Boot recommendations?


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9 July 2021
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Tonight when I was doing some free jumping with my pony noticed he was landing quite hard (18 years old but over jumps out of sheer excitement) He always wears tendon boots but they don’t seem quality and I’m worried they’re not providing adequate protection, I also heard his shoes catching which I think means he needs bell boots too?
What’s the best tendon and bell boots out there? Don’t mind pricey as long as it protects him I’m happy. Unsure whether to get him fetlock boots though as I’ve heard they can make the horse jump higher which I don’t want for once ? Thank you!!!


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13 April 2008
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Remember tendon boots don’t offer any protection from ‘landing hard’. They only offer strike protection from the hind hoof against the tendon. In terms of offering support of sorts to the tendon you are looking at bandages, or sports medicine boots will offer a degree of support too. Professional choice are probably the best although there are plenty of ‘copies’ available. In terms of overreach boots I’d look for no turn ones. Again professional choice make good ones but so do lots of others, premier equine ones are well made and good value for money. However if he is landing hard and forging while loose jumping id also suggest getting him to slow down. Perhaps poles and grids would help him think about where his feet are rather than rushing ?

ETA fetlock boots are just short brushing boots- they shouldn’t impact on jumping in any way, again they just offer some protection from knocks.