agree things happen , of course, but the fact that its been thrown away and there is no upset owner points to the fact that these probably arnt great owners who care about pony welfare .


Well-Known Member
9 May 2007
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surely if it had been hit by a car , the car would be pretty much damaged and police called ? yes i agree things happen , of course, but the fact that its been thrown away and there is no upset owner points to the fact that these probably arnt great owners who care about pony welfare .

Not necessarily - car may have been uninsured or driver banned. Could have been a lorry.

We don't know it's been "thrown" away.

The owner may be absolutely devastated. How would you feel if this were your horse and unknowns on the internet are saying this sort of thing?

You don't know anything about this other than a horse is dead on the side of the road. Speculation is dangerous.

Until we know what happened let's take a deep breath and stop this mindless tabloid reaction.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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surely if it had been hit by a car , the car would be pretty much damaged and police called ? yes i agree things happen , of course, but the fact that its been thrown away and there is no upset owner points to the fact that these probably arnt great owners who care about pony welfare .

None of us have any idea.

You don't know that the police haven't been notified. They may have more to worry about right now than a horse corpse. In my area they are busy dealing with people who've rolled their cars on black ice.

You don't know there is no upset owner, s/he may be in pieces at home, s/he may have had to go to work as a paramedic and save people's lives.

In fact, you don't know diddly squat except that there is a horse corpse by the side of the road. And until we know more, there is simply no point in hysteria about bad owners.


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13 September 2005
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I don't see why the picture has been removed, it's on FB and is no different to press pics released by RSPCA etc.

We should not shy away from the realities of people who fall way short on welfare. This is an is unusual colour and the more people who see this may mean the culprits behind this sad end to a life are outed.


Well-Known Member
20 November 2010
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well im sorry i disagree. its not normal for a horse to be dead at the side of the road . and if horses " just die " then , then i think there may be a certain amount of hypocrisy going on in some posts!! not that i actually give a stuff . actually. :)


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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well im sorry i disagree. its not normal for a horse to be dead at the side of the road . and if horses " just die " then , then i think there may be a certain amount of hypocrisy going on in some posts!! not that i actually give a stuff . actually. :)

You're getting your argument a bit mixed up :)

Nobody said it was normal to find a dead horse at the side of the road.

I don't understand the rest of your post, but hey, if it floats your boat to get so wound up about cruelty that you don't know has even taken place, who are we to argue :D ?


Well-Known Member
8 January 2006
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Lamehorse, I'm curious as to why you think horses don't 'just die' (and confused by your reference to hypocrasy). What happens to wild horses who don't have owners to agonise whether injection or bullet is best, or whether to have a group or individual cremation? Do they live forever? Do all the foals born make it to maturity? You are of course entitled to your views and opinions, but be aware that they aren't very realistic............


Well-Known Member
23 June 2009
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Tbh, I can't see how a dead horse in itself is a welfare issue. As has been pointed out it is dead so cannot be suffering even if it upsets us to see it. We have absolutely no way of knowing the circumstances of it's death or even how it came to be on the side of the road. I have assumed it was dumped as a cheap disposal method but I am only guessing.
The thing is it will have to be dealt with/disposed of, which should be the owners responsibility.


Well-Known Member
24 April 2009
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..........But all advice much appreciated and a big thank you and very sorry for the lose of your girl,

Thanks, it sounds like you did all you could - I think the final moments you recount are very similar to my mare - once she went down ( in her beloved box!) I knew she wouldn't get up again - she seemed to have a series of paroxisms with tightly clamped teeth ( think some bits actually broke off ) and the thrashing started taking great chunks out of the wall but I did manage to get close and comfort her, she relaxed and that was that.

....and i have always believed it takes a true man to show his emotions.x
Aw shucks!!! (shifts feet awkwardly) I have plenty of those where horses are concerned and this one really clicked with me!

About forty ( yes forty flippin' years ago!!) I girl came into the yard at 5.00am in the worst thunderstorm in history - her mare had foaled out!!! Long story shortened, she, me and her mother got both of them in - poor little new born looked completely drowned but I did everything I could think of - body massage, body heat and mouth to mouth - and got a little kick! Two hours later the new filly was standing and we all had a good cry!!! Two women I'd never met before in my life!

Going to take my daughter & husband to see Tosca at Covent Garden in March so that'll be more emotions!


Well-Known Member
20 November 2010
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you know , i just posted a comment , thats all, so why the heck do several of you feel the need to " start " . some of the post are a small bit aggressive , the way i read them . im not going to go into what i mean by the hypocrisy bit as we will all be here all night , so just ignore it. for those who dont get my post in general , i merely meant that if the pony had been dumped , as it looks like it may have , then it probably didnt have great owners . thats all !!! and i personally think that horses dont just die like chickens and sheep do . my opinion . crikey you lot are like dogs at a bone . i find it funny , but others can get upset and put off commenting . do you think thats fair ?? maybe i should start another post asking that ! lol .


Well-Known Member
14 January 2008
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i merely meant that if the pony had been dumped , as it looks like it may have , then it probably didnt have great owners . thats all !!!

Yup, that is how I read it. :)

Also upsetting to see any animal dead on the road let alone something as big as a pony.
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Well-Known Member
8 January 2006
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Sorry? Please quote the posts that you've found agressive? I've asked you a question based on what you have posted on this subject because I am genuinely interested in the experiences you have had that have led you to hold your point of view. I found your suggestion that those who had a differing point of view to your own were being hypocritical mildly offensive, but other than that fail to see any agression. There's lots of common sense though - does that count as agression these days?


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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you know , i just posted a comment , thats all, so why the heck do several of you feel the need to " start "

You posted 5 comments arguing a point of view which I don't agree with.

We are allowed not to agree with you, so do we have to have the "you're picking on me" card played by yet another person who simply doesn't want to be disagreed with?

I struggle to find aggression in anything anyone has posted in response to you. I can see insult in several of your posts reponding to us though :(


Well-Known Member
9 May 2007
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i merely meant that if the pony had been dumped , as it looks like it may have , then it probably didnt have great owners . thats all !!! .

If that is what you meant then I am sure we all agree. ;) That's not how your posts came across.

Your post about 'horses don't just die' could be perceived as insensitive hence the 'yes they do' comments. A number of people here, myself included, have had much loved horses drop dead and we are not bad owners.

I stick to my opinion that until we know what happened; it's wrong to speculate.