Well-Known Member
Hmmm, mine is a Cleveland Bay x Irish Sports Horse... maybe Sports Cleveland
Well when you start crossing shetlands with things you just start calling them Shit...
I have never, ever, ever met a shetland cross that could be described as anything other than a butt ugly mongrel!
I do really want a Zebra cross though! They look so cool!
I seem to remember a "Pintabian" being a thing for a while, which I believe is a coloured horse with a high percentage of arab blood.
Other cross breeds I have known and loved:
-Aramara (Arab x Connemara)
-Welshmoor (Welsh x Dartmoor)
-Arab Draught (Arab x Irish Draught)
-Shetmoor (Shetland x Exmoor)
ETA: The Shetland x Exmoor just looked like a small Exmoor to be honest, nothing ugly about him!
A fusion is a part bred that is at least 25% APTO graded PRE or a PRE that cannot be registered into the full studbook. Within the PRE fusion there are further classes e.g Spanish Norman etc.I don't think pintabians are technically na cross any more as they have to be over 90 something % Arab blood and have a registry.
I am a bit confused about PRE fusions is it anything that's not a Tres sangres or hispano arabe?
My phone autocorrected tre sangres to tree dangers ... Name for a particularly tall cross breed or a drop bear? You choose!
I think the US have it down though.
Arapoloosa or walkaloosa anyone?
Baroque pinto?
Anyone know what an American single footer is?
Surely it should be an Ex(h)ale.I've seen a 'PRE Fusion' cropping up for sale on my FB feed. Wondered what on earth it was!
So I have exmoor x dales - I suppose dalesmoor isn't too ridiculous
French trait du Nord x Appaloosa - Trait du Appy I suppose
Surely it should be an Ex(h)ale.