Clydesdale fans?

Ancient Hacker

Well-Known Member
12 January 2012
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I am loving this thread! It is so nice to have a positive thread instead of people and their horror stories of falling off, or buying a nightmare horse haha! Keep the lovely pics coming folks :)

I agree wholeheartedly, but I fear that this is going to become a very expensive thread for me :D My mind is set on a pair of Clydesdales! It was only last week that there was ONE Clydie being contemplated, for my hubby. I blame DarenCogdon, mainly, for the imminently parlous state of my finances :eek:


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
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phew !! just caught up with all of this :D

What a lovely thread i love the breed such a strong magnificant but sweet hearted breed :)

Our recent foal has had a few suggestions of Clydesdale cross Cob she was a bogof so sire unknown !! If it's okay can i post a picture and see if any of you clydie owners agree or not ? we are totally unsure apart from her being very leggy, chuncky and bum high at 1 week old


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28 April 2013
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Expensive is not the word! Every thing is XXXXXXXL including shoes!!!!!

But well worth it ;)


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28 April 2013
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Claire, I live near Edinburgh. There are at least two Clydesdale breeders within 50mi of me - Tom Tennant in the Borders, and Ronnie Black (Collessie) in Fife. It was from Collessie that Martin Clunes got his two Clydies from a couple of years back (and I must have just missed him at the Highland Show that year!)

And I've lost count of how many Clydesdales I've ridden, never mind met, over the years! :D

Spangle's real dad is Collessie cut, big big lad

Ancient Hacker

Well-Known Member
12 January 2012
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Please keep the gorgeousness coming! Spanglesdad has been delightfully frank.... "Expensive is not the word" etc.
With all the hugeness, what size stables do these goliaths need? :eek:


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9 January 2012
Farnham, Surrey
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Yep, keep the piccies coming.

I agree that they cost the earth. Over the winter my boy was eating 3 or 4 big round bales of hay a month plus copious amounts of hard feed. His shoes aren't too bad in comparison to others (£125) for a full set, but wormers, vacs etc is all double and of course there is the pig oil & sulphur costs & 4 Dectomax jabs a year.

Tack hasn't been too bad for us as my saddle fitter sourced & fitted a med wide saddle, girths can be difficult to come by and I'm still looking for a nice leather bridle, which I think I've now found thanks to recommendations on here. It didn't cross my mind when I first got Robbie that reins need to be 66" each to accommodate the Clydie neck and head collars are 2XXL & need a 10ft lead rope to stop the big beasts catching your feet.

AH my boy is in a 15x15 and has plenty of room to move around although he doesn't actually lay down.

Ancient Hacker

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12 January 2012
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Thank you DarenCogdon - I don't know how you do it, but please keep sharing the vault. That wee foal is irresistible.
I'm loving this thread; since I know so little about Clydies it's giving me a chance to see such a variety! :D:D:D
Are you going to share more Clydie jumping vids too? I was impressed at your taking the jump at a canter, because in my head I couldn't imagine such a heavy horse would get the stride. Fabulous!


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16 August 2006
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I'm glad you're not bored of the photos yet! :D

These are ONLY the photos I have on Facebook, mind! There's probably a thousand more on Photobucket...!!

I have a couple of videos of someone else jumping Bracken. Will see if I can find them!

I also have some other clips of Clydesdales, if anyone wants to see them...?

Ancient Hacker

Well-Known Member
12 January 2012
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I'm glad you're not bored of the photos yet! :D

These are ONLY the photos I have on Facebook, mind! There's probably a thousand more on Photobucket...!!

I have a couple of videos of someone else jumping Bracken. Will see if I can find them!

I also have some other clips of Clydesdales, if anyone wants to see them...?

Why the question KNOW can't get enough of these pics!! And of course the other Clydesdale-devotees joining in is such a delight. :D

Ancient Hacker

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12 January 2012
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Daren, that lip-twitching is absolutely classic. Sovereign is beautiful - am i dreaming or is he a well-known sire? Forgive me if I'm confused... aside of being tired, I'm trying to work out who's producing the most gorgeous Clydesdales in Scotland - for my own nefarious and bank-busting purposes! ;)


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16 August 2006
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I dunno about well known, but his owner might be, especially seeing as he was the president of the Clydesdale Horse Society for a while! He's been in the Clydesdale business for years (I've seen a photo of him with a Clydie when he was still a kid!), yet strangely he's never wanted to ride one!

Ancient Hacker

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12 January 2012
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I dunno about well known, but his owner might be, especially seeing as he was the president of the Clydesdale Horse Society for a while! He's been in the Clydesdale business for years (I've seen a photo of him with a Clydie when he was still a kid!), yet strangely he's never wanted to ride one!

Daren, Sovereign's well-known on this thread, maybe! :D The truth is I've been trawling the web like a creature possessed trying to look at the various breeders, and breeding-lines etc. My problem is that being a TB owner it's easy to find the breeding-lines (in my view all the best ones trace back to Northern Dancer) but Clydies are a whole different world for me.

What started off as a minor diversion to find a quiet Clydesdale for my husband to ride has somehow evolved into an international mission to get, well, more than one. And if I'm going to the bother (and scary expense) of importing I'd better do my homework as I know nothing about the breed at all.

My husband says "DarenCogdon I'll have you guts for garters":D:D:D
He's secretly delighted because he wants to ride, thinks my ex-racers are terrifying, and labours under some misapprehensions (all Clydesdales are bombproof angels...)

Clydielovers, please feel free to throw ideas, advice etc in my general direction. I LOVE this thread!


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24 June 2008
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Having just read all posts i have to admit im a fan now but tut tut hovis's mum. i saw your comment.tut tut what would the gorgeous superstar hovis say if he read that. his poor ego lol :)


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16 August 2006
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Daren, Sovereign's well-known on this thread, maybe! :D The truth is I've been trawling the web like a creature possessed trying to look at the various breeders, and breeding-lines etc. My problem is that being a TB owner it's easy to find the breeding-lines (in my view all the best ones trace back to Northern Dancer) but Clydies are a whole different world for me.

What started off as a minor diversion to find a quiet Clydesdale for my husband to ride has somehow evolved into an international mission to get, well, more than one. And if I'm going to the bother (and scary expense) of importing I'd better do my homework as I know nothing about the breed at all.

My husband says "DarenCogdon I'll have you guts for garters":D:D:D
He's secretly delighted because he wants to ride, thinks my ex-racers are terrifying, and labours under some misapprehensions (all Clydesdales are bombproof angels...)

Clydielovers, please feel free to throw ideas, advice etc in my general direction. I LOVE this thread!

You can pick up many of the stud books fairly easily (though not sure about cheaply!) on eBay etc. Google the Clydesdale Horse Society (if you don't have one in your neck of the woods, of course) and you should be able to get some more info, too.

If it helps, the guy who owns Sovereign and Storm has exported horses all over the place - including to Budweiser...!!

Ancient Hacker

Well-Known Member
12 January 2012
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DC, well-spotted for the "Save the Clydesdale" link. The Nickweb Stud appears to have recently migrated and taken itself off to Canada, instead of remaining HERE where we need more Clydies.

Short of possibly breaking some rule or other, if anyone feels inclined to suggest UK breeders to me, I'd really welcome a pm. :)

Meantime, any more pics lurking in any vaults? It's a cold and miserable Sunday in my neck of the woods, so I do need some cheering up!