Breathing support supplements please.


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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My old school EDT always puts 'something', which I presume to be Hibiscrub because it comes up as pink and foaming, into his freshly run bucket of water and all his tools go in there before use. They go back in the bucket for another soak as he swaps tools as he works.

I suppose that there are clear alternatives, possibly? But dental tools absolutely should be cleaned and sterilised somehow in between horses.


Well-Known Member
27 October 2020
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I saw someone put dried garlic in the feed for a coughy wheezy horse. Within seconds the horse was coughing out and it cleared its airways almost immediatley. She said it really worked.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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It didn't foam at all TP, that's what made me suspicious. I'm writing to the practice, I've decided. And if I have to get the vet out I'll probably be doing a strangles test too, my friend's horse with strangles presented exactly the same way, bright eyed and bushy tailed with a cough and cream snot. If it's an infection it can't be anything but the dentist, he hasn't been anywhere since mid November and I've been nowhere near any other horses either.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Goods news this morning. Snot now in bits not in big blobs. 1/3 cream 1/3 white and 1/3 clear, so that's a huge improvement. I rode him for 20 minutes quietly, long and low trot and canter, to get him to blow it clear and he was breathing well, just snorting with the occasional cough.

I haven't changed anything, so this has to be an infection that he is getting on top of, and the only place he can possibly have caught it, given his and my isolation and the timing, is that dental work.

I am not happy, but it could have been a lot worse.

If he isn't a lot better again by Wednesday I'll go fetch a supplement, so thanks for all the recommendations.