Well-Known Member
I carry myself am responsible for my weight in trot, I try to absorb the sitting part of rising trot and not bear down when sitting, I do use my seat bones as and when needed, but at the same time I want to feel the horse surge forwards underneath me, so rhythm and balance are a priority
I try to maintain a neutral body position, not learning back and certainly not forwards, both block the horse, so body in equilibrium then head and neck over body, shoulders relaxed, hips in line with rest giving a 3 point seat, which Is very secure yet not fixed it takes a lot of practice to hold the positition be poised and almost relaxe
The legs are not gripping but soft, and the hips rise forwards to let the impulsion flow through then lower to meet softly the sitting part of the trot, I try to think about how ba
Lanced it all is so can vary within the gate, collect or lengthen at will
I never ride without stirrups, I feel its a sin to bang on a horses back
Fortunately it works well for me, nicely plump arxh
I try to maintain a neutral body position, not learning back and certainly not forwards, both block the horse, so body in equilibrium then head and neck over body, shoulders relaxed, hips in line with rest giving a 3 point seat, which Is very secure yet not fixed it takes a lot of practice to hold the positition be poised and almost relaxe
The legs are not gripping but soft, and the hips rise forwards to let the impulsion flow through then lower to meet softly the sitting part of the trot, I try to think about how ba
Lanced it all is so can vary within the gate, collect or lengthen at will
I never ride without stirrups, I feel its a sin to bang on a horses back
Fortunately it works well for me, nicely plump arxh