Well-Known Member
When I first moved to my livery yard I had a lot of snotty remarks (behind my back of course) about how she was nothing special etc. etc. and tbh no she wasn't "something special" in the sense that she didn't go out winning all the time and look like the prettiest thing alive or have a nice big "Z" or other assorted brands on her rear end. But to me she was and is wonderful. She was so good for nervous riders, jumped 1m20 with ease and although she was a spooky old nag she was probably one of the safest horses to hack out. Jumped clear round XC without prior schooling (ever) loaded every time stood for hours at a show by herself without fussing. But she wasn't a dead kick along, she was THE most forward going horse on the yard and had such a spring in her, she was, IMO the bestest horsey in the world. having said that I've owned her for 6 years now and vet bills are nearing £7k wouldn't swap her for the world, I love my coobylob