I'm Dun
Well-Known Member
Do you know what? It’s actually very dull. I have three 2 year olds out in the field. They just need to live out with each other and kind of just amble round the field. It’s not really demanding or hard work and there also isn’t that much reward in it! I do it because I like to breed my own horses and I have 10 spare acres to run them on (they absolutely must be out 24/7 all year round, or in an appropriate group housing set up for the worst of the winter)
I was just about to say the same thing. Youngsters especially in the early years are boring. They just need very basic handling and then leaving alone to grow up. Its not going to be some lovely relationship where they grow together. Aiming for that is the easiest way to ruin a baby. They need to be out with other youngsters learning from other horses, and with the humans in their life establishing the basics but mainly just letting them grow. Very, very, very, very boring for a horsemad 12yr old.
Id be sitting down and asking her what she wants from the new pony. And "the experience" isn't enough. I'd want to drill down into it. I am absolutely certain her expectations will not match the reality in the slightest.