Well-Known Member
Just wondered if I am alone in thinking this. I support a couple of local equine charities with small monthly donations to contribute for hay. I know that one of them is having a tough year, has had to give up one of their big fields and is constantly fundraising for donations towards the upkeep of their ponies. Today they posted on fb that they had one of their ponies pts and that he had been cremated and they were getting a casket with his ashes to go with alongside the other ponies that had been pts in their care and it struck me as a waste of money when they are struggling to pay for general upkeep . The cremation fee would cover hay and feed for a couple of months quite easily. Am I harsh in thinking they are wasting their supporter’s money? Should I even care? Do all equine charities do this? I feel that in this economy when charities are reliant on us to keep them afloat that our donations should be spent on essentials rather than sentiment.