Broken ribs!(human):(


Just passing through...
27 June 2008
Not where I should be...
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An old thread, but for anyone who reads and is in need, I strongly suggest holding a cusion to your chest / side if you have to cough or sneeze. Not too tight. It certainly helps reduce the Ow!

Disclaimer: I've only slight cracked a couple of ribs, tripping over a pair of trainers...


8 November 2018
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You have all my sympathy. Now make sure you keep well away from anybody who might have germs. I tell you from experience you really don't want a cough.
Gosh no :( i could do with getting the flu jab. Thank you for replying. Are you still riding now ? After your injury ? I'm thinking I'l never be able to do it comfortably.


8 November 2018
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An old thread, but for anyone who reads and is in need, I strongly suggest holding a cusion to your chest / side if you have to cough or sneeze. Not too tight. It certainly helps reduce the Ow!

Disclaimer: I've only slight cracked a couple of ribs, tripping over a pair of trainers...
Thank you for the advice . I'm struggling to find anyone who has ever had rib fixation after a horse riding accident. Lots of people with broken ribs . Mine were shattered . I still can't believe How much they hurt . But I suppose I'm lucky to not be paralysed.


Too little time, too much to read.
8 May 2012
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Gosh no :( i could do with getting the flu jab. Thank you for replying. Are you still riding now ? After your injury ? I'm thinking I'l never be able to do it comfortably.
Oh yes, I still remember how much it hurt and I only broke 1 rib and it was many years ago now.All better now, it's my ankles and knees that hurt these days. I hope the OP is fine again now too.


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27 April 2004
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Ouch! I have a cracked rib at the moment and just the one is bad enough. I did mine coughing. I didn't even know it was possible - but a nurse told me she cracked two of hers coughing in an asthma attack, so a dry violent cough can easily do it. I'm nearly 3 weeks in and coughing and sneezing are still really painful. I can now at least fart, poo and breathe without wincing, but turning in bed and exercising still painful - I'm a runner and have to take painkillers just before setting out. I've used ibuprofen for pain relief, as I can't take codeine or tramadol. That has barely touched it until probably the last couple of days. Definitely listen to your Doctor. They'll be fragile at the moment and if you come off again it won't take much to displace them.


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5 April 2010
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Hi there. Can anyone tell me how long does it take for broken ribs to heal,all 7 of them!:( And when I can ride!
Post season,last hunt yesterday and the grey one slipped on wet roots and apparently fell on my,only remember us slipping,me thinking ****!and that's it,must be switched off for couple of seconds:(
Meanwhile in Frimley Park. Going to toilet is...more then interesting:D
It really sore and I can fee my ribs grating on each other if I move wrong. And its really boring:(
So,sponsored ride in nearly four weeks time.Will i be up for it?
Yell your experience and stories please!

P.S.Anyone want to ride my horse while im broken? Took me so much to keep him fit over the winter! Don't want him to lose it:(

Sorry if i don't make much sence.
I broken ribs twice, though not sure how many. One was in trip over slip rails in doorway straight onto a treat ball the other wheel barrow handles went in when I slipped. It gurt really bad for about a month and a half then gradually eased off, just try not to cough


8 November 2018
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Ouch! I have a cracked rib at the moment and just the one is bad enough. I did mine coughing. I didn't even know it was possible - but a nurse told me she cracked two of hers coughing in an asthma attack, so a dry violent cough can easily do it. I'm nearly 3 weeks in and coughing and sneezing are still really painful. I can now at least fart, poo and breathe without wincing, but turning in bed and exercising still painful - I'm a runner and have to take painkillers just before setting out. I've used ibuprofen for pain relief, as I can't take codeine or tramadol. That has barely touched it until probably the last couple of days. Definitely listen to your Doctor. They'll be fragile at the moment and if you come off again it won't take much to displace them.
I know that's it , what would happen if I fell off again . Never mind the mental trauma I can't get passed . So think that's my riding days over .
Thank you for replying . Hope I can run again , I'd just done my first 5k before my accident.


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25 October 2011
South Beds
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Recently broke 4, with 2 broken in 2 places. I was very good as I had to be better in 7 weeks to do all horse duties as my friend was going on hols - and I made it! Rode at 7 weeks too (briefly and carefully) and at 10 weeks could even prod where I got kicked without feeling anything. I could feel them clicking to start with, and sneezing, coughing, laughing was agony. But the worst was getting in and out of bed. I'm nearly 60 so age was not on my side and I think doing nothing (but walking) for some time really helped them to settle and heal quickly. Frankly couldn't have done anything for 2 weeks anyway, Tramadol was essential!


8 November 2018
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Recently broke 4, with 2 broken in 2 places. I was very good as I had to be better in 7 weeks to do all horse duties as my friend was going on hols - and I made it! Rode at 7 weeks too (briefly and carefully) and at 10 weeks could even prod where I got kicked without feeling anything. I could feel them clicking to start with, and sneezing, coughing, laughing was agony. But the worst was getting in and out of bed. I'm nearly 60 so age was not on my side and I think doing nothing (but walking) for some time really helped them to settle and heal quickly. Frankly couldn't have done anything for 2 weeks anyway, Tramadol was essential!
Poor you and well done that's amazing after 7 weeks . Yes I slept Sat up for weeks even when I was getting pressure sores on my heels from legs not being flat . In and out of bed was awful . I also found 2nd gear was horrendous when I finally drove after 9 weeks . Although I did take and still am struggling as I had sepis after my rib fixation so had to have more surgery to remove infection :((


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25 October 2011
South Beds
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Poor you and well done that's amazing after 7 weeks . Yes I slept Sat up for weeks even when I was getting pressure sores on my heels from legs not being flat . In and out of bed was awful . I also found 2nd gear was horrendous when I finally drove after 9 weeks . Although I did take and still am struggling as I had sepis after my rib fixation so had to have more surgery to remove infection :((
I didn't need the fixation - they let me out of hospital after 2 days when they decided my ribs were going to stay put. Your accident sounds a lot worse than mine!


8 November 2018
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I didn't need the fixation - they let me out of hospital after 2 days when they decided my ribs were going to stay put. Your accident sounds a lot worse than mine!
I was trampled . So 3 were totally crushed . Had to plate them so they were still attached to me . The clicking and grinding :( still hurts to breathe and sneeze. The worst is the tightness of it all . Like concrete ribcage .


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26 February 2007
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About five to seven weeks to heal, but I was told you must wait til it no longer hurts to breathe, cough, sneeze or hiccup before riding. Otherwise you risk dislodging a partially healed rib and could be in danger of puncturing your lung. I've twice had ribs broken and I sympathise!


8 November 2018
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About five to seven weeks to heal, but I was told you must wait til it no longer hurts to breathe, cough, sneeze or hiccup before riding. Otherwise you risk dislodging a partially healed rib and could be in danger of puncturing your lung. I've twice had ribs broken and I sympathise!
Thank you. Good advice . Gives me a aim 😊


8 November 2018
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I haven't took pain killers for months as they are only good for short term use . I stopped in September. Trying to work more with physio and keeping movement free hard with so much scar tissue though!