Bucking problem


Well-Known Member
5 December 2010
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she looks very sweet and she is very lucky you took her on . I wouldn't be happy riding her until she gets a bit more muscle built up, she looks very weak. I also would not be feeding her more and more cereal. we get skinny rescue horses in, and the best thing you can do is make sure their teeth are done by dentist and then give them constant access to good forage. for putting weight on I'd tend to keep feeds very simple, and just add linseed and oils. when they are skinny, we don't ride them, mainly because you need them to use all calories to gain weight and condition, and exercise will make them use up calories. if she was mine I would stop riding and just keep doing inhand and groundwork, that will help her build muscle and strengthen her back. there are loads of good you tube videos about pole work and groundwork. she would really benefit from that
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Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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She’s a rescue, her blood tests came in and she’s healthy, but she’s still a bit on the skinny side in the hind end and she still needs a little the extra weight. We will remove the corn and give her a cup of barley (instead of 2) with the supplements in a few weeks. Everything we’re doing has been recommended by the vet and our trainer.

She looks lovely but terribly thin. I wouldn't be riding her until she has built up a lot more muscle if she was mine. It isn't really surprising if she is showing resistance to being asked to work, with that lack of muscle. I don't think she should be being labelled as having behavioural issues at the moment, because there's plenty going on physically to account for it.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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I am another who would stop riding her but I would walk walk walk beside her getting her to stretch her back and neck .
I would walk over uneven terrain as much as possible .


Well-Known Member
14 September 2011
She's got no muscle to carry a rider - as others have said forage, and plenty of it, vits and mins, check protein levels and feed oil too in some form eg linseed. I would take 1-3 months to do in hand work, get her fed well, and get some topline on her. As for a vet making a saddle fitting recommendation, I'd not take too much notice. She needs muscle, not a super heavy western saddle. Then look again at the saddle, she'll have changed shape massively by then, she needs to.