Boring insurance question


Well-Known Member
15 October 2015
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Having had several claims in the last 2 years, my insurance premiums are now pretty high. Kissing Spines, laminitis and osteoarthritis (whole body) are now excluded. Cushings would be covered, but laminitis resulting from it would not be.

Horse is nearly 17; I've pulled his shoes and sent him off to barefoot rehab track livery for 6-12 months and hope he'll be capable of a ridden career after that. If he doesn't come sound enough to ride I'll retire him. I wouldn't put him through colic (or any other extensive/invasive) surgery. I won't put him through extensive periods of box rest, he really doesn't cope - so no longer than a few days or a week absolute maximum. So if he did a tendon or similar... it would be either heal in the field (or on the track) or PTS I'm afraid.

So, my options are, I could:
- go onto a veteran policy with my current provider - insuring him for injury/theft only, up to £3k per claim, plus loss of horse up to £500.
- carry on with existing policy and exclusions - so colic or any other illnesses/diseases covered, £5k per claim, loss of horse.
- move to a different cheaper provider - wary of them not paying out though! NFU have been so brilliant to deal with throughout.
- get just a catastrophe policy from KBIS or such like - though I wouldn't do colic surgery anyway, so it would just be accidental injury, joint flushing, and pastern/pedal bone fractures. Better off with veteran cover?!
- something else?

I don't have a massive pot of money to keep throwing at him - but then I wouldn't do some of the very expensive vet treatments anyway. Just trying to work out the most sensible option really. Any advice gladly received :)


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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yeah i agree with Fiona. I think the 5k limit at this point, where you wouldn't opt for surgery, is probably throwing money away.
at his age, one of mine was still doing field-wheelies and getting soft tissue injuries. The 3k would have covered all of my scans during the rehab, and also a big chunk of the keyhole surgery she had.


Well-Known Member
18 November 2012
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What is the veteran cover? Is it only for injury?
Mine is 17 and exempt from laminitis and anything relating to it including cushings even through he doesn’t have it(?) so I took him off the policy and joined Harry hall vet cover which covers injury only and includes personal and public liability. They are legit and are part of either kbis or seib. It works out at £3 per month and one up front payment of £75 for the year. Anything else like yourself would be paid via credit card/payment plan at the vets or i wouldn’t go through with it.


Well-Known Member
15 October 2015
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Oh wow that is super cheap, hm!

Veteran cover is for injury (wounds/fractures - no tendon sprains or strains), theft, and costs of having horse PTS etc. I've switched him onto it - saving nearly £90 a month!! So will just pop that in a savings pot for any other vet treatments he requires. I've stuck with NFU for now but will bear that Harry Hall one in mind. I have personal and public liability through the BHS, but guess if I got the HH one I wouldn't need that...


Well-Known Member
9 March 2008
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Oh wow that is super cheap, hm!

Veteran cover is for injury (wounds/fractures - no tendon sprains or strains), theft, and costs of having horse PTS etc. I've switched him onto it - saving nearly £90 a month!! So will just pop that in a savings pot for any other vet treatments he requires. I've stuck with NFU for now but will bear that Harry Hall one in mind. I have personal and public liability through the BHS, but guess if I got the HH one I wouldn't need that...
My petplan veteran covers my girl for any injury, have made 2 claims for lameness both of which have been paid out.


Well-Known Member
15 October 2015
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My petplan veteran covers my girl for any injury, have made 2 claims for lameness both of which have been paid out.

Ooh really? Going to check them out now. Was wary of cancelling and starting insurance with whole new provider as think there is a charge.... will need to have a look at that. Thanks!

Edited to say, just looked at Petplan website and they only cover up to £1500. It's such a minefield, I hate looking at stuff like this and trying to weigh up what disasters I think are most likely to happen! Argh!


Well-Known Member
15 March 2016
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World horse welfare does something, I'm with them for my third party cover but they have some sort of catastrophe cover too


Well-Known Member
13 March 2010
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I gave up insuring mine when he reached 17 as so much was excluded due to his age. I wouldn’t put him through a colic op, nor any other major op. I’m lucky enough to have some savings for an emergency though.


Well-Known Member
1 June 2007
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I have robin insured and have always had my horses insured. I have definitely got more out of the insurance than i have paid in premiums. They paid for loss of animal when i lost soli allowing me to buy robin. They did not pay out for minto as he was pts due to pre existing tendon injury, although they paid for the colic caused by the danilon needed by the tendon injury.

I am torn with robin as due to his refusal to box rest this limits what treatment he would get. I wouldnt do colic surgery. Also if i did loose him i wouldnt be replacing him. Atm he only has exclusion for wolf teeth so will carry on insuring for now.